Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 481: better to finish

I have a fever again today, damn...

Try to code words, please forgive me if the quality is poor, if there is no second update, then I fainted.


The author proficient in architecture that Park Deshuang went to has not yet been found, but Wu Xijie, the president of the film and television company, and Yin Jijun, the director of "The League of Thieves", came to kill him first.

Facts have proved that Wenrou Township is indeed a hero's grave. Even if An Zhengxun doesn't have too many affairs to ask about now, it is indeed too much to ignore important affairs. It's not that Wu Xijie and Yin Ji haven't sent text messages to report, but all they get are the replies like "I know", and they don't even have an opinion, which makes them extremely painful.

They heard that An Zhengxun was back and killed him for the same thing.

The late stage of "League of Thieves" has been completed, and the samples can be submitted for review today. Prior to this, Wu Xijie had already launched a publicity plan. In fact, the film has been continuously promoted since the casting of the film. The stills and other photos during the shooting process will appear in major entertainment newspapers and magazines every now and then, and discussions on the Internet also In full swing, the public has high expectations for the new production. Now that the review period is over, the specific release time will be announced soon. Obviously, a more formal promotion plan will be launched, such as various 1∴ catwalk promotions for actors, such as cg film broadcasts, etc. The film and television company does not know how many times it has opened for this. Yes, it has been almost a week since the publicity plan formulated and reported to An Zhengxun, and the premiere date has also been mentioned at a more suitable time. He has never seen it...

This is a big production with tens of billions of investment, even if it is placed in a Hollywood film company, it must be taken seriously. Isn't it a hundred times more important than your few small games? But what are you concerned about... The two are powerless to complain. Sitting across from Ahn Jung-hoon. Looking very resentful.

"Okay, okay. Don't look at me with that kind of eyes..." An Zhengxun helplessly spread his hands: "Actually, you didn't turn the corner yourself."

The two were stunned: "How do you say?"

"Film promotion, to be honest, is something that the film company should decide on its own. What is the head office involved in... Have you ever seen Lee Jae-hyun instructing the promotion draft of a CJ film? It's just us, the previous affairs are almost It's up to me to make the final decision. You are used to it. It's okay to encounter small things, but once it involves a big production, you will be discouraged. I don't dare to let go and do it myself.

"Um..." The two were speechless.

"In the past, anyone can be without An Zhengxun, but An Zhengxun can't be without." An Zhengxun said lightly: "I hope that in the future, it can become, and no one can be without An Zhengxun."

The two looked at each other and sighed, knowing An Zhengxun's determination to retire one day. In fact, it's a good thing for them, An Zhengxun is here, and everyone is suppressed too much. I couldn't find my own sense of existence, but now I seem to have found it... But why does everyone feel a little reluctant to give up? There seemed to be no words for him. Everyone is a little shy...

An Zhengxun added: "Of course, I'm not right compared to Lee Jae-hyun. His cj is a business group and has many aspects to take care of, and we are purely an entertainment company. If I don't even care about this, what should I care about? So I Reply, I understand, that means it passed, you just let it go. If you reply otherwise, it means that there is a problem with your draft. "

Wu Xijie smiled bitterly: "Yes, I understand."

An Zhengxun added: "The promotion of the catwalk involves inviting singers to cooperate with the performance. You discussed with Park Renxi, and it involves overseas promotion, and you need to coordinate with Zhang Zhongfan. I have been asking about these details. I should make the decision."


"I'm tired of being around you, not because I think their rankings are more important than the movie, but because...that's actually just my personal business..." An Zhengxun said helplessly: "Like recently, Lee Jae-hyun and my eldest brother played golf for two days. , also join the club in the evening, don't think they are playing some high-level business communication, in fact, they are spanking from beginning to end. Although their spanking is useful, I accompany my sister... also useful for me, that's all ."

"Okay..." Wu Xijie said with a wry smile: "It's true that we misunderstood, thinking that there was a problem with your judgment in business affairs, which led to the wrong focus..."

"It was caused by my own public-private entanglement, no wonder you." An Zhengxun shook his head: "I also apologize."

The two stood up: "Don't dare."

An Zhengxun waved his hand: "If there is no accident, it should take a second to submit it for trial. I have read your report. The premiere is planned to be on June 6th. It's ok, just advertise it as such."

"Yes." Wu Xijie said again: "Shen Yuzhe expressed his interest in "My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox" and said that he planned to direct it himself. Let me ask you when the launch plan is."

"That...it's one of the iron proofs that I don't distinguish between public and private." An Zhengxun spread his hands: "That's a script I specially wrote for some people, and the main actors have been pre-determined. Come back from Japan and talk about it."


"No, Lin Yun'er."

The two are powerless to complain. This is so special. For one person, the start time of the whole drama was suppressed. If it was justified for their own family, it turned out to be for the s*m family. You really don’t have the degree of separation between public and private. .

"But if Yuzhe is really interested, you can start making preparations now."

"Well, then I'll answer him." The two got up and prepared to leave.

An Zhengxun said with a smile: "Since everyone is here, what's going on with the film and television company, let's hear it as soon as we say it."

"It's nothing special. The rest of the situation is related to the music company. For example, the response of "dream" was very good, and even the acting skills of several leading actors were praised, which is a rare evaluation in idol dramas , Suzy and Eunjing will have a bright future on the screen in the future."

An Zhengxun smiled and said, "Don't underestimate it. Suzy's acting skills are very talented, and she can really be promoted as an actor. Besides, t-ara is not only Eunjing who can act."

"Well, it's true. Zhiyan's "Death Exam 2" has already been released, and the box office is average, but Zhiyan's acting skills are quite positive. Baolan went to "The Quiz King", it seems that the filming has not been finished yet, but her acting skills are also well received. It was well received by the crew." Wu Xijie laughed: "I said, Mr. President, t-ara is really a group, not an actor group? I think with them, there is no need to train new actresses."

"So..." An Zhengxun suddenly said shamelessly: "Isn't it normal for me to abandon the company for personal reasons for these miraculous girls!"

Wu Xijie and Yin Jijun were stunned.

Well, your mb's, it's not listed anyway, it's your private company, it's none of our business even if you fail...

"Speaking of rookie actresses... what happened to my goddaughter?"

My goddaughter, if I say this to a music company, everyone's first reaction will be Pei Xiuzhi. But when he said it in front of Wu Xijie, he immediately thought of another little girl.

"danee..." Wu Xijie organized the language and said in a low voice: "A born artist seedling, the performance of the rookie class is excellent in singing and dancing examinations, and she is very young at a young age, like a class flower, I dare not tell others. She's your daughter, I'm worried that the little girl has no friends to make."

"No one bullied her, right?"

"She raised her arms and shouted, children gathered, and she burned a high incense without bullying others..."

This time, it was An Zhengxun who was stunned. He never thought that this little girl was so awesome...

"It doesn't seem appropriate for me to visit her on purpose. Xijie, go and call her over for me."

"Better not..." Wu Xijie hesitated~lightnovelpub.net~Why? "

"The little girl came to your office... I'm afraid it will be bad for her reputation."

"Pfft..." An Zhengxun stretched out a forefinger and pointed straight at himself: "Do the people below look at me like this?"


An Zhengxun was furious: "But my danee is only eleven years old! I really am! Fuck your sister! Am I that kind of person!"

"That... It's a long-term process to turn everyone's attention, and during this process, the president grows tired of being around the little girls all day long, so he can only reinforce the impression... The president, please mourn."

"Even if I didn't eat it well!"

"I thought to myself...you might as well finish it, anyway, the pot has been carried for a long time." (To be continued..)
