Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v11 Chapter 35: First Line of Defense: The Void Garden

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Flying squirrel and Mordred looked inside the house after entering the house. They could not see the lighting fixtures, but the windows on the roof of the small western-style building were almost flush with the tree tops of the jungle outside. The incoming sunlight illuminates everything in the room. corner. There are simple wooden furniture such as tables, chairs and cabinets, but you can't see any other appliances. It's not like a place where you live for a long time.

Flying squirrel sat down on the chair. Although the buttocks were bones, he knew from experience that it was not very comfortable even for humanoid creatures. In short, it was full of temporary taste.

"Let the two of you wait for a long time..." Tilini's cheeks quickly stiffened when he brought out the dessert and the cup of water.

Flying Squirrel followed his line of sight and turned his head, just in time to see Mordred wearing full armor for some reason, digging at the wall with his fingers wearing metal gloves, and scraping off a lot of stone powder.

"Hey..." Flying Squirrel made a very speechless voice.

Mordred turned around and just stood there.

[Sorry, flying squirrel. I always feel a sense of incongruity when I come here, so let me keep it that way. 】

[Mordred, it’s not surprising that this kind of time and place feels inconsistent, but it’s not surprising that there are things in different countries that outsiders don’t understand, right? 】

It's not that the flying squirrel was careless, but that he used magic to detect all the equipment here, and there really was nothing that could threaten them.

"Sorry," the flying squirrel turned to apologize to Tilini, "As you can see, travelers with high-strength fighters like us, always remain vigilant and act rude, if they just bow their heads and help your house fix the walls. You can ask for forgiveness to the extent that you are, I would like to apologize here."

"No, no, I can do it by myself. Anyway, letting outsiders do this kind of thing is always a little uneasy." Tilini smiled hurriedly and put down the tray, shaking her hands again and again, politely, "But having said that, the knight still There is really a powerful armor. It must be a very powerful fighter, right? Although I have heard that some ruined children inherit equipment from their parents, you also seem to be very powerful."

"Huh, of course." Mordred immediately intercepted without waiting for Flying Squirrel to speak, as if he had forgotten her identity.

"Well... the mask and costume of this'father' are also very good." Tilini continued to boast, and the body made some moves.

Flying Squirrel immediately felt that the other party was trying to judge his own background based on his clothing, but it didn't seem to be entirely because Tilini said while doing the pose of taking a photo.

"Well, Tilini, your dress is also very beautiful, isn't it? It suits your appearance."

"Thank you very much, what do you think of this?" Tilini suddenly pointed to her face more passionately.

"Well... in terms of humans and other humanoid races, they are indeed very beautiful." While Flying Squirrel continued to compliment politely, the guy secretly seemed to feel a little too good about himself.

Although the clothes seem to allow plants to grow directly along the body into that shape—just like flying squirrels have heard of putting them in a square transparent box to grow square fruits in order to maximize the efficient use of storage space. Even the pretty face is a human skin mask, but it must have taken a lot of effort to select the production materials and post-makeup. It is a race that is good at drawing materials from Lin and beauty.

"Thank you for the compliment, please use it for both of you." Tilini took advantage of her joy, poured drinks into the two cups and pushed them to the opposite side.

The room quickly filled with the smell of flowers.

"Please use."

"Oh, no, I'm neither hungry nor thirsty. Please don't bother."

Flying Squirrel raised his hand and said that he didn't need it. His whole body is a skeleton and he couldn't eat or drink at all. In fact, he couldn't help eating and drinking once. However, apart from definitely unable to swallow the food to fall from his jaw, he couldn't feel the taste at all. . Even if it is the food of the kingdom of the undead, he belongs to the undead without a tongue and esophagus, and he still can't eat it-at most smell it. This is really a story about cups.

But Tilini seemed to have misunderstood, took a drink, and smiled bitterly: "How alert is it to not poisoning?"

But Mordred took a sip himself first, then sat down uncharacteristically and began to gobble up.

[Well, what about being vigilant? 】

[It’s okay, at least this is no problem in my intuition, and the taste is okay. 】

Flying Squirrel looked at Tilini's face becoming more and more rigid, and he became more and more apologetic for the possibility of immortality on the national stand. Tilini is not hostile, should be ignorant of the battle between the country's bigwigs and him, right? This is the case in any country. He received the guests so carefully, but he turned out to be so rude. Perhaps it was Flying Squirrel's mistake to decline drinks and snacks in advance, knowing that he could not eat but not expecting Tilini's enthusiasm.

However, the subsequent response will not change. Flying Squirrel did not forget that he did not travel for leisure but came with a purpose.

When the other party is kind to yourself, it will be a little more difficult to make a request. Although you can easily control the other party with mental magic, if the fuse is formed, it will directly become a nationwide wanted country, and then establish diplomatic relations with Titania Putting all wanted warrants on it will cause a lot of trouble in future However, if the other party thinks that it is part of the job now, it is like a receptionist or forest ranger who takes Titanya’s salary. If the same existence and professionalism are still enough, then the requirements and questions that are not excessively raised by oneself can probably be met.

"So... can you tell me something about this place?"

"Yes, very happy." Tilini readily agreed, in the eyes of Flying Squirrel, it was a bit like a person who hadn't talked to outsiders for a long time.

More than two hours later-

"Hey, how could this be?" Flying Squirrel made a feeble voice.

"What's the matter?" Tilini seemed to become a little more restless, leaning forward slightly and asked, "Did I do something...that makes you unhappy?"

"No, it's nothing, I'm talking to myself. Sorry for making a strange noise."

Flying Squirrel has heard a lot of information, but it is not much compared to the evaluation and knowledge of Titania from the outside world. If you want to say more, it is the living environment and conditions of Tilini and her family and friends. It's like a message from a border village in a certain country.

By the way, Mordred has cleaned up the drinks and snacks.

"Forget it, I'll say hello right away." Mordred pointed the glass that he had just drunk a bit loudly, and asked loudly, "What should we do if we want to visit this country?"

Flying Squirrel didn't stop this "disrespect", the previous apology can be considered as a pavement, the responsibilities of the white face and the red face have been assigned.

"No...I don't know about that." Tilini really didn't know, she was just one of the many plant monsters responsible for sending away stray people and enjoying invaders.

(to be continued)