Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v12 Chapter 235: Misaka Network's General Consciousness R

The fire on the right faced the four people of Kamijou Toma, Yifangtong, Misaka Mikoto, and Bee Eater, and easily gained the advantage.

   Yifangtong was quickly beaten up, and Kamijou Touma was also injured.

   Mikoto and Caoqi are safe, but the reason is that the fire on the right did not look at them, because they did not have the power to shake the fire on the right.

   "Warning, Chapter 35, Section 18, [Sulfur rain burns the earth[]]-there are three seconds left before it is fully activated."

  A scorching rain of golden-red arrows fell from the sky, which was the magic in the banned book catalog.

   The injured Dang Ma took the initiative to protect others.

   He waved his right hand, smashed a golden red light arrow, and waved the weakened arrows and fragments into the falling arrow rain. Even so, the attack could not be completely offset.

"There are too many people to protect" In this case, he did not complain, did not dodge, stood up hard, and could not retreat. Although the magic that forcibly weakened most of its power had not caused serious mountains and seas to him, it revealed a flaw and was caught by the fire on the right. He took the opportunity to cut off his right hand and absorbed it into his "third hand"!

   Caoqi screamed in horror. Stripping off the apex and the queen's coat of psychic abilities, she is just a girl below the average.

   Mikoto gritted her teeth, why is she so weak.

   "Damn it! If it weren't for the decline in ability the other day, I would...I would...what's the matter?"

   The answer, of course, is that nothing has changed.

"What...everything is good, sisters, have a lot of people, all over the world, everything is good, all information is good, save us... the way to save that fool!" Mikoto almost vomits blood! To convey their ideas in the "Misaka Network".

【learn. If it is the request of the older sister who gives us the chance to be born and the chance to live. /return】

   The voice in response was a little different from the past.

   From the overall consciousness of "Misaka Network".

   This is undoubtedly a good thing, but the overall consciousness in "Misaka Network" has another request——

[Including in Russia, Misakas all over the world are actually collecting intelligence by intercepting and monitoring electronic signals in order to help my sister. They have detected that an independent Russian force is preparing to use Nu-AD1967 to carry out nuclear weapons on the location of the air fortress. Hit, everyone there and the sisters who stayed in the Russian research institute will die. Please ask your sister to save everyone. /return】

   "Nu-AD1967? What type of weapon is that?"

  【Nuclear warhead. 】


   "Huh? This seems terrible, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

   The last work obviously didn’t regain consciousness, but kept his hands stretched forward, and his hands wanted to grasp what was constantly groping and shaking in the air, and he actually opened his mouth——

"One by one, one by one, sister, sister, sister, sister, sister, Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Mi Mi Royal Royal Royal Royal Royal Royal MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..."

   No outsider manipulated her, "Misaka Network" ran away with its own will!

   An Qi thought: After all, the virus that Mikoto injected before was not cleared at all, right?

  Although "Hunting Soul" has done some treatment for the final work, the virus usually does not break out, but this is...

   "Ahahahaha, if this is the case, wouldn't one party want to kill Mikoto Misaka? Maybe you want to commit suicide, hahahahaha."

   Yifangtong acted to find the clue to save the last work and went deep into the battlefield. He was beaten and bruised all over. Should his sister come to the rescue instead? It's so fun.


   A lonely BMP infantry fighting vehicle drove into the narrow road between two low hills.

   stopped in front of a military stronghold.

   "This is the independent unit of the Russian adult education chief? Isn't this really an ordinary army?" Cynthia complained, sitting in the turret and looking out through the periscope.

   Outside are dozens of T-72, T-90 main battle tanks and BMP infantry fighting vehicles, as well as several missile launch vehicles and their auxiliary vehicles. One of the missile launch vehicles has a high launch frame. Surrounded by busy soldiers, they are obviously preparing for some combat mission.

  It seems unclear to be in it, but it can be judged that there are more than a thousand people.

"I don't know. This is a problem that their country and religion have to deal with. Even if it doesn't help me to clear the relationship, I want to get in and out easily." Franpis said, "But this is indeed Nick who is deeply involved in this war. An independent force under the direct command of the Grand Secretary La Tolstoy.

   "I'm going to work. If you don't dislike the cold wind, it's okay to follow it." Franpis got up from his seat and turned to open the heavy armored door.

  Cynthia: "Are we going to help the Russian army?"

   Fulan Pisi: "No, deal with the nuclear warhead that Teddy Bear is about to launch."

  Cynthia: "?!"

  Get out of the’s overly conspicuous appearance immediately attracted the attention of the Russian adult education personnel. Of course it was someone I knew, Saraya A. Elivica.

   "Franppice baby, you are here."

   "With your magical ability, isn't it easy to summon a group of politicians or military officers?"

   "It can be ratified by Tolstoy, but it's not that easy. Of course, I also got a signed document from the archbishop, so don't worry about position and responsibility." Saraya took out a tablet and called up the document.

   "Electronic version...Isn't this signature from the P?" Cynthia said strangely.

"How is it possible? Because the archbishop is an innocent boy, he is basically in a situation where he signs a letter and gives it to his subordinates. It is true that the future of adult education in Russia is worrying, but thanks to this, I can get permission." Sharoya said in a tone. resignedly.

"This organization can't be saved! Wow! Just kidding, hehe." Franpis smiled and looked at the car with more than twenty tires, longer than a train car, and with a towering launch tube." This is what needs to be dealt with?"

"Yes, after the fire on the right achieved its goal, it broke with the Russian military. Although we had some estimates about the weapons of the Academy City, this one-sided situation was really unexpected. And this one is ready to attack. The aerial fortress destroys the nuclear warhead of the angel’s present conditions. Even if it hits successfully, it will spread the ashes of death to the whole country or even wider in the sky. Russia is under the influence of domestic deterioration and international image responsibility, and it is over."

(to be continued)