Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 238: Players talk to NPCs

That night, the dance clothes were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not obey orders at all, showing a tough attitude towards her creator.

There are only two absolute options of breaking free and obeying.

Irut can't tell the hardships. His fighter level is higher. This time he has not been removed from the equipment that has a large amount of ability bonuses. It feels that it is not difficult to break free now, but the rebound afterwards is daunting.

In fact, he really doesn't want to hold the dance clothes now. It's not that his mood is all on outsiders, and it's not that he is bored, but that he has physical insurmountable difficulties.

Explaining clearly may allow the dance clothes to let her go, but the reason is probably that the interest is greatly reduced, and it is definitely unbelief as a male.

Therefore, I chose not to resist.

After a few hours—

Irut took advantage of the dance clothes to fall asleep before staggering out of the house, bending over to support the wall and muttering: "Is there any mistake... Although the dance clothes sometimes get into this violent state, it seems that I was the person I was doing." Suppose, it can only be said to be self-inflicted, but it seems to be getting worse and worse. What is going on?"

He raised his other arm and looked at his healing gauntlet.

"It actually ran out of the high-level recovery magic stored in it, although it is not far from the refresh time... It looks like a runaway, is it actually considered good?"

However, only the physical strength lost during this period of time was recovered, and the other feelings were not eliminated, making Irut really unable to straighten his waist.

"It doesn't seem so good to go on like this, let's discuss it with someone." He thought.

But who can I find? Finding those NPCs with a lower level and status than the dance clothes is definitely useless. They will only show respect and obedience to the creator and the dance clothes with more points; he also tries to make friends in this country these days. Some ordinary friends, but because of the gap in status and strength, they are not up to the point where they can talk about this kind of thing.

At this time, there is the most suitable person to talk to, but is she still there now?

When he left, he didn't notice that Wuyi, who had just fallen asleep in his eyes, probed his head by the window, but the dissatisfaction in his eyes was a little more relieved—

What was dissatisfied was that Irut couldn't do it so quickly. What was relieved was that after I squeezed Irut dry, he should be able to enter the sage mode.

It is one thing to openly say that it is one thing to support Irut to open up her own blood. That is the correct choice for her public identity setting; besides, there are personality settings, and she still doesn't think much in her heart. Let Irut and other women have "story events" that may be emotionally intertwined. She intuitively feels that "Death to Death" is unlikely to have love, but in some ways it is very similar to her. In addition, she also feels that Irut obviously treats the black and white lady as a human being, and does not want to be treated as an inflatable doll as he used to be. She must beware of combat effectiveness.

Although Wuyi never imagined that she would have such a memory in another world, it was because she was really just a seductive and practically useful person in Yirut's eyes at that time. One-level "actual combat" game data.

Irut came to the end of the dark Holy Dianshe area, "Dong Dong Dong" knocked on the door.

The door opened soon, and Diaza's face was exposed from the crack in the door. She said, "It's your Excellency Irut, what's the matter?"

"Ah, so you are still there."

"The executives don't seem to be at ease. Although they have plans to send me out, they still decided to let'Astrology Thousand Miles' investigate for a period of time. So, what's the matter?"

"...Well, what should I say recently, and Wuyi..."

"If it's to mediate conflicts between husband and wife or treat kidney deficiency, did you find the wrong place? I know your family doesn't look harmonious, but I hope you can exercise some restraint at night." Diasa said, the door was closed by half. .

Only then did I realize that I was indeed an Irut, who had added resentment and kidney deficiency to his appearance, and he hurriedly straightened his waist and said, "No, no, no, it’s not like that, it’s just a matter of some women’s hearts. It’s better to say that the dance clothes are over-enthusiasm. NS."

"...Hmm." In her heart, Daysha actually wanted to say things like "It's my shit" and "You're annoying," but she opened the door to let him in.

There seemed to be a voice in her heart reminding her that the player’s intelligence, especially the one-hundred-level players who have world-class props and most artifact-level equipment, exist on the same level as the six gods, and it is good to have the opportunity to collect information. pass.

She often feels distressed that her deep and shallow consciousness are sometimes out of sync, but even taking this out and telling it subconsciously has become a taboo for action death flags. Trying to think like this will make her heart cold and horrified.

But this is also normal, she is not a sage, there must be many things in the world that she can't understand, this must be one of them-it can only be so self-comforting.

"come in."


"There is only one chair, sit on it."

"Oh, good." Irut sat on the chair, caring a little about the bed that Diaza was sitting on, which was too big for her.

"I won't sit on it for you. This is the bed for Eucalyptus and I." Diaza patted the bed and said.

"Huh? I know your relationship, but this is also..."

"I was young when I brought her here. The initial configuration was sufficient. If there is a demand, the Church will definitely meet it. But there will be no guests here, and she does not want to sleep in a bed that is not accustomed to it. It’s retained. Well, the bedsheets and mattresses will be changed, and they need to be clean."

"...It's good for you to live well." Irut, aware of the disrespect of the complaints, had to say so and ended the topic.

Then, Irut began to talk about the problems he had done with certain things about the dance clothes that made her very distressed.


? ? ? ? —

"Huh, UU reading made me see that it was so simple, it really was a world away from Ainz Urgung, or it was not him who was originally responsible for this in his guild. ."

Stare looked at one of the most magical images unfolded on [CrystalMonitor] in his own space, with a somewhat triumphant tone.

After all, she was beaten once by a powerful counterattack against detection. Although she was still alive, the battleship she was riding on sank. In any case, I have lost, and now I can feel better if I find a place from other forces.

To ask them why they chose to focus on Diaza’s room at this time, the answer is—

"Desperate to death" in a sense is being abducted by them.

By the way, it is a matter of course that this group of fairies did not do anything scornful, and did not even do anything related to "destiny" in the church country.

(to be continued)