Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v10 Chapter 82: Fairy Skynet, Vientiane Omission

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Seeing that Claunpis didn’t recognize the name she had confessed, Meliface explained anxiously—

"Achris is the second daughter of Tajiks, Akris von Ivannier Kalin Nikus, and for the time being, he still has the status of the princess. It is unrealistic to be politically unsatisfactory and not wanting to marry. There will always be people with delusions."

Sonny: "Why don't you wield a knife and dream of defeating monsters?"

"It's not that I'm looking for my way. Master Crown Pith, remember Tajiks?"

"Remember, haha, back then, you and I added him to be the Big Three of the second-term students of the Magic Academy. He has daughters that sounds pretty big, ahaha, the replacement of human beings is really fast." Si smiled.

"I remember that Tajiks is now the prince and the general of the current imperial magic force, don't you know a lot that I don't know?" Star asked.

"But the intelligence department is in charge of Fluda, will he keep it from me?" Luna also became a little suspicious.

Sanny, who was basically on the sidelines because of the lack of overlap in her work, started teasing again: "Oh, it's really hard for you to be ambiguous with humans."

Meliphis seemed to be abandoning herself or letting go of the burden in her heart, and began to speak very naturally.

It turned out that the reason why the kingdom of Riyestige called for the war to start the war was the disappearance of the great nobleman Andora, who was suspected of being harmed by the empire. It was not an ordinary nobleman. Although his status in the kingdom was an earl, it had a very important status. The position and the strength of the troops sitting under the enfeoffment system are no different from the Marquis.

Although he knows the truth of "Mu Xiu Yu Lin", the incident of the "Thirteen Heroes" in the past was silent, but there is a precedent for Mini Gundam to fight Altolia, and such an incident occurred, the daughter of an accidental death. He became an undead and made trouble, and everyone knew about it.

The next thing is something that the Fairy Temple doesn't know: The Andora family is actually opposed to the war. After this voice was submerged for granted, they made some contact with the reviewing country, and they had the confidence to save them anyway.

"In fact, the private intelligence department of the imperial aristocracy manages... ahem," Meliface seemed to have swallowed some words, and then continued. These are the small trends that are troublesome."

"Oh, will an opponent that even I can't handle appear?" Kraunpith thought of the Dragon King for the first time.

"If you interfere too much, this kind of situation will definitely happen. I know, Master Crown Pith has ever faced that kind of opponent and escaped?" Speaking of this, Meliface hurriedly waved her hand, "Of course. There is no one who distrusts the strength of the adults. My abilities have been witnessing the growth of the magic power of the adults. However, it is said that the extent of the evaluation of the country is not only the level that has caused the Claunpis-sama to suffer a small loss. Moreover, There is also a record of the conversation between the nobles of the kingdom and the leaders of the Six-Color Temple of the religious nation. There are sayings that a world war will happen if you accidentally support it... No, the war of the human kingdom, you wait a moment, I'll get a file."

With that said, Meliface got up and opened the door and ran out.

"This is definitely a document, not a graduation thesis for the Non-commissioned Officer of the Imperial Academy of Magic?" Crown Pisce took over a stack of bound paper with dozens of pages, and wondered.

Once again, the Imperial Academy of Magic is based on the title of respect for magic, and is actually a large-scale comprehensive academy that cultivates national elites in various fields.

Meliflex replied: "It is a paper...probably not wrong. Yes, it is a private article to be precise. The imperial general who is used to reading in the library is waiting for it. I originally thought it was a brain. Fever, an idiot who wants to skip the accumulation process and get ahead."

"Is it the original or rubbing or copy?"

"The original can't be collected by me in'respect' to the author, but there are very cautious and rigid people in my subordinates. The materials used for copying are exactly the same, including ink to paper."

"What are the author's economic conditions?"

"Better than when I was a human."

"The distance from the upper echelons of the empire? Um... civilians, or nobles? Are there any noble-related households?"

"Noble, second son, his father has the rank of earl, is in charge of internal affairs and has no territory. The eldest son is the head of the goblin temple in the southern part of the empire. If there is, he went to inspect with Drest out of his routine not long ago. I worked once. Although I have relayed and said a few gossips related to the war, it seems to have nothing to do with this."


"It's that long stallion in the temple, with incredible ability to resemble supernatural powers. Fortunately, I slid fast." Then Meliface grinned for a while. UU reading www. uukānshu. com

Kraunpith didn’t pay much attention to Meliface’s final reaction. The dangerous person would definitely report it. It’s impossible not to know, and Meliface’s "stallion" saying is that most of the temple chief is a male. Then Meliface was slapped and unhappy. Compared to this incident, she was flipping the pages of paper like shuffling cards, and sometimes rubbing the touch of the paper with her fingers.

This is the first step in judgment. Although the literacy rate and book quality of the imperial citizens have been improved under the intervention of the Fairy Temple, if the papermaking technology has not fundamentally changed, the paper quality and price will remain the same. Obviously, based on the quality of the paper combined with the other party's economic conditions, it is basically possible to judge the degree of importance he attaches to the article.

Although there are legends about writing good ideas that came out of a brainstorm in strange places, such as leaves and paper, but since they have all sorted out regular articles and planned to pass them to the general, things like that are impossible to happen, right? .

"If it's very important, why didn't you tell us?" Sunny deliberately put on an angry look.

"Uh, that... I think, this kind of little thing—"

"Sonny, don't bully her." Star closed one eye and sneered at Sonny. "It's true that the Fairy Temple has a'part-time' function to monitor the people, but if you even squat on the general's daily route, Everything about my success has to be reported to me. Even if I'm a clone, I'm too busy to be exhausted. Anyway, let's take a look."

"Okay, take a look."

"Why are you all squeezing here? Are you testing my body's flexibility?" Kraunpisi gently pushed the Three of Light goblins away, opened the magic circle, took a few shots on the manuscript, and created it with props. Magic copied three copies and threw them to them, holding the copy that Meriface gave to them and looked at them.

(to be continued)