Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 102: Siege defeat

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

A squad captain of the paladin witnessed that the city of Andalu was different from magic and traditional artillery. It was completely unable to intercept the 999 super cannon attack. After receiving the order of the onslaught and dragged into the melee to invalidate the cannon, he also personally Leading the offensive, but encountering a large Graeme who doesn't have many empires at the wall.

Seeing that his troops have suffered heavy casualties and are unable to fight anymore, at this time the paladin squad leader has already cursed every generation of the department responsible for intelligence, the scouts, and the aristocratic lords to the ancestors of human beings when they were domestic animals. Ten times, by the way, brain supplement let them also taste the taste of the holy light.

Paladins are also humans, and they cannot represent noble sentiments. "Paladins" are nothing more than knight fighting professions that focus on sacred and guardian attributes. He can act as a squad leader because he has been trained by non-commissioned officers and has the ability to support chariots to play combat effectiveness. Ability.

The Paladin squad leader knows that the hard fact is also in vain. He is going to run backwards. This kind of thing is too powerful for humans. If it is made of wood or stone, it is okay. If it is made of metal, it has the ability of a normal Paladin. You can't cut into it even if you use your full strength. Unless you step into the hero's domain to fight with them at close range, using magic and cannon to blast them into parts at a long distance is the best way to reduce losses.

The same thing happened to every gap in the wall that was hit by the Kingdom Army. After all, there were not many gaps. A few Grahams were enough.

Graeme did not chase it out, but shrank back and replaced his battle position. The Imperial Chariot drove to the gap, spraying fire snakes and lightning strikes around, and the nearby ladder and soldiers were set alight, "Beep Beep." The electric shock of the squadron is also more lethal to the Paladins and Paladins than the city defense artillery-but the range is a little short, so it has only been released until now.

Chariots and Grahams cannot be killed either, because they may be attacked by the kingdom’s still dominant artillery fire and faith magic, and a small number of chariots and Grahams can’t afford it.

The battle for the city wall is at a stalemate, and the kingdom’s rush vehicle is still steadily approaching the gate of Andalu City. Once the gate is broken, the Kingdom Army will mostly not need to fight the wall and rush directly into the city from the gate. The Imperial Army is in danger.

The commander who was directing the battle in the tower above the city gate prayed to God that his tactics would be effective. It was only after seeing the power and ballistics of the Demon cannon that he felt such a feasible tactic, and it must be successful.

"Report sir, the four gates are all ready." Sending a soldier came to report.

The commander stood up: "Okay, let the Demon cannon fire again as a signal-open the city gate!"

Then, he ran away with other men and soldiers on the scene!

The rushing cart pushed the huge roller and approached the gate. In the eyes of the Kingdom Army, the gate was about to be overthrown by the huge roller, which was already happening in the next moment.

Then, the Paladins of the Paladins, the army of the Paladins and the elite army of the kingdom following the rushing carts can swarm in.

In fact, in the next moment, the city gate was indeed broken, but it was not the city car that did all this.

"Fire the cannon!" Ai Lulu finally leveled the cannon barrel and aimed directly at the gate of the outer city wall from the open inner city, spraying a huge ball of light.

The ball of light followed the straight road, flew out of the inner city gate, and swiftly moved along the straight street that was now empty. In order to ensure the suddenness, the city defense commander abandoned the outermost two-sided wooden city gates. Anyway, the gates can be opened without the big rollers. Used to ensure the suddenness of this blow-

The huge ball of light broke through the outer city gate, crushing the rollers and the Paladin chariot behind them into scrap metal. Paladins, elite soldiers, and ordinary soldiers who happened to be involved in the ballistic trajectory were constantly evaporated by the hot white light. , They are equal in front of the firepower of the Demon cannon.

The ball of light, which had been flying less than one meter from the ground, gradually approached the ground and fell in front of the Kingdom Army, turning the artillery group and a large number of soldiers into garbage and dust in the battlefield.

The artillery fire and rushing cries of the Kingdom Army were completely silent.

Then, in each of the four gates, a Graham rushed out with several chariots and a small group of cavalry, slashing and shooting at the surroundings, causing the Paladins chariot that had rushed under the wall and tried to erect The soldiers on the ladder were killed in a large number of car crashes at a time.

Just as the Kingdom Army, which had awakened from the roar of the Demon Cannon, was about to fight back, the Imperial Army immediately retreated to the city gate. Most of the Kingdom Army that was chasing after it was blocked by the metal door that crashed down from the top of the city gate. I was so lucky that I couldn’t bear the weight of the huge metal gate, and it was smashed into meatloaf on the spot, and the luck of rushing in was not much better. I was surrounded by Graeme, chariots, and Imperial soldiers who had just retreated into the gate. .

After the Paladins and elite soldiers who did not fight so hard that the entire army was wiped out, they surrendered after being beheaded.

What was blocked outside was not much better. The Paladins chariots that had been suppressed by magical fire on the tower were all smashed, and the imperial soldiers who reoccupied the walls of the tower. Pour water from the sling and shooting openings of the city wall.

A Paladin squad leader who had just climbed out of a damaged Paladin chariot felt a little puzzled.

Is this water? Shouldn't it usually be hot oil? Higher temperatures can also make them slippery and fall, unable to hold weapons, and even ignite.

However, the Paladins all have the passive skills of [Fire Attribute Defense[]], which are as effective as thermal defense. Sprinkling hot oil is really boring for them. But it is effective for ordinary soldiers. According to the investigation, it is confirmed that there is no fire from the furnace on the wall, that is, even hot water needs to be transported. With the wind sprinkling from the high wall, the temperature is no longer enough to make people lose their mobility. . Although oil is more expensive than water, the empire will not be short of oil.

Then, the answer came out——

The soldiers who smashed into the metal door and stepped on the water spilled on the ground all jumped back cramped in reflection, and fell directly to the ground with bad luck and twitched, and those who wanted to pull it followed were caught in the same situation.

"Be careful! This city gate has electricity! Don't tread water!" The paladin squad leader who has dabbled in the knowledge of dealing with Warcraft shouted to the soldiers who have no difference in culture and peasants.

Despite the high cost, energizing the gate of the city is indeed a good way to deal with the beasts and beasts that are coming to the city based on the knowledge they have learned. Legend has it that the Dwarf Kingdom used this gate to guard against the possession of earth-digging beasts capable of tearing apart strong metal claws and teeth.

"Retreat, retreat!" He understood that this attack had failed, and the horn of retreat was blown right behind. I am afraid that the loss of the shot just now was really too great.

(to be continued)