Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 318: The Conquest of the Holy Maiden

Back in time -

Not long ago, Saint Ashley was called to the front.

The bad premonition still happened, and Ashley certainly understood the role that her innate ability could play in the war. It is just an ordinary war between countries caused by political, ideal and interest factors, and the temple usually does not directly send combat power to the front line to participate in the war. She took the initiative to become a saint, there is no reason for this.

But the war between man and demon is different from the war of gods.

Indeed [Charm Aura Ⅹ] is enough to make anyone who sees her will never attack her intentionally, and will never attack her intentionally as long as they approach her. In other words, it's okay to hit other than that, and she has already experienced it during the travel.

But she was ordered to go into the city alone as a "scout" to "scout" and try to purify the demons. In fact, it was the Goblin Temple that asked her to charm other demons and undead. There was no loss, she sent her a signal and used space magic to bring her back.

In the military camp, Ashley also met a few classmates from the past, and was slightly impressed, because those people almost took her home or licked her all over, but Ashley couldn't complain about each other, they were all [Charming Aura] ] wrong. And those former classmates have also stopped being human because of this war.

The former classmates who became ship girls did not recognize Ashley who had changed her appearance. After talking, Ashley also understood that they did not do this for power and war glory, but only for the order of the empire.

During the conversation, Ashley also found a problem, that is, the thoughts of the ship girls have obviously been directional correction. They are not turned into machines to command the battle, and they have the same personality as before, but the thoughts that they should not have will be forcibly suppressed. go down.

This made Ashley hate the "Blood Chain God Group", and made herself and her companions look like people. She has nothing against the goblin's practice and human transformation itself, but just like people who like to eat cakes never want to become cakes, she doesn't want herself and her companions to become like that.

In this way, she is determined to work hard to complete the tasks assigned to her by her superiors, and just winning can make it all over.

Of course, her efforts can only be within the limits of her ability.

The person who escorted her parted ways when she was still a thousand meters away from the city gate, and let her go on her own. Since all kinds of beasts would fear the undead and demons, Ashley did not have a driver's license, so she could only walk.

Fortunately, Ashley, who had undergone body modification, did not walk this distance.

If you look at it from a distance, people who don't know the truth may think that this is a sacrificial ceremony to quell the demon's anger.

Ashley met the first wave of opponents when she came to the wide open unguarded city gate.

It was a hellhound that looked similar to a large black dog, but had phosphorescence all over its body, breathed flames, and had a ferocious face, and there were fifteen "watchdogs" within the city gate.

This is a very dangerous monster for ordinary soldiers, but it is not a strong enemy to Ashley, and it is a target that can be killed in seconds, but the appearance of a monster that looks more terrifying than usual still makes Ashley a little scared.

She stepped forward boldly and said to the hellhounds who noticed her, "Sit down."

Fifteen hellhounds immediately turned into Erha-like, sat down in place, wagging their tails and sticking out their tongues at Ashley.

Ashley breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that her [Charm Aura Ⅹ] also had an effect on demons.

"Follow me," she said, continuing to walk down the main road.

All the demons who are willing to obey along the way are called.

Although she has never tried to charm demons in the past, undead have done experiments. Undead without any intelligence and undead with only bones and no brains are confirmed to be unable to charm. Yayaka's family can be easily charmed successfully. Perhaps having the three basic desires of body and brain is a necessary condition for successful charm.

For this reason, she needs to use the demons who have successfully charmed her as her shield. It doesn't feel bad to use one's own innate powers to make evil demons and undead, who only have an instinct to hate the living, kill each other.

Not long after, Ashley encountered a human-like demon who peeled off all her skin and replaced it with a sticky black liquid. She looked at Ashley with a smirk, and slowly approached her with open arms.

If it was someone else, they might think it was an evil smile that was going to grab someone to eat or torture them, but the experienced Ashley already understood that the charm was also successful, but the other party immediately wanted to have **** with her. It looks like a real battle on another level.

So, the actual combat between the two sides began, of course, this is a literal actual combat, and there is no other special meaning.

Ashley has an absolute advantage in front of low-level demons. Soon, the demon was obediently lying on the ground enjoying the trampling of Ashley's feet.

Stepping on such a sticky demon made Ashley nauseated, but it was better than actual combat on another level, and it was rare to encounter a demon who looked a bit powerful, and she didn't want to miss the opportunity to learn about intelligence.

It seems that this is only a small role, and the ultimate purpose of the enemy is unknown, but combined with the cause of the incident she learned from the army, for the demon, there may actually be no purpose at all.

The original demon, the contract master has died, and now more demons have emerged from this, but they are just enjoying a feast of human lamentation. [Human Body Refinement Formation] is a guarantee that their feast can last longer. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ashley learned that she had won a prize this time, because this demon was the one in charge of taking care of some of the survivors who were preparing for human body training.

The devil also kindly took her to visit the place where humans were imprisoned.

But Ashley didn't dare to show her face in front of people, so she would be drowned out by the cry for help, and she could not help anyone. Her ability will make everyone like her, but not obey her, the devil can like her and listen to her and even betray the superior but will not give up his nature for it, human can like her and believe everything she says but cannot Lose the instinct to live.

When Ashley asked a question about the [Human Body Refinement Formation], the answer broke her into a cold sweat: There are six [Human Body Formation Formation], and there is a very high-level and extremely large [Nation Land Formation Formation]. ], which is different from the [Human Body Refinement Formation] that directly acts on a single target, the [Nation Land Formation Formation] will open a huge enchantment, and all the extractable magic in the enchantment will be completely drained, dissolved and refined. The magic factor condenses into magic crystals!

Range: With the magic circle as the center, the range is not based on distance but area, that is, the plain where Owental is located will be covered by the enchantment!

(to be continued)