Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v12 Chapter 242: Who are the terrorists?

Kinasik: "Is this all right? With the dual influence of the controlled government and the media, the people's anger can lead to the inaction government. Because this kind of non-nuclear can achieve the same results as nuclear weapons, and is a weapon outside the treaty. If it does, the voices targeted by countries will also appear. Therefore, the anger of the victimized neighboring emerging countries will intensify, and there will be more unrelated terrorist attacks. The possibility of the current government's stepping down will increase."

Pliny: "It belongs to this matter. I just say that even if I succeed, I will not feel happy personally. Then, the war starts, does anyone have an opinion?"

"No comments." x6

Pliny glanced at the little Indian Dora. She was the only one who didn’t speak at all except for the “cheers” at the beginning and the “no opinion” at the end. She is good at strength and has a lot of funding, but she can exist. It feels really low.

Richard: "However, there is one last external factor that needs to be considered. It is a force that is not directly related to the war but the British cannot ignore what action will be taken by the "Scarlet Sunshine"? The UK has left the European Union and the EU has taken action. It's only bad for Britain, and their actions can't help but leak the wind in front of the magic side."

Pliny saw everyone else looking at her.

"Scarlet Sunshine" not only possesses the magical power that actually ranks among the top, but also the ability to use the surface world and even the scientific side has been confirmed to be quite strong, even the person who Franpis gave the power can not win.

If these people are willing to shout "I'm not a man", Fran Pith can still think of a way to make up for the lack of strategy.

"Yes, yes, I will ask Master in this regard. I admit that "Scarlet Sunshine" still has the strength of "Golden Dawn" that year. However, the contemporary "Golden" heirs who have been branched into countless branches want to surpass the first generation. "Gold" is extremely stupid. However, you have to obey the orders to complete your respective duties. Because the magic name of betting on life symbolizes different goals, it is very common for magicians to ignore the overall situation."


November 10, New Honolulu International Airport, U.S., Hawaii, Oahu-

Although this country has declared war, due to the presence of the battlefield, although entry and exit have become stricter, there is no martial law. Although it can't keep up with the peak tourist season, the entire airport lobby is still crowded.

In other words, if the airport in Hawaii is empty, it is better to understand that the state has collapsed.

At a tea table outside an airport cafe, Pliny, Dora, and Saraya sat around eating "desserts."

The public television not far away is broadcasting news. Among them is the news of the recent abnormal thick fog at sea. A cloud of fog with a radius of about five nautical miles on the sea is approaching Hawaii. Although the height of the thick fog at sea does not affect flights, the travel of private ships has been restricted.

"If the fog alone can restrict their planes, we can also relax more." Sharoya said.

"It's not impossible to do it, but any magician can see the problem if it is made like that. Now it is important to fight firmly." Pliny said.

They are here waiting for news, because not long ago Pliny received a group from the Academy City in the League of Independent States of Elisalina and was picked up by the "Scarlet Sunshine" in Hawaii by plane. They landed at this airport, and it seems that they intend to be in front. Block them, for this they also prepared corresponding combat.

Dare to seem to be in the same place with the enemy, not because the heart is big or intending to fight head-on, but-the other side doesn't recognize the face at all.

In fact, when they were buying desserts just now, they just happened to ran into the person walking out of the convenience store carrying a bag of black coffee.

"It's too sweet." Saraya, who was drinking the pure white viscous beverage, wrung her brows slightly.

"Didn't it say concentrated coconut milk drink?" Dora asked.

"Coconut juice itself is not sweet, okay! I was cheated baby."

"I bet that the main ingredients are water plus flavors and other sweeteners, and maybe a little cream. There is not much coconut at all. It is an industry practice. Is there any fruit in the canned juice?" Pliny groaned and asked. "Then you try to add that white powder into it, I don't think it is salt."


"Starch... is this still edible? Add vodka if it's hairy. A Kvass is also good."

"It seems that the outside world has a lot of misunderstandings about the general opinion of the Russians..."

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from a corner of the airport calculated in kilometers away from them, and the tremor soon followed.

Shaluoya was taken aback, and seemed to say in relief: "Cinderella was killed by that one."

"Hey, who is the terrorist?" Dora said dumbfounded.

Dora wanted to overturn the existing American system and increase the status of Indians, because American Indians have an advantage over most Americans on the magic side. It may be possible to make the United States a religious country and took part in the action, but she still The behavior of one's own side is similar to the behavior of terrorist organizations in the international arena.

But the explosion is no different from an explosion at a gas station full of gas.

She had a brief exchange with Cinderella, knowing that her combat effectiveness is quite strong with sufficient preparations. At least people other than Level 5 in Academy City and Pat Wei from "Bright Sunshine" are definitely not opponents, but in order to defeat Cinderella. Pull, actually created such an explosion?

Why is the other party more like terrorists?

Pliny hurriedly sent the ice cream in the cup into her and asked Saraya: "Did you send out the misinformation through the arrangement of the Lacey technique on Hindrella?"

Shaluoya only smiled and said: "Naturally, I am not in the eyes of Flemish Baby for my personal combat power, but I am also a magician who can perform brigade-level defense functions and intelligence functions alone without showing my face. "

Pliny: "It's fine if so. Dora, what do you think of Saraya's ability?"

Dora replied honestly: "It's very strong for humans, but it doesn't seem to be very useful for modern warfare, just like the Russian battlefield not long ago, although Ms. Saraya was assigned the task of fighting the landing force and defending the missile force. But the enemy is either an airplane flying in the sky or an unmanned chariot and driving armor running on the ground. They are completely useless."

Shaluoya said in a harsh tone: "This time it is absolutely shameful. No country can use the kind of unmanned combat method of Academy City!"

Pliny: "Okay, don't quarrel, the misinformation is successfully sent, so let the people from "Bai Se Rizhao" and Xueyuan City wander around on this island to investigate the "troublemaker" and continue to control with Saraya. Poor ghost deal with it."

(to be continued)