Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v11 Chapter 46: The last meeting of brothers and sisters

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

The two ninjas who flanked the invaders, although they were no better than the children of the big families who had been training unique secret skills and blood successors before entering school, and the famous masters who came out of the last Ninja World War, they are also special ninjas of this era. Enough to bear most of the battle.

However, the opponent took a few steps forward and avoided without a trace of extra action. He still walked like a lady in small steps! I'm totally underestimating them!

Put away the mind of the intruder as much as possible during peacetime, and the second round of offensive was launched with the purpose of injuring the limbs of the intruder.

"How naive are you guys? Or are you used to catching thieves and thieves? Hehehehe, which of my colleagues didn't see blood in the fight? But because Danzang's ultimate goal is to be peaceful, just Forgive you for your life. Haha! Ha—"

With a simple round kick, the two turned into cannonballs and flew far into the river that passed through the village of Konoha. The "plop" set off two jets of water rushing onto the river bank.

At that moment, the Chakra aura that the intruder slightly leaked made Jingzhen, who had only initially learned to perceive ninjutsu, almost couldn't stand up. He was already very strong as Xia Ren, but he was also a child.

No, it's definitely not a problem with the children of Shinnin, even an elite Shinnin probably won't change the balance of power!

Facing the invaders who were advancing step by step, Jing Jin could only reluctantly move his **** back, just to stay as far away as possible.

"Jing Zhen!" x2

Jing Zhen Yu Guang saw Bo Ren and Lu Dai running against the people who were fleeing.

Lu Dai is a classmate of "Pig Deer Butterfly" in Jingzhen, and Bo Ren and Lu Dai are good friends. It is not surprising that he will be nearby to see him who is performing a test task, but-the situation now is too bad! They really couldn't perceive how terrible this guy's chakra is!

"Don't come here! Bo Ren, call Hokage!" He felt that there were two special ninjas, and only Hokage could deal with it, and shouted as best he could.

"There is such a big movement, if they keep monitoring the intruders, they will send people without our calling." Ludai went to help the scared Jingjin up, "Bo Ren, retreat, you know?"

"Ah." The Bo Ren rubbed a palm-sized green [Feng Dun·Spiral Pill] in his hand and threw it towards the intruder.

Lu Shiro also performed [Shadow Imitation].

When stopping the enemy even for a moment--

However, even if it is not as good as Naruto, the green chakra ball, which can damage rocks and human bodies, and the shadow that can control the opponent's movements, are pinched and stepped on by the opponent, and they are gone.

"Ludai, run away with Jingzhen! I'll buy time! [Ninfa·Multi-Shadow Clone Technique]!" Bo Ren separated four clones and rushed out together.

The three bodies attacked desperately, and the mixed body and a shadow clone formed a new [Spiral Pill] together.

"It’s so small, haha, haha, isn’t this really [Spiral Bean]? Chakra doesn’t want to increase a single point of destructive power. Okay, as a new generation independent of the four generations of Naruto, I am developing [Spiral Pill] in a different way, Just make a point."

The intruder raised his hand, and the purple ball quickly grew larger, and then "boomed" to shrink it to the size of a ping-pong ball, emptying the three-body shadow of the blogger with a single wave.

"You, you... is it?!" In Bo Ren's widened eyes, black and blue light rendered his eyes.

"Huh?" An Qi's red eyes shrank for a while.

Even though An Qi thinks that her nerves are sharp enough, she seems to feel that the time flow of the world has slowed down.

Bo Ren’s eyes are like “electric eyes”, and he rushes into her arms with his body, while the small ball in An Qi’s hands is slightly offset by the Bo Ren raising his hand, floating from his head. Past.

The flow of time recovered, and the green jelly beans in the hands of the blogger had fallen on An Qi’s stomach.

There was no time to absorb it.

In other words, An Qi didn't bother to absorb this seemingly weak trick, so -

An Qi's non-heavy body was blown away fiercely by a greater impact than expected, and the center of the short yukata with the waist was torn to pieces by the erupting rotating wind blade.

But even worse is the blogger. The aftermath of the small **** released by An Qi left a burn on the side of the blogger’s head and on the skin from the face to the ears. The aftermath of the flames caused him to fly, and the severe pain prevented him from staying. Adjusting his body in the air, seeing his head on the ground, fortunately, he recovered somewhat. Jing Zhen drew a bird to perform [Ninfa·Super Beast Drama] to save the Bo Ren.

"Tsk, hehe..." An Qi stopped her figure, covering her torn and fluttering clothes, "It's really careless, is it someone who has the bloodline combination of Yui Yumura? What kind of ability is that just now? ?"

Even if he wasn't injured, his exploded clothes would be embarrassing enough. If the clothes were still bound to the body, they could be repaired immediately.

But the blogger is lucky to not hurt An Because once An Qi’s body is damaged, it will trigger the Sunflower setting, and she can’t control the automatic counterattack, which is even Datongmu Kaguya must With a slight evasive counterattack, Bo Ren, a human being, may soon be gone. Obviously Anqi didn't activate [Hungry Ghost Road], was blown away severely but was not injured, and triggered an automatic counterattack to the blogger. Is this also a manifestation of the "protagonist halo"?

Bo Ren stood up with the support of Lu Dai and Jing Zhen, and asked, "Could it be are, Aunt Anqi, are you?"

Lushiro and Jingjin, who were already doing a good job desperately and fleeing with Bo Ren, were also taken aback.

"How is that possible? It is said that one of the strongest combat powers that joined Akatsuki in the last Ninja Wars, was able to almost tie with Naruto-sama and Uchiha Sasuke alone..."

"No, Bo's a little bit...too young, right?"

Bo Ren said: "Um...mother's sister, Huahuo...Doesn't Huahuo sister also look young? My eyes must have been correct just now."

That is to say, he would think so. In addition to the peculiarity of his pupil technique, there are two reasons: First, he has seen An Qi's "childhood" through the past, and he basically remembers the tone and the way of speaking; second, Hinata's mother His sister Huahuo does look quite young, so it’s okay for Naruto’s father’s sister to look young, right? What he overlooked, however, is that An Qi was born only a little later than Naruto, and Hua Huo was several years younger than Hinata.

Suddenly, golden light flashed, Naruto's big hand pressed Bo Ren's head, healed his injury.

Naruto is here! At the moment when Chakra broke out by kicking the two special ninjas with one kick, the power that was so terrifying to deform the screen of Chakra was naturally discovered. Who else can deal with other than Naruto?

(to be continued)