Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v12 Chapter 260: Double 11 Plan

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! On the day of the month, the academy city, a windowless building——

"Are you dissatisfied? Aleister, whether it belongs to your own plan of action or the trial of Kamijou Touma, it is proceeding smoothly. Thanks to this event, the action of the "Science Guard" has also been made public. It's suitable to wipe out all the voices that oppose you in the camp, isn't it?" Franpisi said indifferently, sitting cross-legged in front of the cylinder full of liquid.

Recently, she has not interfered a lot with Kamijou Touma's existence. If at this point in time, something goes wrong with that person’s mind and body, it will force Aleister to adjust her “plan” significantly. Even if the end point is the same, the price will be paid. It may be very different.

Aleister said: "It's a failure for me to let me appear in front of you and outsiders with that possibility, but fail to achieve the corresponding results."

"Hee hee hee hee, in fact, as soon as you go out, there is a risk of being directly detected by the British Puritan. After all, people's attention to you was not lower than mine. Even so, you still did it. It was you. Believe that they don’t think you’re dead. Because of this, you didn’t tear your face with me. Can’t you really not be able to lose?” Fran Pisz jokingly threw a coin into the transparent cylinder several times. Mach's small stones.


There's no after that.

"When did I afford to lose to you?" Aleister asked back.

"Hahahaha, it’s not that I’m boasting, you’re absolutely right. If you’re looking for me this time, I won’t hope that Sunflower will return some of the parts that she took away... right? Obviously those things are conventional weapons when they are alone. If you don’t connect with you, the power is like that. By the way, didn’t you refer to the Intena technique in the production of... Possibility, have you paid the copyright fee?"

In the Inner technique, the basis for obtaining magic power is to use the heat in the air. If you don’t need to extract magic power from your own body, the capable person will not get hurt when using magic. Although there will be some problems, there is no doubt that Crossed that line.


"Huh? Why are you so cold?" Fran Pith tilted her head.

Aleister's face has never changed, but Franpis still sees that his mental state is really not good at this time.

The reason was the battle of Kihara Sunflower Kihara’s brainstem, and he was aware of the existence of magic in the Golden Retriever. Sunflower fired hundreds of original bombs. Since the Golden Retriever was only a medium, Aleister was the one who performed the magic. As a result, the original bomb was not available. One exception hit him all.

Although Aleister had long gone beyond the human category and succeeded in resistance, he still felt very bad when he was hit by hundreds of origin bombs, who had never given up on being "human." It is already very bearable and gives Fran Pis face to it without a seizure.

Aleister thinks that it is not impossible to fight with Franppice, but even if he wins, he does not know whether he can continue to maintain the "planned" environment he needs. Instead of that, it's better to let her be more comfortable in the college city on weekdays, so that Aleister sometimes makes some requests and uses Fran Pith, and Fran Pith won't have many complaints.

"The Demon God has been eyeing Kamijou as numb," Aleister said.

"Isn't this kind of thing taken for granted?" Franpies shook her head as if indifferent.

"At present, it is possible to save and use Kamijou Dangma's Orells from his injuries, so it is up to your forces to protect him. If Kamijou Dangma dies at this time, it will be a trouble for you, isn't it?" Ya Lei Star explained.

It is really troublesome. Although Kamijou Touma cannot defeat the demon god, the demon **** seems to be unable to kill him easily, because even if he kills it will cause the "fantasy killer (brr to move to other places, so facing that person may choose other methods Solve the contradiction between them. If Franpies can make good use of this, the possibility of life-saving facing the devil will also increase.

Fran Pissi simply lay down on her back: "You said this earlier, then I'll take it lightly."

Aleister: "You are the one who died like that."

Franpies: "...That's what I said. I really don't have this leeway, so can you help me at that time?"

Aleister: "Do you think I can help you like this? If I fight against that kind of opponent, the essence of my other possibilities will be exposed."

Franpies: "...It's true that Patwee is shrewd, but it is also a human category. Orells is different. So, what reason should I ask for you? My actions at this time are very strange, right?"

Aleister: "It doesn't matter, the reason has been found for you."


Moon day, the gate of star trails——

Franpis, wearing the coat of President Retilly Loli, is working hard as always, and this body could have spent these days like this.

If there is no excuse that Aleister arranged to protect Kamijou Touma, he would come to the door.

"I said, you know that my company is related to the ‘dark’ of Academy City, but you don’t know how to play through the game, but don’t use me as an agent of the dark side! Hey!"

At the entrance of the elevator in front of the president’s office, Fran Pis had a verbal temper at the cheeky Misaka Mikoto and Bee-Eater. Get on that fool's transportation. It is said that the Star Trails Gate can take off and land freely without the 23rd School District Airport. The aerospace plane is currently idle, but it can take off at any time and can be used for borrowing. "Mikoto said in a natural tone.

"There are planes, but where did you get your confidence? I want to let the plane fly over?" Fran Pith asked, holding her chest.

"Because my patience has reached its limit!" Mikoto screamed, slapped against the wall, "Because your aircraft is more safe than the fighter-bombers of the Academy City in terms of transportation equipment, so in the near future In the coming "Science Guard" clean-up battle, your plane will be rented by the General Council to put in multiple Kihara and related equipment! Actually put those dangerous people into the place where the fool goes in large quantities!

"Cut, Aleister, did you reveal to this level for the sake of Kamijou Touma?" Franpis gritted her teeth, leaned her back against the wall and said calmly: "If you don't worry about Kihara, this time The one in Kihara who was dispatched was the little girl who happened to be saved by Kamijou Toma's junior high school, and her cousin. Coupled with Kamijou Toma's rare status in the Academy City, the troops in the Academy City would not treat him like that."

(to be continued)