Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v12 Chapter 264: VS Body Art Engineering

"Haha, Marian is really cheeky." Franpies stepped forward, made Marian sit down, and cast her healing magic.

Marianne said during this period: "I am the only one who survived, and only the non-combatant survived. Isn't it weird?"


"Wait a minute, the bones there caused me to hit the cabinet and misplaced when you knocked on the door just now. It is very bad to heal like this!"

"Ah, it's healed a bit. Sorry, do you want to break again and reset?"

"...I'm a non-combatant, do you have anesthetics?"

"There seems to be painkillers there, but they are not the ones that take effect immediately. There is electric shock paralysis now."

"Forget it. If you lose too much blood, it will be very bad. It seems that your healing magic is genuine. Go ahead as soon as possible."


"Oh oh oh oh!"

"I said," Fran Pisi continued the treatment with one hand, and asked with one hand on her hips, "Can't your tools be able to assemble the human body casually? Can you reorganize the body by yourself?"

"Then, must the swimming coach himself be good at water?"

"Is not it?"

"Some are not, even dry ducks!"

"Really or not? In short, I understand the problem that your technology can't transform your body. In other words, since you are the only one surviving, then Belushi in your mouth is also dead? Then show me even more heartache. ."

"No, he didn't die, he was the only one who didn't die besides me. Let's say...I would be dead without him isolating that old lady Loli. Damn it, I would be careless if I thought I had nothing to do with Academy City and Magic. That kind of magician who uses his body to the extreme combat technology is obviously rare enough, how can he appear in an organization that does not belong to any side! Now Belushi is going to deal with the enemy, just follow your prompts, already first Excluding the other Kihara, in this way, Belushi will not be defeated and will definitely be able to come back."

"Hey, you are so big, have you checked Kihara's body well?"

The Sunflower’s [Flower Sea Birth] with the name Kihara is still in operation, although I don’t think sunflowers will do things that are completely against their will without authorization............

"I don't believe that if you are not in good spirits, it won't affect the quality of the'iron strike'. Let's start the action when you cure it," she said.


"By the way, what about the Hindrella?"


Kamijou Touma is an unfortunate person.

Obviously it is aid, but it can also bring him unwarranted disasters.

"You left them on the island of Hawaii, and they did not hesitate to stick to the dark side. They listened to the bad words until now, and finally met, but you and the plural girls, honey ants, forget it, and you have **** with the maid. The primary school students are affectionate, and they just mess around without any explanation!"

Seeing Dang Ma’s Mikoto roaring and letting out the [Lightning Gun], Dang Ma fell.

In the hands of Omi, Miyi Aiyu, and Yunchuan Qinya's sister, Yunchuan Ju Yaqi, looked at the sudden situation with his head tilted.

Omi: "Hey, Kihara Kaqun said that there is hope of living with this talent? This is down. Is the news of Kihara Kaqun reliable?"

Ju Ya: "If my sister's understanding of Shangjo is reliable, I think it should be reliable. But this is a disaster, right?"

Honey Ant: "Brother Kamijou! Misaka, you suddenly appear and attack suddenly!"

Mikoto: "Eh? It's different in normal times, it runs straight through? You just got injured in a battle? Say it earlier!"

"Too...too unreasonable." Dang Ma muttered twitchingly.

Mikoto glanced at Omi and Miyi: "You guys never showed up after you got involved in the Second Children's Home, what are you doing here!"

The honey ant raised his nose and looked a little smug: "Hey, I am of course to help Brother Shangtiao, I saved him, Yunv has no melons."

In fact, after the "Human Resources Plan", Honey Ant Aiyu really couldn't stay in the Academy City. Of course, the Academy City also prohibits the outflow of technology. Even the incompetent punks are prohibited from leaving casually. This is the result. Out of the incapable armed group.

Topheran Pess felt that "Oh, this person seems to be a lot of fun to live" attitude. As a result, she was sent to the overseas cooperation agency of Academy City under the condition of restricting personal freedom, and Omi followed her to continue her mission. . This is the result of the cooperative agency suddenly starting to oppose the Academy City.

Omi is here to continue to collect the information that Koga requested. He didn't follow Fran Pith's warning, but he kept his eyes on him, but he couldn't imagine that he would face a collapse on the first day and turn it into a runaway drama.

Yunchuan Juya was a former student of Kihara Kaqun. He came here to find a teacher, but he couldn't find the teacher but ran into the Shangjo forces. The teacher probably arranged the best way to survive.

"The honey ant was appointed as the guard for screening spies because of its ability, and controlled some guards and opened the back door for Shangjo." Ju Ya said, seemingly oblivious to his nose.

Honey Ant exclaimed unconvincedly: "This is very important! Brother Kamijou is now being hyped by the news as a madman who represents the academy city for wantonly intervention in wars all over the world, even if he is just a'high school student everywhere.' The regular guards here will be fired by assault rifles the moment they see it!"

"The honey ants did help a lot, but." When Ma felt relieved, he sat up, stood up and said, "I must stop those wanton and reckless guys."


"This is... the bones, the spine should be connected with so many sections."

"Isn't it weird to use the skin of the face and **** as a desktop? Why not use a large area of ​​back skin?"

"The four legs of the table with the hands and feet are generally Why do the eyeballs have to be taken out and hung on the corner of the table? Do you think this decoration is very beautiful?"

Franpies muttered to herself while using dispelling magic and healing magic to disassemble and assemble the table named "Cinderella".

Marianne couldn’t bear it: “I’ve been babbling about my work from just now, it’s enough. Although this is not my main business, it’s all my work specially designed for combat rooms. It’s very practical and can be used as Weapons, what's your dissatisfaction!"

"That's the problem!" Fran Pisi knocked on the table, and the upper mouth let out a "Woo" sound.

"Isn't this structure equivalent to a shape formed by forcibly stuffing a person into a table-shaped mold? It has no technical content or artistic sense! How can I tolerate such a clumsy work, or I will give you a demonstration. As a black dwarf craftsman, you should study hard!"

(to be continued)