Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v12 Chapter 240: Intensification of contradictions, milit

November 5th

On this day, there were some news that made some people's thoughts explode in an instant.

The results of the U.S. investigation into Russia’s use of nuclear weapons are announced: This is not an official act of Russia, but the disintegration of the Red Empire and the merger of Russia during the half-century of the Cold War split. The nuclear bombs that flowed into independent Eastern European countries during the chaotic political period were privately hidden because of Russia. The claims of individual military personnel are smuggled and used without authorization. In order to maintain nuclear security in Europe and Asia, the United States and some NATO countries in Eastern Europe declared war on Russia and its allies in the war, France and Italy, and Ukraine and Belarus that participated in nuclear smuggling.

Regarding this nuclear issue, the conflict center clearly showed signs of involvement of academy city personnel. What does it mean that the high-altitude nuclear explosion did not cause any harm to the earth's environment? The country’s military and political trends and the global environment are easily influenced by the super powers of the Academy City, which is not what many countries hope. Even if a war breaks out, the multinational cooperation organization that still has contacts with the Academy City has always operated on the premise of equality, mutual benefit and mutual benefit. However, the roots of individuals belong only to their respective countries. The history of the world can never be called an equal relationship. The world is not a plaything of academy city.

Therefore, the 27th Cooperative Organization broke ties with the Academy City for national defense needs and requested the return of the strategic materials exported to the Academy City during the war. The country where the cooperative organization is located does not make a declaration of commitment to exclude the recovery of force.

"Hee hee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" An Qi slapped Yi Fang to pass and Dang Ma laughed loudly, "Good job, good job, you have successfully involved hundreds of millions of people into the war in order to save important people. It's great. Isn’t it? If everyone else suffers, you who have saved important people will become the happiest people in the world. What a beautiful job."

"It's really noisy." One party passed away An Qi's hand casually. "Do these politicians and military strategists really like to do this kind of thing? "Darkness" is not only in the school city. Those righteous words are nothing but righteous words. Just want to achieve hegemony and other excuses."

"Oh, one side is common, and everyone understands some things that can't be said, right? Hey, hey."

Even though Hamami frowned, he didn't say much. Great power politics is like this. From a historical perspective, it's not surprising that this would happen, as long as he and his companions don't get involved in this kind of war center.

Compared with the sidewalk and Hamamian's appearance as a bystander, Dang Ma's state became worse in an instant, his face was pale, his sweat was raining, and the room temperature was still below zero.

His rescue is always accompanied by other aspects. To save a person is to fight against multiple people or even organize to achieve victory, which makes him rise in the enemy's intelligence rating. The outbreak of the Third World War and his abilities and characteristics are not insignificant. It doesn't matter. I wanted to bring down the latter and end the conflict, but the war went against my wish and continued to snowball.

Mikoto and Caoqi also turned pale for a while.

Although Mikoto blames himself somewhat, his psychological endurance is not that bad. Cao Qi, as the apex of a mental ability who has seen and wandered the darkness since childhood, does not think that this change is beyond the scope of expectation. The reason for their panic is: Dang Ma It turned into an expression that wanted to rush into hell.

What should I do next? Where is the signpost?


At the same time, the United States, Washington--

Unlike the camp-like hotel where the protagonists are located, the planners who turned the world war in this direction are gathering in this magnificent and luxurious presidential suite.

"A toast to the smooth development of the world war." Pliny, the inner core of Kraunpisi/Franpisi, said, raising a goblet full of champagne.

"Cheers to the world war." x6

Six other participants——

Member of Russian Adult Education: Saraya A. Elivicka,

The new leader of the British Magic Association "Darkness Before Dawn": Vassar,

British Puritan Magician of the North American Division of the Zero Church: Richard Breff,

The name leader of the American Indian Magic Association "Dawn in the Snowfield": Dora D. Blanchitchilk,

French Free Mage: Cinderella;

The mercenary sent by the U.S. media magnate Ole Brusac was the chief of naval staff who was dismissed as a sacrifice even though he was ordered by France to intervene in the British coup not long ago: Kinasik Ives.

Saraya shook the glass, although her face was smiling, her eyes were sharp to the extreme.

Vassar: "Why, doesn't it suit Miss Maozi's taste? Should I pour vodka or alcohol."

Saraya: "Baby, can I sue you for harassment?"

Cinderella: "Ah, because even if it goes well, the war is still burning in your country."

Kinasik: "Isn't it great? In this way, the center of the war will turn to the United States, the academy city, and the countries in Eastern Europe that are not part of the EU."

Pliny: "If Saraya is worried about the spread of war in Russia, I think there is no need to worry about this. Because of the angels and nuclear weapons, the academy city troops in Russia lost most of their fighter-bombers. It has begun to shrink. Everything is as expected."

What is not mentioned is that most of the dispatched by the Academy City this time are super-powered automatic weapons manufactured on the basis of scrap iron of weapons eliminated in the Cold War and operated by the "Jenny Network", and dispatched with cooperative organizations from all over the world. The next generation of armed forces, Aleister, did not suffer much.

Pliny: "Compared to this, how does Congress control it?"

Saraya: "Basically "Already control the vast majority of seats. "

Saraya uses the magical technique named Lacey technique, which is named as the Russian fairy that dominates the small forest. The by-product can affect the human spirit. It directly affects the distance, concealment, and continuity than Franpis/ Kraunpith's spirit magic is better.

And because it is just a side effect that affects the human spirit, it is not a technique for manipulating the spirit. It is just that the conditions for manipulating the spirit are harsh, and the process is slightly more complicated, but compared to the simple and easy-to-understand spirit type magic that opens the magic circle, it is harsh. And complexity itself is one of the insurances that prevents opponents from cracking.

Therefore, the fairies who are obviously good at playing with the human spirit let Saraya, who is not strong in combat, take care of this.

But why did the former French naval staff officer Kinasik, who was hired by the U.S. media magnate, join this question and answer? The answer lies in the person who hired him.

The media king does not only have an absolute advantage in this industry field. The media can influence a wide range of areas. The large amount of digital money earned by controlling the flow of news and information can also be used as capital to flow into all walks of life.

(to be continued)