Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 482: so coquettish

Wu Xijie and Yin Jijun were about to leave, when Pu Deshuang brought the writer in: "President, you want a writer who understands architecture."

Yin Jijun was suddenly shocked: "President! Script?"

An Zhengxun glanced at him: "Actually, it's just a script that doesn't differentiate between public and private... Are you interested? So, anyway, come here, let's take a look together. De Shuang, go and call Jiang Jiongzhe."

after an hour.

Hearing An Zhengxun's idea, Yin Jijun and the troubled Jiang Jiongzhe looked at each other for a long time, and finally Yin Jijun sighed: "Mr. President, if you really want to retire one day, I don't think it will be a change of the situation, but the whole situation. A major loss for the Korean entertainment industry."

"It's not so outrageous." An Zhengxun looked at the table in a trance, and said slowly, "People are more valuable than themselves."

It's hard for Yin Jijun and Jiang Jiongzhe to understand An Zhengxun's achievements and always feel that he is not talented enough. In fact, it is even more difficult for An Zhengxun to understand the mentality of the transcendental seniors who copied other people's things and feel that the boss of the sky is his second child... He knows , The actual talent, I have, but not enough, far from enough.

"Introduction to Architecture" is not a very good movie, but it is definitely a movie that can resonate with many people. It even abandons "Speed ​​Scandal" or "Yang-vguang Sister Tao" for commercial purposes. And filled with funny elements, there are youth between the lines. Such films, no matter what the box office will be in the future, can already be attributed to the category of art.

That is, after returning to South Korea, An Zhengxun first involved the field of art, not a commercial film full of copper smell.

Overall, it's a story about first love... almost everyone has experienced it on their own or with a friend. The kind of first love that never ends due to various practical reasons. They each had a family after they were adults. Occasionally recalled, still full of green mint flavor, and a touch of nostalgia.

For Han Jiaren, it reflects more.

The heroine's marriage is not happy. After the divorce, she goes to find her youthful first love. Is it to fulfill a dream of the past, or to seek a spiritual sustenance, maybe the heroine herself can't tell the difference. But the reality is that the male protagonist also has the other half, and even if he misses her again in his heart, he cannot betray the current woman.

Holding the preliminary structure of the script, Han Jiaren read and read, and then her eyes fell on An Zhengxun.

Every word can find his own reality projection, except that he is not his first love.

But it is also better than first love, at least she has found sustenance in reality.



"Can you...can you act?"

"Not to mention acting skills...I'm not suitable."

"That's right..." Han Jiaren sighed faintly, and her eyes fell on the script again: "As you said, this movie should be made by me. Maybe I don't need acting skills to interpret it."

"For me. Reality is much more beautiful than art. This is the biggest gain of my life, An Zhengxun." An Zhengxun put his arms around her waist and rubbed his lips against her ear: "Because I don't have to make a choice, I can have it all ."

"Yes..." Han Jiaren grabbed his hand silently and took the initiative to put it into her clothes.

An Zhengxun played with her body, and suddenly said: "Yan Zhengxun's agency has a problem, and now his life is hard, what do you think?"

Han Jiaren was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Help him, at least help him change to a reliable company."

"Oh, you're not afraid of me being jealous."

"You know my heart."

"You're so kind... It's really a blessing that he has cultivated in his predecessors, Yan Zhengxun."

Han Jiaren was silent again, and suddenly said, "Come on... I want you."

An Zhengxun lowered his head and kissed her lips, and the trembling lips showed her inner restlessness.

Songs can blow people's hearts, and so can scripts.

Han Jiaren didn't know whether she should regret asking him for such a script, or she should be glad that she was able to star in it in her lifetime.

In short... don't think about it now, indulge in his violent storm, can forget a lot.

What Han Jiaren saw was just the outline, and the actual script was not perfected so efficiently. When An Zhengxun plunged into thinking and perfecting the "Introduction to Architecture", the time outside did not stop because of their various feelings.

The film "League of Thieves", which has been in production for more than half a year, has been reviewed and approved, and its premiere time is scheduled for June 6, and the overwhelming publicity has begun.

People know that the long-awaited movie is finally here, and film and television companies are not just fooling people with idol dramas...

From May 20th to 23rd, they won two consecutive championships on major stages. On the 24th, the new song "" was released, and the music industry was surging, and it was no longer a situation of competing with 2pm.

The aspect was unmoved and continued to play songs, and even the subsidiary company released a preview of blue's new song "", which seemed to be too lively. The blue captain Zheng Rong-hwa's popularity soared due to his participation in the important male No. 2 of "Dream", which drove the team's awareness to rise steadily, and the effect was no worse than the previous life's "I Knot". While the TV series is on the air, it makes sense to come out and get involved at the moment.

In fact, "dream" has only 16 episodes in total, and it is about to end. While the industry was speculating about whether there is still momentum to borrow without this TV series, the spokesperson revealed that President An is personally writing a movie script, and it is expected that Pei Xiuzhi will play an important role in it.

The industry was silent for a moment, then banged.

It is not uncommon for An Zhengxun to act in a movie script written by himself. In "Sunshine Sisters", there are four actors in two generations, and they also act in a similar way, there is no problem. The problem is that only Pei Xiuzhi was announced this time. In the context of her previous support of Pei Xiuzhi's acting resources, it can only represent that the tone of this movie is completely different from that of the "Sunshine Sisters" gang. It may be the type that requires extremely high acting skills and is only supported by a few leading actors...

Is Pei Xiuzhi okay? What is this new movie about?

I was about to cry at 2pm. TV shows don’t have to be fired, so they fire movies, right? Seeing that there is a great chance of hitting the list in the next issue, what's the point of playing like this?

From May 29 to June 1, they lost another 2pm and won three consecutive championships on the three major stages. Even those who participated in Inkigayo for the first time on June 1 had a big somersault, allowing Leisurely to take the Inkiyo triple crown successfully.

No chance for revenge, I announced that the black version of "hush" will end here, take a week off, and see you on the white version...

I'm about to cry too, don't bring such a play... There is a kind of don't go, the decisive battle will be until dawn!

As a result, the one who fought with them until dawn was replaced by blue, June 5th, m! , Since I quit with 2pm, I thought I was invincible. As a result, a shoe fell from the sky and hit my forehead. The boat capsized in the gutter, and Blue quietly picked one away.

The industry is stunned, this blue is a bit awesome... Silent, can you face the anus? Is this a new group? Monster, right? It's all monsters, right?

They were also stunned. Just when they were holding back their anger and planning to find their way back to the music bank tomorrow, no one in the whole of Korea paid any attention to this stage.

Because this day, June 6, "The Thieves" premiered.

Even after himself ~lightnovelpub.net~ angrily slaughtered blue and took revenge, he opened various websites to search for the news of the premiere of "League of Thieves". It is conceivable to what extent the national attention this film has aroused. The victory or defeat of a mere ranking stage is indeed too small in front of the big production that has been held for half a year.

This is also the reason why An Zhengxun is not too concerned about publicity. Today, today, he is synonymous with a kind of nationality. Launching a movie... Really saves some publicity costs.

For example, in this premiere, An Zhengxun himself did not participate, nor did he invite heavyweight guests to watch the movie as he did in "Haeundae". It doesn't matter at all. On this day, I don't know how many people are waiting for the results of the premiere of "League of Thieves" at the same time, and even the blog page of well-known film critic Jiang Mingshi is already full of people.

All people are waiting for is the review of the movie to decide how early to start pre-orders...yes, just judging how early they need to be so they don't miss out, not hesitant to pre-order.

Now the general trend of the entertainment industry is not a joke, it is just that. (To be continued..)
