Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 7: Brand new eyes

During the conversation between Kraunpith and Luna, the sunflower still moved, and directly threw the corpses of Madara and Heijue Seal into the Infinite Backpack.

Hinata was about to do it, and Sunflower shouted: "Don't move, or I will blew myself up! You may be fine, but now it won't be fine to lose all Chakra's immobile Naruto and Sasuke!"

After all, Sunflower was ready to perform space magic again, but was interrupted by Hinata again.

"You're really not afraid of me exploding?" Sunflower grinned.

"We know that no one cherishes life more than you. Your body that has abandoned all human characteristics is the best proof." Hinata said, "If I drive you to desperation, maybe you will really blew up, but Just to stop you—"

"Waiting for the reinforcements to arrive, are you confident that you can protect Naruto and Sasuke from my self-destruction? Naive, don't you forget what is the most basic technique of my body? What are the characteristics of [Defiled Reincarnation]? A reverse call to the dead It doesn’t have to be a time-space category."

With a thought on Sunflower, Wuyin used ninjutsu, and a coffin appeared outside of her body and wrapped her in an instant.

"[Gossip·Mountain Breaking Strike]!" Hina Tian was startled, and a blue beam of light shattered the coffin with a palm, only to find that there was nothing inside.

The body constructed by the materialization of energy is restored to energy and reconstructed elsewhere. The conduction of Chakra (MP) can even be launched like a radio signal as fast as a radio signal-refer to the Six Paths of Payne for details.

The coffin was only used as a blinding technique. The Sunflower's soul and body had long since turned into radio signal-like energy and flew away. Even the three pupil techniques and the techniques of the same sect could not be easily traced.

When Luna saw this, she hid her face and said, "It's the first time I have seen Sunflower look reckless. Just keep one hand and nothing happens."

Clown Pace touched it: "To be honest, I was shocked at the time, thinking that if An Qi doesn't come back to save the field, I will do it."

"By the way...Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun!" Hinata confirmed that the enemy was not there, and immediately ran to Naruto and Sasuke, knelt down and began to perform medical ninjutsu, tears streaming out.

"Hinata..." Naruto squeezed out a voice, "Just now, we--"

"Wait, Naruto-kun, I will listen to Naruto slowly when I go back, and shut up now." Hinata said softly but urgently.

Kraunpisi also squatted down and stretched out her hand, tracing the tear line from Hinata's eyes to cheeks that could not be interfered, and said with joy: "Hahahaha, in the past,'cataract', now'glaucoma', in a sense It really has been upgraded, no, it has been upgraded in various senses. The combat effectiveness and appearance are good, because the blue veins that use the pupil technique are violent, even the battle is beautiful. Hinata cried with a pair of'glaucoma' It looks cute, doesn't it."

Luna thought for a while and asked: "If you want to have this look in Pith's intelligence, shouldn't it be better to find a compatriot to reincarnate in the Hyuga clan? Although someone cooperates, she can actually kill Mary and can easily bounce off. An Qi's attack of destroying the world must be good."

"How is it possible? Where can I find the eyes of the immediate descendants of Hamura? Do you want to use the time shuttle function of the "World in Painting"? That thing will reset the docking time once you use it. It will be troublesome to return to this time next time, I I don’t know what kind of painting I can draw to meet this time.” After finishing speaking, Kraun Pace asked, “How do you feel?”

"It's not bad, it's wonderful. This holographic projection is also very practical." Luna took her hand, paused, and changed the subject, "Go back and talk about business. You are visiting this world this time. What do you know from them?"

Kraun Pace snapped his fingers, and the scene returned to the studio.

"To be honest, there seems to be a modern gap. I don't understand what they are doing. It is no longer a field that can be understood immediately by looking at the memory. Unless I study there for a period of time." Crawnpies also copied Started and said.

Luna didn't know where to take out what looked like scrap drawings, and in less than a second she folded a paper fan and slapped it on Crowen Pith's face: "Being so strict with sunflowers is actually troublesome, right?"

"Is it weird to find it troublesome?" Kraunpis said cheeky, not the first time anyway.

But rather than being bothersome, Kraunpith didn't want to fight against such a troublesome guy in the legend.

"However, after Oshemaru confirmed that she did get the immortal body, the changes made the goblin boring, but the reaction was really interesting." Kraunpisi retorted the taste with his chin. , After becoming undead, his appearance has almost not changed at all, but is it true that he won’t dislocate his jaw when he laughs like that?"

"Snake, it's okay even if it's dislocated, compared to this." Luna squinted and stretched out her hand and said to Kraunpith, "Is the sunflower going to give me something? That's something I should have given more than ten years ago. What? The cosmetic contact lenses for remote manipulation and the cosmetic contact lenses for performing powerful illusions. Since Sunflower has not contacted me, it means that Pace has already taken it? Why didn't you give it to me?"

Klauen Pith couldn't say it, her behavior broke the sunflower that had just taken out the cosmetic contact lenses when OTZ was on the spot.

At that time, Sunflower said that it is not so easy to make contact lenses that can be used for [Limited Monthly Reading], and it is necessary to capture the seven-tailed beasts first. When the tail beast is not in their hands, it will take a long time for her to prepare again.

Klauen Pissi learned that was originally not difficult to catch the tail beast when he visited Naruto World last time, but I don't know why the tail beasts are "remote networking" with Naruto. The opportunity of the human and the tail's heart, how on earth did it happen?

The elves didn't know that the troublesome Liudaosonghang old man had completely disappeared, and Naruto World could continue to pull the hatred of other troublesome cosmic people like Datongmu.

In a few years, there is no need to go directly to the supreme combat power of this world.

As a result, he adopted the method of cloning the organs of the tail beast, and it was very simple for An Qi, who was a little familiar with the nine tails, to fight with the tail beast and take the opportunity to pluck out some hair and knock off some dander.

By the way, if you can directly use the remains of the sacred tree, you can make contact lenses that can display [Infinite Moon Reading], although it is unlikely. However, in the era when Kaguya ruled the mainland, there was no moon in the sky to display [Infinite Moon Reading], but it is suspected that other spherical celestial bodies were drawn from different spaces as the reflection surface of illusion light. It may not be infeasible in some eras where the ability to imitate the Six Paths can be made.

But it will take a lot of time............

(to be continued)