Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v11 Chapter 29: Black industrial magic

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

When Crown Pith walked into the street that exuded an aura of erosion based on the suspicious little piece of paper that recorded an address, he seemed to be alert.

Some people seem to be talking in harmony, but the corners of the light are locked in her, and some steal the vision from the cracks of the doors and windows.

"Alice will play the role of law enforcement supervision for the time being. Is there any shameful business here? Since I dare to open one eye and close one eye, it has value, just like some of the countries that Melly Faces took me to visit. The'illegal industries' that are secretly supported are the same."

Kraunpis turned his head to look in the direction of a secret field of vision, and then the field of vision disappeared, only the passers-by who did chat and whistle there.

She pretended to be an illusion and ignored her. She continued to walk, and the line of sight from that direction was wrapped up again.

She looked back abruptly, no different from just now.

"Oh, these people are quite skilled. But I am also a bit of a person's vision. That guy who doesn't seem to be a thug, knows a lot." Crowen Pisz walked quickly to one. The man approached, "[MassCharmSpecies], what are you doing?"

"I'm just blowing a whistle, what do you want from this Lord Alice?"

"The service industry and business are good here?"

"Yes, it's pretty good."

Crown Pith turned over the paper in his hand to the man: "Do you know this place? What is its status in this area?"

The man's face changed slightly, but he quickly restored his courtesy appearance to Alice: "So, do you have a need, my lord, but that is supported by that adult. The imperial capital is the most popular magic shop among merchants and nobles."

"Can you introduce me? I have a bottom line so I don't have to run in vain. If I am satisfied, this will be yours. If I don't want to, I will find someone else." Crown Pith put a small gold coin in her hand. Throw it a few times.

It was no different from the information received from the Fairy Temple, and the so-called "man" was the uncle of the nun who had previously provided the address to Crowpeeth, the noble title of the earl.

"Family? It doesn't seem to be a problem." Crown Pith threw the gold coin to the man, then turned and left.

After about half an hour, Kraunpis walked out of the shop with a magic booklet on the cover that was decorated with a lot of gold and precious metals.

As she walked, she complained: "It's so expensive. The book with two hundred gold coins will not cost most of the book cover. Obviously, the magic in it, according to the market price of different levels, adds up to 50. More gold coins, how is this profit rate calculated?"

Although the magic level developed by the indigenous people is relatively low, you should know that in the magic experiment to easily deal with Otsuki Kaguya, it was found that the most effective magic was actually a first-level magic. The blue slot used by Kraunpith has the power to restrain the big barrel, as long as the move itself is restrained, it will be of great use.

She carried the magic booklet into the infinite backpack and walked to the commercial street.

For her, her sphere of influence is already very large. If she only visits various places occasionally without incident, the imperial capital will only take a few years to come, so there will always be a different freshness.

She looked at the slightly changed streets with great interest, and even played a game of finding differences in places that did not seem to have changed compared to a few years ago.

In the end, she looked up at the scorching sun that had hung in the middle of the sky, turned around and walked into a hotel she had never visited before and asked for a small private room.

"Single room? It's not an Internet cafe. What is the market demand? It's just right."

With a snap of his fingers, Kraun Pace opened up various barriers, then sat down and opened the pamphlet to read it.

"Although it's interesting, the guy who creates this kind of thing is kind of boring."

These are all magics developed based on rank magic to serve alternative interests, such as:

[Change of Pain [Change of Pain]], a magic reorganized with [Regenerator]. [Regenerator of vitality] For ordinary humans, it is a very precious recovery in battle, increasing the continuation of the battle, and making the injured part become numb to reduce the need for concentration to resist pain. Then developed the [Change of Pain] based on this, which improves the body's sensitivity to magic while maintaining vitality, and reduces the sensitivity to damage, which is the so-called transformation of the pain caused by magic into pleasure.

Kraunpith: "It's for training M."

[TerminateCrazyBeast], a magic written by combining [Chaos[]] and [Slavery [TerminateBeast]]. Colosseum is one of the entertainment projects of the upper class and one of the sources of income for the gaming industry. However, a safe Colosseum requires a large area and a long viewing distance. Some people like to raise animals privately to participate in similar activities, and there are also private beast competitions that can be watched from close range. However, how the latter makes beasts or monsters fight desperately is a problem, and the use of drugs will cause troublesome madness. UU Reading cannot be teamed up. In severe cases, it will hurt the audience. Therefore, it is still Controllable magic is better. What? You said to set up a strong metal fence in all directions? Does that affect the perception? The transparent material with sufficient strength may be more expensive than the magic scroll of [Terminate Crazy Beast].

Klauen Pith: "These people are really idle and all right... This magic is also very useful in battle, right? Use the third-level mana to do fifth-level things, as human beings are geniuses. A fool? But in this way, if the operator intervenes, will there be no suspicion of counterfeiting?"

[Geyser [Geyser]] This magic reduces the power. It is installed in a toilet that is currently only affordable by the upper class. It is commonly known as the toilet. It can not only spray downwards to flush the toilet, but also change the direction upwards. For cleaning operations, when necessary, the water spray power can be increased to do...

Kraunpith: "This kind of toilet is a symbol of stepping into a civilized society. But if the power of the fountain is turned back, wouldn't it be okay... No wonder I was told not to open it outside, and to make such a flashy hardcover book cover? Ah. Although most of the prototypes come from the magic of torture, they are also based on the magic professions of forest priests and goblins... I will buy this thing without spoiling Alice’s reputation, right? Now. If you have time, erase all the memories of the people in the circle. It just so happens that if you want to do the magic experiment, it is better to go back to the hotel on that street. If you have any problems, you can run to the nearest to solve."

There are also curse magics in the book that are suitable for torture and wounding but harmless, but this is closer to illusion.

(to be continued)