Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 232: Invade

   Ainz raised doubts about the Altar of Destruction, which is clearly not far from the range of human activities, but has not been discovered so far, but also raised questions about the captains who are working companions this time.

The captain of "Wuming Whistle" pointed to the snow peak near the horizon not far above the jungle: "It is said that not long after the Demon War ended a hundred years ago, most of the Top Forest was entrenched by the dragon on that mountain. , Ruled. There is also a saying that the dragons are actually the subordinates of the temple fairies, and the fairies have also promoted some medicinal materials and monster breeding techniques. Most of the huge forests are held in awe, and will not easily go deep unless necessary."

"Really, I'm ignorant." Ainz nodded slightly. In fact, the amount of information contained in those words is very large for Ainz. The most important information for him is naturally the influence of the fairies on the northwestern continent. He knows more.

"It may also be due to the terrain." The person in the "four-color armed" said, "Although it is a forest and grassland, the terrain is not flat and wide, and the surrounding area has the same mounds like stars. If it is not particularly boring, I want to It is difficult to find such relics by climbing over these meaningless mounds to enter the forest area that should not be entered. As for why it has been discovered now, it should be the somewhat crazy exploration order of the Grand Duke and the "lifting of the ban" of the forest area."

   "Then, what is the possibility of building up these mounds with magic?" Ainz asked.

"It's impossible." The captain of "Six Sword Warriors" is not so much subconsciously saying that he wants to show off his existence in the dialogue with Feifei. "Look at the size of these mounds, even if the empire is full of prosperity. Given the power of the period—of course it can’t be counted as fairies and other alien races—it will take several years to pile up one."

   "That is, you don't deny that taking the country and organization as a unit, it can still be done as long as it takes time, right?"

   "Which country will do this for a temple? If it is to protect the temple and even consider the point of excavation by later generations, there should be a better way."


   "Furthermore, there is nothing unnatural about the arrangement of these mounds. Whether it is construction or architectural magic, it will leave obvious traces of stacking layer by layer."

   Others said one after another.

   "Ah, if it is magic in the realm of gods, it is not difficult to achieve this level? Have you forgotten the terrible blizzard that once enveloped the imperial capital?" Francesca said timely.

   "That's how it is said..."

   "It's really impossible. Is this the legendary residence of the devil god?"

   "But it's still the problem. There should be a better way to hide the temple. If you know the magic of the realm of gods, you won't be able to do such obstacles that ordinary people can overcome with the effort."

   Ainz turned his head and glanced at the mound, thinking that if the mound was a hundred meters square, he would be able to make it very quickly, and it would be enough to be so natural after decades of growing grass in the sun and rain. Sure enough, the scope of intelligence that can be obtained by talking to people who are not well-informed will become narrow.

  Is there such a possibility: the other party does not want to be found easily, but hopes that someone will find them sooner or later. Although I can't think of its purpose.

   Next, I have to exchange information on how the teams that have been here before have been wiped out.

You have to ask the people in the camp outside the ruins. After all, no one is alive inside. The undead sent by Ainz did not see the corpses that match the characteristics of the previous team until they were destroyed. It is better to say that they were inside until before the battle. Very clean. It's a pity that the undead controlled by Ainz can't share the sense of smell-it's better to say that "Yggdrasil" is impossible to set the sense of smell and taste in magic at all. Otherwise, through the residual smell, such as the freshness of the **** smell and the residual smell of different kinds of undead or monsters, perhaps a certain degree of intelligence can be derived.

   It's a pity that the people staying in the camp didn't have any information. They just calculated that the team's supplies should be exhausted, and after a long time did not come out before judging that they were all wiped out. Even if there are races in this world that can eat wood, stone, metal, and mantle, there will be nothing humans can eat here anyway.

   The investigations from all parties were able to come up with quite bad conjectures, which made everyone frown.

   "In normal circumstances, it's probably the undead or the hidden monsters or demihumans."

Gu </span>   "If the latter is the case, you have to consider other passages leading to the ground. After all, the living cannot be without supplies like the undead."

   "No matter what it used to be here, at least there are guys who threaten us humans. If you don't get rid of it in time, there will be endless troubles."

   "But what about the Grand Duke's order?"

   "There will always be results, even with the corpses and materials of powerful monsters, it is considered to be a result. If you are lucky, you may be able to get a good treasure of equipment and props, huh."

   "Anyway, let's act at night."

Listening to the discussion, Ainz interrupted, "Why is it night? If it is an undead or a ghost or a demihuman, shouldn't it act during the day? This way, once the enemy retreats, retreating to the surface will also help prevent the pursuit. "

   "Even if it is surrounded by mounds, the area around the ruins can be said to be open, and it is easy to find intrusions during the day."

   "In fact, we should monitor for a few more days. The experience of the camp guards is not as good as ours. We may be able to discover more. If there are living races entrenched, we will definitely find something."

   "But the commission is the Grand Duke, after all, UU reading will be decapitated. The Principality still has a lot of oil and water, so I don't want to go into exile, you say yes."

   "Yes, that's right. But let's use some magical means to explore it in a short time."

   "Since troubles may occur, it is better to solve them all at once. At least a small part can be investigated."

   In the night, they began to enter the Altar of Destruction in accordance with the plan to finalize some details again.

   Ainz and Francesca also cooperated with them to perform the magic treatment of invisibility and silencer. The soldiers were divided into three groups, and the team flying in the air overlooking the situation, so groping forward and came to the wall.

   Ainz: "I really look forward to what kind of technology a group made up of humans will have."

   Francesca: "I think you think too much. Expecting the humans in this world is in itself wishful thinking."

   Ainz: "It seems that you are not like a human originally."

   Francesca: "Your human skeleton seems to say that you are not."

   They talked unscrupulously.

  For the sake of concealment, there is magic [Silence] for sound insulation, even blocking the transmission of sounds between the teams.

(to be continued)


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