Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v1 Chapter 13: funny! The strongest fairy VS the bigges

  The body of the sage king of the forest put Kraunpisi on the tree, but did not stop because of this, and continued to break the tree with Kraunpisi's back!

   Although Crown Pith was not injured at all because of his passive skills, if he counted as a duel of the same level, he would have been out here.

On the one hand, the Dryad is really not a combat race, and what Kraun Pess has learned during this time is not a combat class level; on the other hand, Kraun Pess has no close combat experience, as seen in the works. Things do not mean they will be useful at all.

   Of course, it's also an important reason that Kraunpis doesn't want to hit this cute-looking giant hamster. In fact, Kraunpis can do it from the beginning to win, and cast any binding magic to subdue it.

Crownpies quickly grabbed the fur on the forest king's back and climbed onto his back to hug him tightly, so that it would be difficult for him to fight back. Even if the tail strikes, Crownpies only needs to swing his body slightly. You can let it come to your back.

  The sage king of the forest ran quickly in the forest and shakes his body, trying to throw Kraun Pith off.

   "Hey, ah," Clown Pace, who was still holding the forest king's back, grinned, "If you tame you like this, how about coming to be my pet?"

"I actually want to be kept as a pet!" The forest king puffed his cheeks, seemed to be angry, and then the lines on his body lit up, and the magic circle expanded, "Then how about this trick! [All Race Confusion [CharmSpecies]] !"

   However, the forest king's level is too low, and the magic attack is invalid.

   The sage king of the forest also didn't confirm whether it was effective. Since the strength of the grasp hasn't been reduced, it is invalid. With pointed ears, it should be the fairy type. Maybe it is good at dealing with the spirit type and the illusion type. So it jumped into the air suddenly, the pattern light and the magic circle switched at the same time—


   Soon, the body of the wise king of the forest played a 3600° big flip in the air at high speed!

"Woo~" Kraunpisi showed a trace of distress. If she is really blinded, she must think that it is just a more complicated way of moving, and then continue to hold on to the fur, and then she will land in the forest. The moment was pressed and rubbed on the ground again and again.

   But if you let go, isn’t it like giving up? In this case-

   "[Group All Race Capture [MassHoldSpecies]]!"

  Crown Pith activated the magic, although it is a group magic, but it is naturally effective on the target under him, as long as the forest king stops...

   However, Kraunpith overlooked a very important law of physics that is still valid in this world-because of the law of inertia, the slippery hand, Kraunpith was thrown away fiercely!

"Wow, is there any magic that can make me stop!" Even if I won’t get hurt, but if this goes on, it’s only a matter of time before I eat dirt, and Crawnpies keeps searching in his brain, and finally activates The answer is, "[Vine entanglement [BindofLiana]]!"

Between the two trees that Kraunpis was about to fly over, vines were suddenly covered with vines and formed a net, and Kraunpis was hung on it. Unfortunately, her posture was not very good. It was Inticus. The posture of hanging the windowsill.

   "Well, I'm actually like this with level 25. It's probably the shame of level 80." Kraunpisi manipulated the vine to put herself down and walked back in the direction of the flying.

   The forest king is still holding a ball into a ball and is set there, but he has fallen on the ground faithfully to the law of gravity.

   "How about it, are you not convinced?" Kraun Pace smiled and patted the huge hamster ball.

no response.

   "I'm not convinced. In this case, [BindofLiana]!" Crown Pith directed the poisonous thorn vine to tie the hamster ball, slammed it into the air, and slammed it tighter and tighter.

   "My surrender! I lost!" After a long time, the hamster ball finally made a sound.

  Crown Piss snapped his fingers, the vine disappeared, and other magical effects were also touched. The hamster ball crashed to the ground.

   "Huh? Is this dying? Huh...this color wound shouldn't be—"

   It’s not good, it’s poisoned. Although the poison vines are only manipulated with **** magic, after all, the level difference is there. If the difference is such a big difference, it will soon die. Really dying!

Although Kraunpith can resurrect magic, now the forest king's level will not be unbearable and will be wiped out, but there is a downgrade penalty for resurrection, the strength is different from the beginning, and if you want to be a mount if you are weak, will it? All become a burden?

   "Well, forget it, [Great Heal [Heal]]."

   The wise king of the forest felt the warm light flowing through his body, and the lapsed physical strength and strength came back, but he still kept lying on his back, waiting for it to fall.

   Kraunpisi looked at it for a while, and saw that it didn’t respond, so she kicked her soft abdomen impatiently: "What does this posture mean? I'm not going to use you as a grilled hamster. Get up and go!"


"Ah, it's so comfortable with such fur. The most comfortable sleep in the past ten years is just a pillow made of cotton and cloth made of skill and magic. If I think about it this way, should I come out early to have this? It’s a good mattress."

  On the way, Kraunpisi has been lying on the back of the forest king and rubbing its fur. In order to be more comfortable, Kraunpisi asked the forest king to slow down. UU Reading Anyway, all the people I know so far as companions are dryads. The last thing the dryads lack is time. Sometimes it is agreed that there is no time limit and cash it out after one or two hundred years, no problem... Probably, listening to Penny Kaoru said that, after spending so much time with Penny Kaoru, she can figure out what the ratio of each practice unit is.

   "My lord, my subordinates dare to ask... When can my subordinates have dinner?" The sage king of the forest, who was walking calmly and carefully, asked.

   "Ah, I almost forgot, are you a carnivorous beast?"

   "Well, naturally I like meat the most. I originally planned to hunt and eat by the way when I came out this time."

   "...Well, is this my negligence? Keeping pets should pay attention to this kind of things-in any case, where is there any food you can eat nearby? I have a clue about living here, right."

   "Actually... it has already gone out of the subordinate's living area. If it weren't for the lord to pull the subordinate to adjust the direction from time to time, then the subordinate would really get lost." The forest king said pitifully.

"It's really a shame that I called you the Forest King, I'm really sorry for the name, anyway, do you have a clue about what you are eating now? If you don't mind vegetarian food, I am not here." With that, Kraunpisi took one from the infinite backpack. The wild fruits usually stored are thrown in front of the wise king of the forest.

   The sage king of the forest took advantage of the situation and took the fruit into his mouth and said loudly: "Thank the lord, although the subordinates hope to eat meat..."

   "Everyone said I have no meat!"

   "The subordinate actually smelled it, it's nearby." Facing the veto of Kraunpith, the sage king of the forest believed himself.

   "Actually you have a good sense of smell?"

   "Of course, living in the forest, isn't the sense of smell a basic ability?"

(to be continued)