Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v1 Chapter 10: Clown Pith's level breakthrough

   "This... isn't a dangerous end? Shouldn't it be fortunate that it's just a stationary organization, not an army or a monster that can move freely?" Someone confirmed to the colleague who burst Target 250.

   However, because the object is only an organ, not a living thing, the world-class prop "Allure", which has the effect of "unconditionally charm any enemy at close range", cannot work.

   "Oh... if only the real artifact can directly control any object without restriction." An old man sighed, but he was immediately angry—

   "It's really disrespectful! The gods gave up our lives for sheltering us and mankind, and you actually expressed dissatisfaction with the secret treasures left by the gods! Are you going to make an inch!"

   "It's rude." The old man who spoke deeply bowed his head and apologized.

   "Speak carefully!"

"Okay, let’s get back to the topic. Now we are discussing stone statues. Fortunately, the restricted terrain and soil quality have stopped the expansion of the water area. What we can do now is to delimit it as a forbidden zone. Alas, if it’s a god. It would be nice if the bloodline can be more exciting in this era."

   The others also sighed a little.

The gods are the descendants of the players. In the Silian Kingdom, the six gods are naturally the bloodlines of the six gods. The six gods are all hundred-level players. If the offspring can fully stimulate their abilities, the level increase is very simple. , Coupled with the equipment left by the six great gods, the strength is even stronger, but not all generations have people who can quickly upgrade their level. It's just that the blood of this generation of gods is not so strong, and these big men have nothing to do except encourage multiple births and more childbirth, eugenics and better childbirth.

   "Then, this is the end of the issue of this'hundred-year aftershock', and the next issue is the major issue of establishing a new country in the Mainland."

The church country hopes to establish several new countries in the area where humans live. A country that sits firmly in the richest place is the center. A safe and fertile land should be able to nurture many people, among which many outstanding talents will emerge and nurture confrontation. Braves of different races.

   After all, we can’t hope that the "hundred-year aftershocks" will bring players who will help us. For our own prosperity, human beings must be self-reliant and work hard.


  Top Forest—

   Kraunpisi used magic to create a fortress by adding various brain drawings and even imagined renderings. Although it does bring some changes to the style, the overall strength does not seem to change much because of this.

   then use other magic to try to further strengthen or destroy, the latter is a bit distressed, because Kraunpith has no attack magic.

Fortunately, if you find that dual magic creates two at the same time, the overlapping area will disintegrate and collapse. Moreover, the binding magic uses the "most enhanced" and the amount of MP injected increases, which can also cause squeeze damage, but perhaps it is still not as straightforward. Attack magic.

   There are currently only two ultra-long-range attack methods, one is the fruit throwing of the magic tree itself, and the other is the fairy creating props and throwing them vigorously.

Originally, if Kraunpisi thought that she could create weapons, could she imitate "Infinite Sword System" or "Treasure of the King" or something, but I was very fond of thinking that it takes an average of 1.5 seconds to produce one or two, and it can't be launched automatically. It's okay to alternately create with two hands and throw it out, but the rate of fire and range are not as good as those two.

If the effects and scope of [BindofLiana] are all expanded, a large number of weapons are manufactured in advance, and then these plants are manipulated to help throw them out, it can indeed have an effect like "Infinite Sword System" or "Treasure of the King", just such preparations The time and MP consumed and the damage caused by the attack are completely irrelevant.

   As expected, being smart is meaningless.

   In addition, whenever a fortress is destroyed, if the surrounding waste has not disappeared, Kraunpith will use it to practice artistic processing.

   is trying to make sure that only killing monsters can increase the level.

It’s very convenient to do this now. For a level 75 body, you can just use your nails to pick up some materials that are not strong enough to achieve the effect of all kinds of tools in the previous life. Tools can be practiced.

   This result is also confirmed. In ten years, "craftsman Lv4" was upgraded to "craftsman Lv6" during the period.

   According to his own ideas, he constantly and subjectively made various styles and designs of the fortress and also produced results. So far, he has obtained "Lord of the Castle Lv3".

   The total level has been increased to Lv80, and the eighth-level magic [HoldofFlora] is obtained according to the magical level increase and the automatic comprehension skill rule. Is it about 5 levels to get a skill or magic?

After   , it stopped. It seems that I have to try to make more advanced items or other things, but I don’t have any other materials on hand. What's more, Klauen Pith doesn’t know what else he can do?

  Making magic accessories or building cities? Sorry, Kraunpisi has no relevant knowledge at all, UU reading www.uukanshu. com asked Penny Kaoru, who was the only one who had a little knowledge, and was at a loss. Building cities is even more nonsense.

   So since you can grab a weapon, can you get the level of a fighter by practicing swinging it? Klauen Pisz wore the nutrition ring scrowed from the "Thirteen Heroes" (effect: no need to sleep and eat, no fatigue), clutching the dark magic sword, and wielding it at a continuous rate of every three seconds for a year— no effect.

   Thanks to the difference in the mental structure of the tree demon from humans, if you are a human, even if you equip it with items that don’t require sleep, food, and don’t get tired, you should be tired of continuous swings like this.

"Hey, am I not talented? I still have to obtain combat-related professional levels. Sure enough, do I have to earn experience points by fighting and killing monsters?" Seeing another round of sun rise, I understand that just trying to upgrade in the dark is just a waste The time's Kraunpith thrust his sword into the ground a little unwillingly.

   Just killing is not enough. You have to fight seriously. The reason for this conclusion is that I tried to summon a monster to stand and kill myself for nothing. After repeating it many times, I didn't feel anything. It's better to say that this is like reality.

   "The same goes for me." Another new tree monster also thrust the sword into the ground, but it didn't insert it because of insufficient power, and the sword fell to the ground with a beating.

   This dryad has been doing some things with Clown Pith from the very beginning.

   Although there is no other progress except for the increase in magic proficiency and the total HP and MP of some spirit and illusion systems. No, this is a native tree monster, this is actually very good progress.

"Ha-ah~" Although there is no need to stretch, Crown Pith did it again and said, "I can't wait to stay here. The outside world will have to be explored sooner or later. It's almost time to gone?"

(to be continued)