Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 136: Hell Fairy Crash Course

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Lily is not in charge of the culture class of the Wizard King Academy. Her course content is all about how to improve her strength.

For those older children of the Elf King, it’s no different from review, but because their strength cannot satisfy the Elf King, and they can’t beat Lily even if they want to make trouble, the lesson is still necessary. For those newcomers In terms of learning quickly and trying to shorten the distance with brothers and sisters, it takes more effort.

"Okay, the next class is physical education. Take a ten-minute break and get your own props and equipment to get ready." The magic bell bought from the Empire rang the next get out of class bell, and Lily picked up the broom and knocked off the white board. The word, left straight away.

"Can I just copy on the board while reading?" Hironi asked.

"Teacher Lili is like this. I really miss the time when the old teacher was still there. It was so good at that time."

"Tsk, **** religious state."

Cattleya and Olux said with a bark of teeth.

"The content of the physical education class?" Hironi continued to confirm the content indifferently as if he had no feelings.

"Good luck will be the teaching of the experience of the Elf Elder. It is already boring for us, but it is useful for the new siblings who join, Hironi, you can also listen carefully."

"I hope it's not the special coach of Hell Fairy."

When the elves around heard these words, the atmosphere that had become a little more relaxed after class went down.

"Everyone, long time no, not long for the elves, but I haven't seen you in a week." Crown Pisz appeared, clasped her hands and smiled to everyone, "Don't forget how much I need to prepare for my class. One point, hurry up, everyone, stop playing."

The scene was quiet.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, I remember that there were a lot of voices originally? It's okay to complain or curse."

As a result, the voice increased.

"I heard that Rampadscha actually came to play, can't you let her down?"

"Anyway, everything is fine, don't let it go."

"By the way, when I saw her for the first time, I provoked her. Unexpectedly, not only was my strength strong, but my father was very happy to let her abuse us. I shouldn't be hated?"

"I think the possibility of being hated is not small. The goblin tribe is either forgetful or very small-minded. Does Rampads look forgetful?"

"No, no, no, our goblins have never been forgetful. At most, they didn't even intend to remember or throw them into the corner of memory." Kraun Pith slapped her hands silently.

"Hey, she just looked at me!"

"The **** fairy smiled so happily, he must have already figured out how to let us see hell."

"You can't be wrong, you are remembered, go with peace of mind, I will help you collect the body."

"Well, leave it to me."

Kraunpith comforted: "Don't be so nervous, no one died last time. Besides, I will help you resurrect even if you die. This is a free resurrection without side effects. Even the most devout believer and me in the world The closest compatriots may not enjoy it in their lifetime."

"Hey, she said she can be resurrected at will, do you believe it?"

"It's too easy to say, maybe it's true."

"That's hell! Fall into the **** of eternal calamity."

"Please, it's better to die for me."

"I know, I know, but it's not good to be happy. Although it is annoying to emphasize it every time, I will remind you as always-you are not allowed to dare to have elves trying to commit suicide to escape like you did before, and you are always simply dead. There is no way to accumulate experience, right? Isn't it good to learn more from her?" Kraun Pith pointed to one of the children of the Elf King who obviously did not have Elf blood.

"Isn't that Pace's child Midori No. 6? It's just that the Elf King recognized the godfather and made up for Yugal's'absence'." Lily murmured.

"It looks pretty dull, so it's almost time to mention a reward for getting good grades, but your father promised the reward." Kraunpis paused, looking at the elves seemingly puzzled— -Will there be rewards for the character of the Elf King?

"Catelea, Olux, Matisse, get out of the queue." Kraun Pith nodded a woman and two men.

The three elves mixed with other bloodlines immediately walked out and stood upright-they were afraid that they would die once if they were too slow.

"Catelea, have you practiced as a girl to please and serve men?"

"Yes. Dancing, massage, cooking and sleeping skills are all proficient." Katleia dare not say so, otherwise there may be an incredible whole-person course. Fortunately, she is no match for professional dancers, masseurs and Geisha, but also quite proficient, occupies 20 levels of his professional level.

Kraunpith thought this must be the truth, because after the appraisal, her hierarchy is like this—

Race Level: 1 (Lv1 of the Origin Spirit Awakening Species)

Occupation level: 76 (Guerilla Lv5, Ninja Lv3, Fruit Heart Lv6, Archer Lv10, Archer Lv2, Forest Mage Lv7, Psionicist Lv4, Fairy Master Lv8, Dragon Trainer Lv4, Apothecary Lv4, Dancer Lv7 , God Hand Lv8, Leader Lv1, Commander Lv1, Warlord Lv1, Chef Lv5)

Total level: 77

"Dance Girl Lv7" can be added to the class level is not low, which means that it is not just playing or making ends And massage and sleeping skills will generally be included in the "Master Lv8", which is also quite high. It's also a bit regretful because the practice of pleasing the Elf King woman seems to be a little bit more. In fact, the level of her one-on-one combat has dropped by 10 levels.

By the way, "Siyuan Elf Awakening Species" seems to be a privilege of the Elf King.

Kraunpis came to the eldest daughter of the Elf King, smiled and patted: "Your strength is the strongest among your brothers and sisters (excluding Eucalyptus), and you are also very good in my class. Prominent, the Elf King who has observed the course has agreed to let you become a queen. Don’t be too happy. Today, the Elf King will observe again. Don’t be disappointed and let him change his mind."

The children of the Elf King made a tumult, and the other elven girls, loli, and young girls all looked at Katlea with envy, jealousy and hatred.

Katleia's face turned red, and she unconsciously put her fingers in front of her to fight and rubbed her: "Really, really? Don't Rampadscha just talk about our reaction?"

"It must be true, why do you ask?" Kraunpith tilted her head.

Lily: "I think Pace's personality might really ask for it to be shy."

"Huh? Am I so unbearable? Anyway, it's real this time."

"When will you go to bed?" Katlea opened her mouth and asked about the pragmatic things of being a queen.

"Tomorrow night."

"That's great. I haven't seen my father's expression since my mother left. I'm really looking forward to it." Katlea was very happy to hear it.

(to be continued)