Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 288: Sudden change, fierce confrontation with

Next day—

Because Kraunpisi’s scheduled itinerary included the agricultural and animal husbandry "scenic area" and the management cemetery open for outsiders to watch, so they got back in the carriage and left from the opposite gate where they had entered the city. The main city of Ainz Ur Gong went to the suburbs.

Kraunpith felt the sense of peeping that disappeared in the middle of the night reappearing.

However, there are no trees or rocks when looking out of the city. They are all low crops and roads, and there is no suspicious existence on the walls of the city gates.

"Oh, we have been followed, although it seems to have been since last night." Only then did Kraun Pith tell the story.


Qianhezi and Sean both looked around nervously. Qianhezi knew some of the truth about Crowpease, and Sean also saw some of Crowpeuse's methods and characters. They don't think she will have an illusion. If it is a joke, then her tone should be more yin and yang.

"Do you want to...can you call the police?" Qianhezi asked. She belongs to the kind of person who has strong attack power and field control, but has a very weak body. She knows that taking over her own existence in this world will basically not require her to fight. It's not needed, so it's less motivated than in the Anbu period.

"Reporting to the police? The unheard term refers to reporting to the guards? It is usually not recommended as a last resort." Sean said, "Ainz Ul Christine will lead the case to the deceased Grand Mage Interrogator. Use spiritual magic. Although after so many years, it is enough to guarantee credibility, there is really no privacy in that way."

Klauen Pith suddenly became happy: "That's it, so the dragon who I met yesterday blatantly swept his tail and tripped people? There are healing magic, and fracture damage can also be solved with low-level magic and potion. Who would be responsible for this kind of thing? Expose your privacy, hey."

"If it's the same guy as yesterday, can you ask the guest to deal with it by himself?" Sean said to Kraun Pace in a begging tone.

"Hey, if that guy provokes me, I'll use that guy to vent." Kraun Pace laughed.

She just wanted to see how the two panicked or what it was like when they were in conflict with that guy on a whim. It's a pity that yesterday's performance was somewhat strong, giving them the illusion that they would be well over them at any time.

Kraunpith wondered, should he deliberately rush into some dangerous place without delaying business?

It's a pity that the **** didn't give Crowen Pi Ribbon any new fun.

Until the evening came, their party drove out of a farm trail.

"Well, how about finding a nearby farm that can be rented?" Xiao En suggested, "It's foggy at night, and it's not easy to walk."

"We'll be afraid of walking at night? Huh! Say, how much did the farm give your boss?" Kraun Pace flirted with another brace.

"...Well, there are indeed farms who are friends with our boss, but the service is guaranteed, and the meals are also distinctive. They are more suitable for human consumption than in the city. How about giving you face?" Xiao En pleased.

"Don't you deny it this time?" Qianhezi asked.

"Because this is a fact, no matter what other tour guides do, we have always operated with integrity." Sean said proudly, turning to a somewhat pleading tone, "Excuse me, is the little tail still there? When can your lord Lilith take it Take care of it, after all, I don't want to cause trouble to the boss's friend."

"Hmph, if he is still at the door, I'll solve it." Kraun Pith raised her nose and said.

The fog grew thicker at night.

"This is... of the time and space level? Perception is blurred..."

Mind that if this is the level of a certain trailing demon, it seems too exaggerated, Crown Pith released a clone to rush out of the mist and came to the trailing devil.

"Hey, it really is you, is this related to you?"

What she saw in front of her was the Shadow Demon that she saw in the playground yesterday.

"...No." The demon was taken aback.

"Really, that's right, how can you do it with your ability?" When Crown Pith said this, the fog disappeared behind him, but there was no sign of what he should have seen.

"Tsk, could it be...Forget it, give it to the main body to have a headache, I don't want to play with you, 886." Kraunpisi avatar shot the Shadow Demon tens of meters away with a single finger, with different endings in the same way.

This is not where fighting is forbidden by the laws and regulations led by Ainz Ur Gong, but the other party is not in her eyes, and she doesn't bother to fight a real fight.

But people don't know that after being teased like this twice, people are going to get angry, and even if he is not very smart, he is a real demon?

"Dare to tease me again and again! [Dub]!"

"Hahahaha, phantom kill, phantom kill." Crown Pith's avatar stretched out his right hand with a bit of fun and patted the oncoming black sphere the size of a human head, and then—

"[Dub [Dub]]."

The size and speed of the black ball she threw was several times that of Shadow Fiend!

But the shadow demon opened his big mouth and sucked in the attack of the clone Pess, UU reading www. proudly said: "Idiot! You seem to deliberately use the same magic as me but with added magic power to show off! But my physique is like this! The magic I have understood is a tonic for me, thank you for your hospitality! [Dark entanglement [Dud]]!"

Several thick and **** tentacles wrapped around Crowen Pith, she tore again, and the backhand was a larger [Dud], which was also eaten by the Shadow Demon.

As a result, they were laid eggs here like angry children. The Shadow Demon continued to use different magics. Crown Pith shredded it with his bare hands, hitting back a bigger one, and was turned into his own tonic by Shadow Demon and activated. Stronger magic.

The first thing that couldn't hold it was Shadow Fiend. His capacity was limited, and he finally couldn't take the counterattack of Crown Pith's clone. Before breaking himself, he knelt at the feet of Crown Pith's and surrendered, leaving Crown Pith's clone. Stomped his head with one foot.

"Master!" he called out suddenly.


"Actually, I heard that Ainz Ur Gong’s name is a magic caster, who came here to study art, but that guy not only looked down on me, he also watched me for several days! Now I finally understand that you are The master I'm looking for!" Even though he was stomped on his head, the Shadow Demon twisted his head vigorously and said loudly.

Kraunpith recalled the conversation in the amusement park, and at one time suspected that he wanted to see the scenery in his skirt, even if you didn't have a scenery line.

"It's weird that your virtue is not like this. Besides, their guild membership standards are also very demanding, and strength is not the only standard." Kraunpisi said.

"Please accept me as a disciple!"

"Listen to the fairies! Hey!"

(to be continued)