Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 325: The Chance of the Big Hamster and the Li

It is true that the Wise King of the Forest played the role that Alice No. 0 thought in the early development of Kraunpiss. Alice No. 0 misunderstood this, and Kraunpiss really didn't consider this at all!

Crohnpiss can say that she ordered a forest wise king among the twenty because even though the points were allocated to the eighteen patriarchs whose loyalty should be no problem, the remaining points were used to distribute the forest wise king. It's just right, but the point is that the wise king of the forest is very cute, right?

After so many years, Penny Xun's level has only more than doubled compared to the original level. It is already very powerful for the aborigines, but there is nothing outstanding. It is equivalent to a low-profile version of Dolly. Yard.

But Alice No. 0 added: "Besides, after my accurate calculation, the extra points for Penny Xun can just be used up. If not, Dad will feel a little troubled that he can't operate all the functions of that menu. Although There are still many souls who are willing to be loyal to Dad, but I don't think it would be more appropriate to let those inferior creatures who have obtained immortality or use class cards. Dragons have a few toughness, but that is even more inappropriate .”

Kraunpiss said in his heart that those extra levels were originally intended to give other patriarchs some career corrections. After all, it is a world where they can automatically comprehend some skills and magic every time they upgrade to a stage. When they are almost enough, they will always be impatient. Or as a mechanism to change your mind to learn something that feels useless and upgrade to other levels to trigger automatic comprehension.

"Well, that's right. Life is more important than fighting." Croynpiss said something that made everyone wonder why he made it at this time, and then said to the crowd, "You guys, what you have learned so far from practicing and playing ability, is there any dissatisfaction?"

The answer was a little irregular, but there was no dissatisfaction.

"Is that so, then, Penny Xun, in this time and space, without you, I might encounter some twists and turns when I walked out of the forest. That was a very important issue for me at the time. Although it was a detour, but I really thanked you at the beginning." Cloenpiss said, looking at Penny Xun and Doriad.

Although the clothing styles are slightly different, they are basically the standard configuration of cloak + sundress + boots. It seems that most of the aboriginal dryads who are in line with civilization and have the conditions to buy the clothes they want are similar in style. Is it a racial preference?

The combat equipment on Penny Kaoru is incomparable with Doriad's, but it is the latest popular item that was not exported by Nansheng Kingdom last summer.

Croynpiss paid attention to these, but was too lazy to ask more questions, and wanted to know if Pennyxun's current vision was worth what Crounpiss did. If she is still the tree demon who has nothing but leaves on her body and only lives around her body, then she will definitely see off the guests.

"Penny Xun, look up and tell me how you feel from the time you know me to now." Cloenpiss said.

"Yes." Penny Xun raised her head in trepidation and said, "Before I met you, I was a frog in a well. Well, but my vision has been constantly widening while paying attention to the history of civilization outside. Like you A monster that can easily destroy the world—yay!"

Crohnpiss didn't do anything, but Penny Xun, who was instantly covered by other eyes, suddenly had cold hands and feet.

All the other goblins, demihumans, and monsters cast reproachful glances, as if saying: Some things can't be said even if everyone knows them in their hearts, do you understand?

"Papa papa." Crohnpiss clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, it's very good to pay attention to the history of civilization and firmly believe that I am a monster that can destroy the world. Obviously I think my real face The number of times is not enough, and there are "heroes" who look no worse than me from all walks of life. This "firmness" is also a very strong belief in a sense, but this can only be regarded as meeting the minimum standard. .Does the wise king of the forest have any opinion?"

The big hamster opened his mouth and said, "This... this kind of change~ should I say it is good or... people with vision will get changes every day, and truth is by no means a pool of stagnant water. Today's truth may become tomorrow's truth. Fallacy, you must maintain a heart that keeps pace with the times...I think this is very cool."

"That sounded like the death sacrifice orb, but it's not bad to be able to get what you need with the help of props. Why don't you and Penny Xun have the same chance. Take these two." Croynpiss flipped his hand and took out Throw a few books at their feet, "You should all understand the text on it, learn it, take the exam in three months, and I will change it into what you want according to your grades. The better the grades, the closer to ideal The closer you are. Alice No. 0, I leave it to you to organize."

"Okay, Dad. I will definitely teach them... to be proud of themselves and in line with Dad's wishes." Alice No. 0 jumped happily, and after reverse summoning Penny Xun and the Wise King of the Forest, He also activated the teleportation magic and left the hall.

"Next, let's fulfill your 'wish' first." Klaumpis stood up and looked at the Eighteenth Patriarch and Nyxfia, "I wanted to directly modify your occupations, but after all, you are not my direct After making it, modifying it casually seems to negate what you have been doing all the time. Although you will not complain to me, even if you have dissatisfaction in your heart, I want to extinguish it a little bit more. I will put your best effort and favorite Promote the profession to the top level, and give it the ability and equipment to match a hundred-level npc."

Of course, Crohnpith doesn't care much about the efforts of these If the skills trained don't meet Crohnpith's expectations, relegation and retraining are also necessary, and we can only attribute it to the absence of this situation Star, Megalis and Alice are well managed.

The reason she said this to everyone was that it would transfer more points to the Wise King of the Forest and Penny Xun, and it would not reduce the strength of the eighteen patriarchs, and it would also make them more grateful to Dade.

"Thank you Rampadski for the grace." x19

Eliminating additional elements, everyone's kneeling and saluting has become quite neat this time.

"Don't be too happy too early. If you accept it, I will grasp your basic state at any time. However, even if your body is reduced to ashes and your soul is shattered, you can easily be resurrected with enough money. Aftershock', I will try to hand over the coming enemies to you and the Goblin Temple. In this hundred years, you should not be too proud and complacent because of my relationship, too decadent and domineering, understand?"

"Understood." x19

(to be continued)