Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 557: hard time

It has been half a year since Girls' Generation's last "". △¢, although the Japanese version of "" was released during the period, which can make fans chat to quench their thirst, but with the two versions of "hush" successively dominating the charts, the atmosphere of the women's team battle, the t-ara "" series of songs until "" The all-round splendor of the music industry has been under the **** of women's groups for half a year, and the men's groups hardly make much noise in it. In the end, 2ne1 participated in the t-ara battle. The hot atmosphere of all parties kept hooking their greed. In the past few months, they all stretched their necks, expecting Girls' Generation to participate in this magnificent girl group era.

But Girls' Generation just came back from Japan in July, and there are announcements to be made. It's too normal to make a mini album for two or three months. Can only wait silently.

Fortunately, the re-cooperation between Girls' Generation and An Zhengxun this time did not disappoint everyone.

The strong American western guitar melody, retro style and brisk rhythm quickly grabbed our ears.

Due to the rise of t-ara in the past two years, Ahn Jung-hoon's dance music style identification is very strong. People were still worried that he would give Girls' Generation a t-ara-style song, which would lead to inconsistencies in the style. It turned out that it was never necessary to question An Zhengxun, no matter what style, he really did it without any pressure.

The style of this song "", no matter how you look at it, has a strong s*m logo. If it wasn't for An Zhengxun's identity there, s*m would never change his music. People almost wonder if this song was changed by Yu Yongzhen...

This song can be regarded as a continuation and upgrade of the style of "". She vowed to carry out Girls' Generation's light and mature style to the end. The handsome Western female gunmen soon conquered the hearts of countless female fans again.

In fact, it can be said that Girls' Generation's mv does not need a plot. The conceptual style they created is a plot in itself. Just like an art scroll, people who see it thoroughly can always read a lot of what is expressed in the painting, and when it is narrated, it is a story.

2pm, who had just won the first place from t-ara who was at the end of the shot, wanted to cry without tears.

Since the release of "", no matter which statistic has been ranked first, in fact, almost all of their stats have been trampled into the second place. Some of the data are only in the third place, and you almost don't need to look at it to know that there is no place for the next one...

Really frustrating.

Since when did the men's team actually start getting trampled by the women's team? It's not scientific...

After a few months of not returning, it is expected that the situation will prevail as soon as it returns. Is this a girl group that still has room for improvement or TVXQ at its peak?

In the sigh of grief and indignation at 2pm, we moved towards October 29th, Music Bank.

Sitting in the waiting room at 2pm, I felt a little awkward. Zhang Yourong leaned back on the chair and asked helplessly, "That President An is in Girls' Generation's waiting room again?"


"So we still have to visit those girls?"

Yu Zeyan shook his head helplessly: "Don't go. It's nothing, that person may not like to see us."

"That's right..."

Tae Tae-yeon guessed right...because she was kicked out just after visiting Girls' Generation's beast...

Girls' Generation's waiting room is a little crowded right now. An Zhengxun and Quan Baoer sat huddled in a corner, watching Girls' Generation and t-ara joking together in the room, An Zhengxun's eyes were frightened, and Quan Baoer looked playful.

"What's the matter? It's the first time I've seen you look like a coward."

An Zhengxun lowered his head: "Fifteen, plus you sixteen. If we are together, it will kill people..."

"Ha...hahahaha..." Quan Bao'er almost rolled off the chair with a smile: "An Shao, An Shao, you also have today..."

An Zhengxun covered his face.

"No wonder, I heard that you were at home during this period of time and insisted that there would be only two people or even one person at a time, and no more would be done. A few days ago on Xiao Jing's birthday, Sika was ready to deal with your perverted dual flight controller, but you actually I spent a whole day with Xiaojing alone... Xiaojing couldn't be more beautiful when she went back, but everyone was shocked, and they were all wondering if you were wilted..." Quan Baoer said with a smile: "It turned out to be the big one who ate the team battle. Is it a loss?"

"Hmph... I'm here to recharge for the next teamfight!" An Zhengxun choked out a sentence from his teeth: "Next time... challenge twelve first... Each time you improve a little bit! "

"Well... let's not make progress." Quan Bao'er patted his shoulder lovingly: "Don't let anyone die, we will feel bad."

An Zhengxun gritted his teeth: "Anyway, you must try Girls' Generation plus t-ara!"

Quan Baoer squinted at him sympathetically: "Come on..."

On the 24th, Zheng Xiujing's birthday. In fact, Ahn Jung Hoon didn't mean to not bring Jung Soo Yeon with him that day. But because Zheng Xiujing was going to work that day, she was doing it for Inkigayo. When An Zhengxun picked her up from get off work, it was already too late, and he was very busy during this time, so he didn't force Zheng Xiuyan to pull her out.

The result was wrong.

The last time when the Zheng sisters were with him, he was hungry and thirsty. This time, the whole world thought that he could not let go of this double plane meeting, but he actually spent a romantic night with Xiao Jing alone. The little girl was moved. In a frenzy, he actually said something that Pei Xiuzhi couldn't say when he was stimulated by Pei Xiuzhi last time: "oppa, I'm going to give you a litter of little crystals..."

Seeing An Zhengxun grinning and sinking into sweet memories, Quan Baoer suddenly stabbed a stab at it: "Don't be silly, the crystal is still young, if you have it, it's not good for her. I advise you not to be too casual. Take safety measures."

An Zhengxun hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Okay... In the short term, we will all take measures first. Shao Shi, t-ara, and others are all in the critical period of reaching the peak one after another, and nothing can happen in the short term."

"Speaking of which, you're really bad at that. It's even if the girls didn't win the bid. There's still no movement in Ernie's belly in that room. Can you do it?"

"Uh..." An Zhengxun covered his face again.

"Wait..." Quan Bao'er suddenly jumped up: "Li Shungui! Don't hook up with my Baolan!! Be careful my old lady gives you small shoes!!"

An Zhengxun: "..."

This time, t-ara is not here to play the charts, but Park Soyeon promised Kim Hyoyeon last time. Now everyone's relationship is more and more intimate, and there is no sense of disobedience.

The previous bet between the two parties was invalidated due to the different types of albums, but the bet was too unscrupulous, causing everyone to think about it involuntarily. If you lose, let the other party choose to be your wife...

Thinking like this, I can't help but sneak some sleazy glances to see which one of the other's dishes is my own. In the end, after looking at it, it's actually pretty much the same... Everyone is beautiful, so what's the difference?

No one noticed that Li Shun Kyu's eyes almost became brighter than lights.

There is actually a cute little girl who is shorter than the old lady! so cute! !

Quan Baolan blinked innocently and took a step back.

Wow, even shy, even cuter! Li Shungui clasped his hands in front of his chest and leaned forward: "I'm sunny!"

"I...cough..." Quan Baolan looked helpless: "I have the master."

Li Shungui blinked: "We all have the Lord..."

Quan Baolan scratched his head: "It's not quite the same..."

Li Shungui was waiting to ask questions, when Quan Baoer's roar suddenly came from her ear, she shivered and almost didn't jump into Park Hyomin's arms, who was watching the joke.

Nima, is this called robbing a woman with the president? Lee Soon Kyu was about to cry. You have the special level of the Lord, you are really different from everyone else...

The sisters were quiet for a few seconds, and after digesting what had just happened, a burst of laughter suddenly erupted.

When the staff passing by the door heard the laughter coming from here, they were all infected with a smile. Girls' Generation is so relaxed and happy, who can see that they are about to take the stage and are about to have a fierce ranking?

But then again, they were too stable this time. Even if they didn't take the stage, they seemed to be able to hold the top spot. There is really no need to be nervous.

It turned out that the staff member was not wrong. At the end of the ranking, the score of 2pm has finally improved by a lot compared to the previous period, reaching 12084 points~lightnovelpub.net~ If in normal times, one person has already been determined, after all, the trend of the men's group is not built... But When they saw Girls' Generation's scores, they all started to smile and shake their heads helplessly.

Girls' Generation, 17,285 points... It was almost a crushing of Mount Tai.

It is worth mentioning that this is the highest score that Music Bank has achieved since the reform of the points ratio standard in May this year. The highest score before the revision was also from their own "oh! "created, 23077 points...

Originally, a high score didn’t mean anything, it was related to each company’s chart-making strategy. For example, t-ara’s playing period was too long this time, so sales and sound sources were slowly and evenly brushing. Naturally, it will not be too high, and it is enough to win one. Although everyone understands this truth, but when Girls' Generation broke records as soon as it came out, the impact on people's hearts was still a little bigger...

I haven't been out for a few months, and I didn't come out to run for a champion, but to go for a record... The champion's throne is like a cast iron, who can hold it?

Looking at Kim Taeyeon's skillful speech on stage, many people came up with this sentence: "The general trend of running water... iron beats less time." (To be continued..)