Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 276: Ghost ship gap

Kraunpisi faintly discovered that Sean, the little boy whom Qianhezi personally ordered as a tour guide, did not seem to be illiterate, and his knowledge level may have surpassed the mode level of that age group. Judging from overhearing about the orphanage management project last night, Sean should be an orphan, and he still lives in a place where conditions are relatively difficult. As a mere human being, he is really a bit powerful.

"Hmph, here is really different from those countries like the countryside. Could anyone find this kind of thing to be able to see it?" Kraun Pith smiled.

Xiao En shook his head and said, "No, it is the knowledge our boss gave us. He said that asking questions as little as possible and relying on his own eyes to identify the needs of customers is also one of the abilities that should be mastered."

"Although I really want to compliment..." Kraunpith felt a little puzzled.

Regardless of the fact that the recognition of Grahamma is very understatement, people who can actually do this or have the ability to teach are all highly educated or knowledgeable by the standards of this world, and are basically upper-middle class. This tour guide group does not seem to be very rich.

Regardless of this aspect, it is estimated that the boss should be due to ordinary reasons such as bankruptcy or foreign debt due to some reasons. As long as the tour guide does not ruin people, there is no need and no interest to go into it. The bleak life of mundane creatures naturally cannot arouse her curiosity.

After a while, the sky began to fog. Although it was from dawn to morning, the fog became thicker and thicker, and it was not even the road ten meters away. It really didn't look like normal weather.

Sean opened his mouth and said: "This is the fog produced by the patrol ghost ship led by Ainz Ul Christine. If you are not ill-intentioned, you can watch the road move carefully. The only thing to pay attention to is the reaction of the animals. Fortunately, you It’s a Graeme horse, so don’t worry about it."

"Well, I know." Kraun Pith responded faintly.

Sean's eyes widened because of this: "Sure enough, is the guest status extraordinary? If it is a large-scale caravan and mission, it will be easy to panic even if it is a guest who has been there once or twice. Lost."

Sometimes the unnatural fog means that a monster with this ability is about to appear.

"Oh, the Lord is here," Sean introduced after confirming the outline of the ship emerging in the fog. "This is the patrol ship Ghost Baron led by Ainz Ul Christine. It is about fifty meters long and about fifty meters wide. Eight meters, if used to accommodate ordinary soldiers, two to three hundred is a more appropriate number. However, because Lord Gong's death knight is much heavier, the number of patrols should be smaller. Don't just look at the tattered ones. You should be able to tell that it was a rather mighty ship with your knowledgeable eyes."

"Well, that's it." Kraun Pith still only responded slightly.

"Excuse me, can I ask why they didn't repair the ship to be more beautiful? Obviously I have seen some workers' skeletons before, and the bones are wiped clean, right?" Unanswered questions were asked.

"It depends on the original state of the ship." Sean thought for a while and replied, "If a ship is specially built to make a ghost ship, it should be able to be made into a new one, but Ainz Ur. Master Gong may be considering the cost issue. He has been salvaging the old shipwreck directly and turning it into a ghost ship with magical power. After it is made, its current shape is solidified, and forcible repair will only lose negative energy."

"Will you not repair it before making the ghost ship?" Qianzuruko asked.

"This...I don't know much, I haven't learned magic, and I've heard of these too." Xiao En embarrassed.

"Really, it seems that your lord also has some slack."

"Don't say this in front of that adult."

"we know."

The topic of why the ghost ships made by Ainz Ul Christine are so shabby ends here.

Not long after, the extremely huge hull compared to the carriage appeared in their field of vision, and Kraunpisi quietly pretended to beat the horse and walked a few meters away from the hull of the floating hull, during which Qianhezi turned his face slightly. I leaned out the car window and looked at it for a while, because the previous topic could not be carried out to the end, so I stopped paying attention.

This made Sean quite a blow.

Although the first-time guests are not surprised, they are more relaxed towards the tour guide, but this is not a sense of accomplishment.

"It seems that the guests are from far-flung countries that are very close to the ocean races, or have strong maritime power. In your eyes, what kind of ship is worthy of the name of a warship?" he said.

When Klauen Pith was wondering whether his condition would cause a heart attack, Qianhezi’s voice came from the car: “Did you just say that the ship is fifty meters long? If we have to talk about the size of a battleship, this is probably the smallest place I have lived in. For us, it’s not one or two hundred meters long and it may not be worthy of a capital ship. Even such a navy will still be in the war. The army is annihilated."

"Ah, it seems that the world is really big. It's because I'm ignorant and ignorant." Xiao En had to sigh, feeling that these tourists have stories, maybe it's the motherland's failure in the war and exile.

But I don't know that he, who is in the minefield in the opponent's heart, is not good to comfort him, presumably he can regard the extremely powerful ghost ship and death knight in his eyes as the guests of passers-by, and he is not worthy of him to enlighten.

Kraunpisi secretly asked what Qianhezi had said about the things in his homeland, and whether the matter is still in his heart. It is meaningless to say that another world war is here, but it seems to be very similar to the recent situation in Bajas. If there are outsiders who want to hear a detailed story on com, just talk about that.

Because there is a gap between the worldviews of the two sides, they have been able to bring the atmosphere but have been lifeless.

With an inspiration, Shaun talked about the unique farming and medicine collection methods of Ainz Ur Gonling that can sometimes be seen on both sides of the avenue.

Kraunpisi only came to the banquet last time, and still used teleportation magic to reach the city. Although he was surrounded by death knights at one time, nothing happened after the clarification.

Now she pays more attention to these industries that only look at the appearance of no brilliance, plus some things that Titania doesn't have, so she is interested, which makes Sean finally have some confidence.

"Huh huh~" Sean pretended to cough, some of the performances were pretending to be funny and funny.

He said: "Did the two guests carry weapons?"

"Is it an issue that requires armed control to enter the city?" Chizuko's voice came from inside the car, "We passed through other counties in this country before, and there is no such rule. Ainz Ur Gongling is factually independent. Country?"

(to be continued)