Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 118: It's the round of the War Ghosts Orphana

The worst thing is the militia who wears basic uniforms for the time being, without even the most inferior armor. One arrow shot down a person who subconsciously wanted to raise a weapon, and all the rest surrendered.

"Ah~ It's so boring. The people in the kingdom didn't have any confusion or confusion. It's over like this? This is not even being caught flat-footed and defeated. If there is some resistance that is strong enough even if it is meaningless, How great." Sonny, who had been thrown away by the advancing imperial army, was slowly flying behind, muttering in her mouth.

Alice and Midori who were with her were talking about it.

"Level 1 villagers want to challenge such a huge imperial army with an average level of 10 per capita. Is there such a stupid intelligent creature in the world?"

"Yes, wasn't it the case in many places in the city alliance? The Dragon Kingdom faced the orcs as well."

"It's different. Can the races with long hair and no hair, long scales and no scales live together?"

"Aren't we living together now?"

"Isn't it because my father and seniors scared them?"

"And you don't have to worry about eating. It's really unnecessary to risk your life to find intelligent creatures as food, right? Probably?"


"It may also be that they have been at ease for too long. It seems that this generation of people in this country has no idea what the battle and the enemy are?"


But boring is boring, and the fairies won't go down to kill the villagers for another round and enjoy them running around or rushing up to give away screaming "My ××ah". Villagers who have not resisted are resources, and it would be too shameful to simply waste resources.

"Master Sonny, what are we doing now?" a fairy asked.

"Didn’t the news come from the front line? The temple actually used the power of high-ranking angels. Since it is not a small fight between humans, then we don’t need to hide it. Go find angels and Mini Gundam to fight." Sonny said.

"Huh? The angel wants us to fight?" A goblin expressed doubts.

"Oh, Star told me. Since we can use the power of high-ranking angels, then we leaked some things that we haven't yet completed to the church country, maybe we solve the problem for them."

Sunny raised her hand enthusiastically: "In this way, even your sisters who are not up to the level will have a chance to keep up with you. Isn't it a joy to find an angel who can rely on human beings... No, Capture all human beings who can rely on angels! Eh, eh, oh! If you feel bored with everyone, just go away. It's okay to find sisters who have a good relationship for an outing together. Pay attention to keep in touch."

"Yes! Oh eh!" x8

Alice and Midori scattered in the air to the sky above the kingdom in all directions. As a single-digit sequence, if only judging the combat power from the level, they are only enough to defeat the angels, and even the ordinary seraphs are not without a battle. Power.

"Next, I will follow the Imperial Army. If they accidentally hit the royal capital, maybe Mini Gundam and the strongest angel that the temple can rely on will come out. Get the Mini Gundam in front of Luna and take a look. Luna's expression is also good." Sunny continued to fly forward.

She knew that Luna and Crawnpeace caused the war due to a small silly bet, but since they were a Croonpece, she had booked the writing wheel spectacles and wearing a pair of glasses for Luna. Ji’s cos is for bets and punishments, so it’s not a big deal to see what kind of expression they will look like on you.

[Wait, wait, wait...Don't look for the younger sisters in the sequence! 】

"Huh? Shuge?" Sunny held her head and looked in the direction of contact.

"[MirrorWorld], is this all right?"

After Sonny launched the tenth-level illusion technique-allowing the exploration magic to penetrate the invisibility barrier, the pitch-black portal opened in front of Sonny, and Paki flew out of it with Shuge who seemed a little panting.

"Forgot... forgot? Mom, I... both father and mother saw the review country... intervene, possibility,... sisters... maybe, it will be killed by the Dragon King..."

"Sug, why are you taking a deep breath?" Sunny asked strangely.

"It's too rush to run errands." Paki explained with a blank face.

"The coordination between the various departments is very poor. Shuge doesn't know anything at all, but she learned about it at that time because she took part in some boring routine activities as a stand-in for Pith. Discuss with any of you, but ran to our War Ghosts Orphanage hoping to call in some necessary troops to support." Paqi's tone was a bit reproachful.

"Hmm... Because Shuge's contact magic is not good. There is nothing to explain in the routine activities of the substitute, so there is no daily communication, so it is not surprising that you can't find each other." Sunny said to her. The looseness of organization is quite self-aware.

"Don't laugh and flicker over," Paki said with a straight face, "I am not familiar with single-digit Alice and Midori, so please help us with a message, and then I will use teleport magic to them Send the appropriate war ghost."

"Oh, leave it to you, come on." Sunny gave a thumbs up.

"Well, please." Paki turned and returned to the portal on her own, closing the magic from the opposite side.

"Sug, is there anything else? Come on an outing together?" Sunny looked at the Shuger who was left behind.

"Yes!" Shu Ge looked very motivated, "must draw out the most troublesome enemy? Mom is very strong now, wouldn't it be good to draw in? My disguise has no breath or temperament. The problem. Since Dad often plays Alice, then I am Dad."

Shuge clapped his hands, his body changed like a phantom, and in the blink of an eye he was no different from Kraun Pess wearing the Stars and seventh day of the war, the Kingdom of Robles, the northern border——

A large number of Holy Kingdom troops gathered here, ready to attack the kingdom.

The commander of the Knights, Eckert Carnot, rode his horse to the commander in front of the formation and reported: "The armored regiment and the light cavalry regiment are ready to attack at any time."

"Understood, go back to standby and wait for the offensive order." Altria said.

Eckert is preparing to ride his horse back to the army, but if the war is approaching, there is always a sentence that can’t help but ask: “I am sorry for my subordinates, but there is not much force at this level. You only need to be able to attack. ?"

What Eckert is talking about is the fact that it is easy to single-handedly conquer this gate where there is no transcendence stationed by Altolia. It seems that there is no need to waste troops. To this, Altolia's answer is...

(to be continued)