Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v1 Chapter 39: Ignore the difficulties

"That's a route that can walk through the mountains from the ground. Although I don't worry about the problem of falling, there will be attacks such as Perry Winter, Harpy, Izu Shinten, giant vultures, various large monsters and large flying creatures. Except for adventurers who specialize in hunting monsters for money, no one will go over there." Mork reminded him looking at the direction that Crowen Pith was pointing.

   "Hey, let's go over there." Kraun Pess, with a playful smile, stepped toward that side.

   "Oh, fight!" Qi Luno rushed to keep up.

"Hey, wait! The old man knows that you are very strong, but--" Mok doesn't think this pedestrian is weak. After all, he can tame the sage king of the forest. You can also defeat the monsters that inhabit this area. Besides, dwarves are inherently short. Can't tell the age of the same short people, the problem is, "We are not here to hunt Warcraft!"

   Soon, the eyes suddenly opened up, and Cirno jumped for joy, and Crowmpess took a breath of air and smiled. As expected, the tree fairy is still comfortable in the sun.

   However, this pleasant atmosphere was soon broken by the neighing in the air, with the head and legs of a deer, the feathers and wings of a bird, and two paley winters on the back!

   "Come on!" Mork drew out his warhammer, and he could see that he should be an experienced warrior.

   But there is no need to fight, Crown Pith launched a magic: "[Group control of all races [MassTerminateSpecies]]!"

   Then, the two Paley Dongs fell down obediently and bowed their heads.

   "Are you capable of being a trainer?" Mork didn't know much about spirit magic, so he just asked blankly.

"It doesn't matter that kind of little things, you ride one end, we can ride one end." Crowen Pith turned over and rode a Perry Winter, and after two days of riding the Forest King's Crown Pith, the ride is not too much. The appearance that can be done is more decent, let Cirno sit behind her and grab her waist.

   "Really, it's okay?" Mok hesitated for a while before riding. At this point, there was another corpse of another attacking monster around him.

   Then, Clown Pace ordered Perry Winter to take off. However, at the moment of takeoff--

   "Wait!" Alfin ran over from the hole in the back and grabbed Pellidon's leg.

   "Master Ku, you forget me, you must forget me!"

  Crown Pith didn't reply immediately-thinking of it, Alfin couldn't seem to be too far away from him?

   No way, pull her up, the three goblins squeezed and barely sat down.

   Pellidon began to take off, and Cirno shouted "Wow, it's flying, so amazing!" Alfin was expressionless, and Mok looked ugly, but Kraunpis had no spare time at all—

"Although I looked down from a height of 100 meters when I was a magic tree, I just feel that everything on the ground is small. Looking down on the ground like this really flies, it feels scary! Flying in the air makes people feel so scared! Anything with an open mind is definitely a lie!"

   Yes, as a tree fairy, Kraunpith is a little afraid of heights.

   But why is Cirno okay? Klauen Pith thought that some inconspicuous remnants of previous life memories were at work. If it were ordinary humans, this situation can be forgiven if it is scared.

   Fortunately, I quickly adapted to it a lot, at least it is okay to look down, after all, I still need Mok to give directions.

  The next difficulty-the second difficulty is the lava field.

The plank road looks very difficult to walk, and the rising smoke looks very unfriendly to the respiratory tract and skin, but now that there are flying mounts, this difficulty is equivalent to non-existent. It’s strange that the gas will be sprayed very high. Yeah!

   "Oh, it's so hot, nah, can I cool it down?" Qi Luno asked breathlessly.

Cirno’s former race name was Ice Dragon Grass, and now it’s okay to look at it as an ice fairy. It’s better to say that it’s precisely because the former race name is an ice plant that she deliberately turned into Cirno’s appearance when transforming the tree demon according to the creator’s preference. .

   Although Qi Luno also has a priest occupation, there are very few magics that echo the summoner: [All race capture [HoldSpecies]], [Vitality continuous recovery [Regenerator]], maybe the attribute difference is too big.

   But he has his own unique magic, and there are several skills: [Ice], [PiercingIcicle], [FrostAura], from the name you can clearly understand what magic is.

   "Kirno stop, I'm fine, but our mount and Alfin will die. Let me--" Kraunpisi said, launching the magic [Field of Force].

   Then there is no danger.

   However, after getting used to looking down, there are still interesting monsters in the magma, red, plump and round, with something similar to fake bait fishing on the head.

   "Are you the red anglerfish that lives in magma? It's a little cute," said Kraunpith.

   "What?! That's an extremely dangerous monster. It's dead if it's thrown up and down by the one on the head." Mok called.

   "Well, I can understand that too."

It looks a little cute, like an anglerfish. I don’t know how it tastes. I think of the Kraunpis from the broken fish tank in the previous life. I want to raise it, but it is the same as the normal anglerfish can’t live out of the This guy can't live without magma, presumably there is no pool in the world that can hold magma.

   The third difficulty of the poisonous gas maze-continue to maintain [Field of Force] to isolate the poisonous gas from flying over the maze.

   Then, Mok seemed to be mumbling that the way of flying incursions must be recorded as a countermeasure in defense. It felt pitiful. Ignore this.

After    finally landed, the two monsters were bundled up and sent to the dwarf for punishment at will.


   Dwarf King Capital, Feo Bergana——

   This is a majestic and magnificent city built during the heyday of dwarf culture. Although it is questionable whether it has passed its heyday, this is also one of the cities that the Demon God has harmed, so it's passed.

   "It is extremely rude to let Ms. Ye wait here. The meeting with your Majesty can be arranged immediately."

   "Is it really okay to be so direct?"

  Crown Pith was very puzzled. Didn't I mean to discuss some historical paintings for you? It's not necessarily settled yet, and will this level of things be something that the Dwarf King will be waiting to learn from at any time?

   "This is your majesty's reception!"

With this sentence, Klauen Pith has nothing to say. For a monarchy country, it is basically nothing to move the king out, although there are also such countries’ hospitality systems or their own painting skills. Maybe it's so touching... it's better not to be so optimistic.

   After all, Crown Pith is not someone who has seen the world.

   "So that's it. In that case, I have no objection. Please lead the way."

(to be continued)