Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 75: Bai Yiji's express delivery was delayed

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Naruto World——

"What, let me go?" An Qi pointed to herself, surprised at Crown Pith's request.

"Who are you going to?" Kraun Pisz took up her hand and said seriously, "Although it was temporarily used Uchiha Shin's traces to lure Sasuke away, Kawaki is living in Hokage's house. To recapture Kawaki, you must pass Naruto. Is there anyone besides you who can compete with Naruto? Oshamaru will definitely not do it, and don’t even think about the combat power of the indigenous subordinates obtained through various channels. Sunflower really has no confidence, Xiaoyue. At least I can’t beat Naruto now. Besides, she’s being arranged by me to watch Bai Otohime plant trees. Besides, Kawaki doesn’t know the truth of his organization. I asked you to create various psychological shadows for him. The organization has not been exposed, and your existence must have been exposed, so it’s the most appropriate for you to go, isn’t it?"

An Qi vomited: "Haha, wouldn’t it be better to let Bai Yiji go? She can reach Kawaki directly through the'tool', and has also attacked Bo Ren and Hinata, so it’s not surprising that she has attacked, and she also ensures her surprise. Hip-hop ."

"Idiot, isn't that revealing Chuanmu's physical condition? What should I explain if I found out that my hands and feet made her resurrect and weaken?"

"Hip-hop, then you are embarrassed to ally with her!"

"The alliance belongs to the alliance, but I don't want to give her too much power. The alliance is like this. It is not that the relationship between the Axis and the servant nations can not reassure me. When she is resurrected, the "weapon" in my body will disappear. Then, I will explain how I like to explain it and see what she does to me.” Kraunpis said cleverly.

"What about you? Didn't you win Naruto once?" An Qi found the difference again.

"That's what I said, but Naruto must remember the energy leaked from my tactics in that battle." Kraunpis thought for a while and said, "Shinraku Jin will not be implicated in this way?"

"Pix, you, shouldn't it..." An Qi stared at Crowen Pess with the eyes of the good Jiyou who put her **** on her head, and finally said, "You like her? After getting along for a little while, or using relationships?"

"Well, it's interesting to be honest?" Kraunpisi lifted her chin with one hand, tilted her head, and smiled. "She has to bear the contradiction between the old age and the new age from her father's generation to the present and the future. The contradiction between the light and darkness of Ninja World, such a person still makes her alive more interesting."

An Qi sighed in relief, and shook her hand needlessly: "Cut, I thought you liked her like a pet cat or puppy to a degree. For that degree of likeness, you sent me to fight with your stupid brother. Excessive, hip hop ha ha ha."

Immediately, her eyes drenched, and she raised her hand to slap Kraun Pisi and slapped her slap: "Idiot Pisi! Chuanmu has "tools" on his body, and the bloggers have "tools" on his body, so they must know that Chuanmu was slapped. Mu is possessed, what do you let me who played the role of crusade against Datongmu go and make trouble!"

"Fuck it, you and I are real." Crown Pith spit out a colorless liquid, and his HP stiffly shaved more than 100 points. The average person may die from such a slap, and his head is even more predictable. Will become powdery.

"Huh, I can't see such obvious loopholes. As expected, it's Pess." An Qi stomped her foot, looking in a good mood, "How about it, do you want to fight back? I can't resist as long as Pess is mindful, hehehehahahaha ."

"Forget it, I'll go to the side and ask Bai Yiji, that's the key item she uses to get rid of my soul connection and may die at any time. Can she have the best of both worlds after living for thousands of years?"

Kraunpith muttered to her red face, glanced at An Qi's mentally retarded eyes, and immediately leaned in front of her face to argue: "I will consider the lines carefully! I won't be exposed. What shouldn't be exposed!"

"Huh, hahahahaha." This made An Qi almost burst into laughter, thinking, "I don't want to see if Sunflower's stronghold was copied, Chuanmu ran away, and it's the root cause."

Although the blindfolded Crow Enpies was at a loss, the awkward Angie didn't intend to explain to Creone Pess. What do you ask me to do, because my body is yours, I will not refuse, but the obligations above this will not be fulfilled.


"What? My weapon was robbed by Konoha Village?" Bai Yiji, who was trying to find interest in her daily life, took a look at Kraunpith, then continued with the stuff in her hand and said, "It's okay, it's the same. The courier is temporarily stored and can be retrieved at any time, but it saves the storage and maintenance fees before the "device" matures."

"Are you confident in your own strength? Or should you ask us for help when the time comes?" Kraun Pith breathed a sigh of relief.

" It’s really as easy as taking express delivery. Let’s use Kraunpith as a demonstration. Can you cancel your various self-defense abilities first? Then go until you think I’m not enough. Wherever you go-don't leave the same plane space." Bai Yiji asked.

Even if the various abilities are turned off, Bai Otsuhime is not an opponent of Kraunpith, so she plans to try.

Bai Yiji’s white eyes switched to blood-red six-hook jade reincarnation eyes, with a flash of red light, but Kraunpisi, who was a thousand miles away, only felt a tingling pain in the back of the neck where the "tool" was located, and a flower in front of her, as if she was herself After the weightlessness of being inhaled by something, after regaining his senses, she found herself back to Bai Oulhui, and she was grabbed by the back of her dress by the neckline.

"Damn, is this ‘tool’ so awesome? It scares the goblin to death!" Crown Pith turned around and grabbed Bai Ou-ji's hand with the collar, and said loudly.

Bai Yiji's ability means that she can transfer Cronnpith to her side at any time, but why should she show it here? At this time Bai Yiji's strength is not enough, even if she has this ability, there is absolutely no chance of winning. This will only arouse the defense of Kraun Pith. Bai Yiji asked her to cancel some passive skills just now, which means that this move is not so compulsory.

"If it's so easy to use, why don't you secretly train Chuanmu in your favorite rhythm, Bai Yiji?" Kraun Pace asked, tapping sideways.

"Why should I personally continue to pay for the online purchases that you have already added to the shopping cart and paid for it? My requirements for this product are not high. For the'tool', it doesn't matter whether it is alive or dead. "Bai Yiji asked rhetorically.

"... Can't you see that you are quite trendy?" Kraun Pith was a bit slower in response to the sudden change in Bai Otohime's style.

"I'm not Xiao Taotao and Xiao Huiye's arrogant and dull things." Bai Yiji said naturally.

(to be continued)