Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 5: Necessary evil

Naruto and Sasuke continued to attack in various six levels, shooting one after another in the air, and the entire sky continued to roar everywhere.

The last two Chakras exhausted and fell into the river valley, but they continued to fight with ninjas and fists. Go down.

The sun moved slowly to the west in the sky.

"Aren't they afraid of being missed by other Shinobu villages?" Luna asked in surprise.

"It doesn't exist. Even so, Konoha Village is still the strongest forbearance village. Without a village that can withstand Konoha's anger, the country of fire will not do. There is also Hinata who has got a big wooden eye, and the strength is probably not as good as Quansheng For Uchiha Madara, it’s easy to play a few shadows. It’s just that Naruto Sasuke can fly at a high speed, and Hinata must go over the mountains and mountains properly, plus rest and meal time, it’s completely too late."

Luna touched her pocket and wanted to take out her magic pocket watch, but found that there was none at all, and she became a little anxious and said, "That."

"Don't worry," Crown Pith explained Luna's concern, "This dress is constructed by illusion. Our real body hasn't moved at all in reality. Three days here is probably equal to one second of reality. Look. Are you tired? Let's go ahead ten times faster during this period of bad health." She snapped her fingers again, and Zuoming's staggering movements quickly picked up.

"That's good." Luna breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to watch the exhausted two hit the high-speed "toad punch".

In the end, Naruto finally got half of the chakra squeezed out by the whirlpool physique and was snatched by Sasuke’s reincarnation eye. The two blasted each other with the [Spiral Pill] and [Chidori] that were barely enough to activate the chakra. After abolishing one of the other's arms, both fell to the ground and passed out into a coma.

"Isn't it over yet?" Luna asked in confusion when she saw that Kraunpith hadn't stopped the holographic projection.

"Wait, the main thing is behind," Crown Pith's tone became a little annoyed. "That was our negligence, and it was their important lesson."

After a while, a tall, long-haired man with half of his body wrapped in pitch black jumped down from the waterfall and fell in front of the unconscious Naruto and Sasuke.

"Hahahahaha, finally caught the opportunity, Indra and Asura's Chakra, reincarnation eyes... so I can catch the tail beast again."

The visitor turned out to be Kurozut who possessed Uchiha Madara!

He defeated or even killed Datongmu Kaguya, but the fairies forgot Heizue!

Hei Jue didn't know that Hui Ye was really dead this time. He didn't have a chance to see that scene. He just possessed a dying powerful body waiting for an opportunity to restart the glorious cause of resurrecting his mother. It can only be said that he is really a filial son.

Then, Hei Jue was thrown away by a red figure.

"Go away, I'm the only one who can do my brother." An Qi, who had been concealed for a long time, kicked the body of Uchiha Madara, who was possessed by Kuroze, and grabbed Kuroze.

Unfortunately, only a fragment of Heijue was caught.

"Hey! Don't really kill it." On the waterfall, Sunflower yelled to An Qi.

Originally, they just came here to secretly ridicule their stupid brother and stupid brother Le Yile, but they did not expect to encounter such a thing.

It's better to choose to break, and get him away.

Hei Jue, who jumped in the air, saw that it was not good, and immediately unfolded the dark blue [Susa Nohu]!

"That's it?"

The little red figure soared into the air and beat the dark blue [Suzano nohu] to fly everywhere in the air.

"You don't need much Uchiha Madara's power. [Susa Nohu] It's so small, don't even have an armor? Any shadow of a village can deal with it. You dare to show up just like that. Is it still Uchiha Madara's body? It's not beaten?" An Qi didn't even use the dark Chakra.

Kurozutsu also has something to say, Uchiha Madara does not have eyes now, and it is a miracle to be able to open [Susano]. There is a kind of waiting for him to pull out Sasuke's eyes and put them into Madara's eye sockets, and then take away all the chakras of Sasuke and Naruto to try again? Do you dare?

An Qi said it didn't matter, she just flung the red fishing rod away.

Sunflower said she didn't dare, so she stepped back and let An Qi hit you directly.

It was dark, An Qi took Heijue with him, and directly sealed Madan's finally cool body.

Naruto and Sasuke were naturally awakened by the sound of earth-shattering battles and vibrations, even if they were not as good as them.

"Sasuke." Naruto wanted to shake Sasuke, only to realize that the hand closest to Sasuke was gone.

"Don't yell, I'm awake." Sasuke murmured.

He is a bit complaining about Naruto again, so he should pretend to be faint now, right?

Uzumaki Angel’s thinking circuit is difficult to understand in most people’s eyes, but for whatever reason, since he left Konoha Village, even if he didn’t take the initiative to do excessive things to the people in Konoha Village, he has been standing there. The enemy’s position.

Originally, according to the intelligence of the Six Dao Immortals on the [Heaven’s Imperial Court], those who were drawn into it by Hui Ye should not have the possibility of continuing to survive. The time and space span is large, and currently even the strongest time and space they have learned Ninjutsu can't connect to the past, even if you are hungry, you should starve to death, and the dead are always dead.

So An Qi, Alfin and other "several people" have long been included in the list of deaths.

Now An Qi appeared in front of them, or when they were almost exhausted, what was their intention?

" Cosmic? Don't you like to pretend to be forced? Who taught you if this drop is left? Did your sister teach you? I understand, I understand, Alfin I still like the guy who counsels his life when necessary." An Qi kicked Sasuke lightly.

"Angie, come at me with anger...Don't do anything to Sasuke!" Naruto growled.

"Hee hee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, a vigilant look, yes yes, this is the look, we should have this kind of relationship. But Naruto, you really want to make me amused, you group of ungrateful guys." An Qi has a big belly. Laughing, he grabbed the body of Uchiha Madara who was sealed with Kuzuzuki on the side.

She said: "I helped you get rid of the guy who tried to pick up the leaks on you. Madara is really pitiful. I have worked hard for world peace for so long, and if I die, I still have to be a tool person."

"Also, don’t forget, you group of ungrateful guys, it’s none of my business to do what you do with the current peace, but don’t forget whose credit you can have this surplus? Without me facing Other places spray [tail beast jade] everywhere, will other villages be so depressed that they have to listen to Konoha? Without the last Ninja battle, did not beat you half to death, would the six old men give you so much power for nothing? "

(to be continued)