Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 139: The empress

"So it seems that the experience value is still less?" After counting that the patriarch of the eighteenth patriarch of Titaniya seems to deserve the level that all the experience points of this battle have been promoted, she complained.

"After all, their rules for gaining experience points are not as convenient as ours. It's not surprising that it would be. But thanks to Megaris who used the transfer items to turn on the restrictions when they made new bodies, otherwise they would have to have a lot of monster experience. The value will be lost in vain." Kraunpith was quite satisfied with the result.

"This phenomenon..." Iblu Yai paid attention to the current situation and looked around.

"Hey, Alice 0, none of the teammates you summoned is gone! So are the weapons and consumables." She said a little anxiously.

Although Crown Pith wanted to vomit very much, she didn’t understand how she was in a hurry, she still held back a little: “I know, the space blockade disappeared just now, so I summoned them upside-down to avoid any loss, you know. What is this?"

"A hundred years ago, the Demon God’s residence trapped certain non-lethal alien space traps and couldn’t move. After the Demon God was indeed crusade, the phenomenon occurred during the collapse of the residence. After that, everything may return to normal, but not all teammates were able to move. You can go back, are you sure they are all sent back." Ibiriyayi said solemnly.

"It's so cautious. Since the contract will have a contract connection, the connection is naturally okay, then-[Message [Message]]... Well, um, it seems that there is no problem."

"Do you have any insights?" Sunny flew to Ainz instead of other companions and asked.

"Well...well, it's just a short buffer before the clearance." Ainz didn't know what he was feeling, turning his face away and said, "Cut, the worst type of punishment for passing the level too quickly, the garbage production does not change even if it passes through. ."

"Punishment area?"

"That's the case for us, how do you feel when you experience it yourself?"

"...No, nothing special. Just being so tired but not getting experience points really makes the goblin sigh." Sunny said deliberately.

Although the observation records of Kraunpith obtained satisfactory results, Sunny still wanted to cover Ainz's ideas or intelligence. One reason is that I later contacted Alice and Midori who she had brought to the "Miscellaneous Fish" troops to help out this time. They also used deceptive magic as a summoning unit to participate in the first phase of the battle, but They all successfully gained experience points.

Especially in the name of the entourage of the Elf King, the creation summoning units Fabritis and Efonia, they are among the very few creation summoning units of the Elf King, they have a low starting point and did not get any " "Yggdrasil" is a fairy who practiced the rules outside the wheel, so the level is relatively low, and because "Yggdrasil" turns to reality characters’ experience acquisition rules are easier than those born in reality, they all get more expensive than Alice and Midori. Experience.

"Yes...Is it."

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay. If the penalty level has experience points, it won't be a penalty. Garbage production."

If what Ainz said is true, then the mystery in the demon's meticulousness is solved. It seems that the punishment checkpoint is more "goodwill" to the natives-provided that they can survive.

"...Shut up, please." Then, Ainz sighed while hiding his face in the crowd's somewhat inexplicable gazes.

According to the information collected by Ainz, Sunny’s group is the original game monster group. What he wants to ask is the reaction of the party who is a "junk production" to experience this "junk production" game mode firsthand. It really made him weak.

Mordred walked past Ainz and said in a provocative tone: "Hey, just now we seemed to see a familiar basilisk on the castle you used as a defense. It's quite energetic."

"The three sisters of Gorgon, let's make a contract at the Altar of Destruction in order to exploit the loopholes in this maze as a helper for the summoning unit. Don't take action against them before the cooperation ends." Sunny took up her hand and discussed in advance. Good rhetoric came out.

"Oh? The three Gorgon sisters? The Shattered Altar?" Ainz became interested in the name of this legendary secret clue style.

"It's a similar ruin in the Independence State of Ye Lantil."

"A country that hasn't heard of it, is it a small country that is unknown?"

"Yes, the big cities are only the capital, the others are small towns and villages, and there is also a cause of mystery, which is shrouded in mist all year round, and a small plain where the undead will be born naturally, and occasionally there will be undead at the level of annihilation."

"Really." Ainz has a little interest, only a little. After living in this world for so long, he has long known that the city-killing undead are only in their early 30s. From this point of view, the so-called shattered altar is also It is similar to a place of residence, even if there are many monsters, the strength will not exceed 30 too much.

"It's my turn this time." Sunny said, pointing to the dragon with most heads, "What is that? The undead can't summon to create that kind of monster."


"It's really a good trophy. Congratulations. Goodbye." Then she politely bowed far away with the group of Meiyou, and walked back to her group.

"Is it enough to confirm it?" Mordred asked.

"For the time being, that's all right. There are still a lot of things to deal with later, and so is your business."

Soon, the surrounding area regained light.

The three teams are all standing on the ground outside The giant tree has disappeared without a trace, even a trace of residue is no longer there. If the earth squeezed by the roots is still maintained, there is a sky behind. The huge "tree pit" of the pit, people who have not experienced the battle will probably think that all the scenes here before are some kind of mirage.

Ainz conditioned his head to the Longwan side. Although the remotely controlled bodies of the Platinum Dragon King and Azure Dragon King could not see the face and eyes, they seemed to be staring at the seven-headed dragon that Ainz brought back.

Ainz is also wondering why the game seems to be over, and the BOSS that is expected to appear later does not appear again, so why this seven-headed dragon has not disappeared? Isn't it the same as the undead made of corpses in peacetime, will not disappear again?

"Master Ainz!" In front of Ainz's eyes, there was a flash of space magic, and a beautiful figure with black clothes and white porcelain skin fell with open arms.

"Speaking of it, the Death Empress can directly learn [High-Order Teleportation [Greater]]!" Ainz's eyes flashed red, and he subconsciously held up his hands, holding Mei, who wanted to be around his neck but hung there because of the height difference. Saithe embraced.

(to be continued)