Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v1 Chapter 11: Hand-made observation diary

   Originally, Kraun Pith was a little bit worried about the "Thirteen Heroes" coming to retaliate, so keep the tree monster and the main body together at the best state where they can work together at any time.

   But it has been ten years, and there is still no movement. Are you planning to leave it alone? Even if the Platinum Dragon King, who was mixed up with the "Thirteen Heroes", controlled an empty armor to kill him, he might have to escape for his life.

Kraunpisi also exhausted the use of the special skill [Creating Monsters II], and summoned some plant mimics and other very small plant monsters with a level matching the skill itself to be placed around as traps. Arranged in the surrounding jungle, waiting for players and co-workers who think they are prey to come, but are they all in vain?

  Obviously, I have checked that the fruits on the periphery have been dealt with by well-equipped mysterious troops. It is not the "Thirteen Heroes" group, but is it simply dealing with threats outside the forest?

   In short, since the improvement that can be expected by staying here no longer exists, Kraunpisi still wants to leave the forest to take a look.

Kraunpisi looked around. There were no naturally growing trees in the surrounding area for tens of meters. It was either affected by the experimental magic or squeezed out by other summoned plants. There are also many props and fortresses. The marks left by the destruction make the ground uneven.

However, in order to "respect" the trees that fell because of their own reasons, those Kraunpis made a lot of things using these trees as materials for handicraft practice. , Well-preserved, there are several hills piled up in different categories, and many of them are even colored—

Coloring is not difficult, because there is plenty of time and considerable experiments have been done. This is also an element of the craftsman’s level promotion, so it is quite serious. Magic [BindofLiana] can use existing plants to generate various vines, and it is great The colored plants that are basically needed in the places explored in the forest have been found. The next step is to experiment with how to make them into vines, and how to make the sap to be coated like natural rubber.

I don’t remember how many times I have failed. How many failed vines are discarded as fertilizer for myself and other summoning plants. I don’t want to count them. If they are tested by ordinary people, this experiment will probably last for decades, but these plants Relying on Kraunpisi’s magic, they all produce a year’s worth in a few seconds, so it didn’t actually take too much time to get at least the natural pigments that can be used.

   It’s okay to summon a small section of vines and cut a mouth as a fountain pen.

   Although I thought about making fabrics from plants and then studying dyeing and weaving, there is no need for clothes now. So it was not implemented.

   In the process of doing the above-mentioned things, Crown Pith even experienced the joy of getting a "child" several times—

No, to be precise, it is the feeling that the characters you made (not created) come to life. Generally speaking, if the characters in statues or paintings move, they will scare people away. Of course, it is not ruled out that they will be excited and curious to see People.

   However, since reincarnated into the fantasy creatures in the fantasy world, it is justified to watch the works I made come back to life with enthusiasm.

It is not that the painting ability of Kraunpisi has been improved to the extent that the characters in the work can come alive, but for other reasons, everyone who "lived" seems to come out at the time when Kraunpisi is outside the range of his body. While doing all kinds of things, Kraunpisi made an ecological observation diary based on his body's perception, because his grasp of time is a bit vague, and the date is unclear, but there is no way—

"I’ve been in this world for five years. I tried to breed Dryads like Penny Kaoru to guide the plants I summoned. To be honest, I was a bit resisted because I saw Penny Kaoru at that time. My memory is gone, what should I do in front of my'child'? So, am I also Penny Kaoru's child? No, no?

"...After a year, she came out and succeeded, but I was not nearby at the time. It was a shame not to be able to witness it, but how could it look like a black, long and straight oriental girl, because my memory of my previous life is Chinese. But she turned into clothes and put them on by herself. It was very important to write them twice, but isn’t that the Star Safia of "March of the East"? How to do it Arrived? Although I really want to rush to hug, but let's observe again...

"...Sometimes Starr would go to Penny Xun's body and talk to her. Judging from what they are doing, they are doing traps and preparing to deal with foreign enemies at any time. They are very motivated, yes, but it's all when I leave the body. I only came out when I was nearby, why? I didn’t carry it up in a surprise attack. Continue to observe...

"...It has been more than two years since the birth of the first level 60 fairy Star. UU Reading is one year away from the most recent birth of the level 60 fairy Cirno, and the level 30 fairy has reached the third level. Three of them have been born so far. I thought that I should just go and say hello by observing the first star, but I was so shocked that I didn’t know what the greeting would be, so I haven’t done it all the time. The fairies in Gensokyo Come out! Will my hello make them change their minds and stop proliferating..."

   Because of the dryad’s time concept, Kraun Pith’s observation diary has continued, and the idea of ​​saying hello by the way to hug these living bodies is also delayed.

   But let's talk about it—

   "Are you going to leave?" The tree monster transformed by the plant that the body had been climbing on Crawn Pith looked reluctant.

   "Huh? It's okay if I want to follow."

   "However, the tree monster cannot be too far away from the main body. It will gradually become weak as the distance between the main body increases. Petunia Kaoru said so."

   "Ah? Is that so? So you have always been so close to my main body." Kraunpith pointed to his main body magic tree dumbfoundedly.

"It must be tested." Kraun Pith was stunned for a moment, and made up his mind to generally get down, and made a starting position with her **** facing her body, and then there was a "boom" air vibration. The wild dryad's perspective disappeared with an afterimage.

   Fortunately, I put on the seized equipable boots. Otherwise, even if the socks made by the level 60 mimicry are very strong, the uneven ground would be uncomfortable to knock on the feet.

   However, the fairies, not the elves, actually run on the ground, and Crown Pith always feels that his behavior is very low...

(to be continued)