Ravages Korean Entertainment

~: No change today

It was reported again today, almost blocked, and the eleventh chapter has been deleted. I'm in a bad mood and don't want to work. I've been too tired this year. Let me take a day off and drink some wine.

Say a few words from your heart.

Regarding reporting, it's still the old saying, prostitutes only see prostitutes. Mostly, readers can see a lot of things worth reviewing and tasting. If you only see h, it is your own heart that should be reported to purify. It's not the book that's disgusting, it's you.

Writing a book, glass heart mad fans scolded, illiterate pupils scolded, and guards came to pretend to be a gentleman. I work during the day and write at night, and I am so tired that I don’t even have time to spend with my children. I have two shifts, rain or shine. All my spare time is invested here. What is the plan? I can't get back the cigarette money and the Internet fee. How much money do I really think I can make? It's like fighting the sky and fighting the earth, it's so funny. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch it, but you still think it pollutes the air on the Internet and must report it so that everyone can’t watch it, right?

I am often exhausted physically and mentally by being tossed, and I often have the idea of ​​not writing at all, but then I think, isn't that the kind of love that hurts the enemy? So keep at it. In fact, readers who read the book seriously can also taste it. They are already in the process of closing the line, and the day when the book is finished will not be too far away.

To this day, I don’t ask for a monthly pass anymore. Anyway, I can’t compete with anyone, so there is no need to ask for it again. Now it is my biggest wish to finish writing this book safely, I just hope that no one else will block it.

Thanks again to the book friends who have supported this book all the time. Without your support, Wrath would not have survived today. thanks. (To be continued..)
