Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v13 Chapter 76: Sealed Beast? VS Faceless

The mosaic that suddenly broke into Ye's space attacked her, while Ye was busy manipulating the unfinished avatar, and it was difficult to deal with it for a while.

"Quick! Damn, the clones haven't been given consciousness yet, and direct control can't fight at all. It's so troublesome because it's equivalent to making lives, so I can only give them up."

The six clones rushed into the barrage without fear. The sickle and the beam not only did not cause them any harm, but also let their breath rise like a tonic.

The existence after the mosaic seemed to be a little surprised by this attack that not only had "teammates avoid injury" and even turned into a buff. It did not flash in advance, and was surrounded by six continuously strengthening clones.

But this didn't buy time, half of the clone was immediately torn apart by the attack!

This time Ye saw clearly, it was very similar to the tenth-tier space system attack magic. It is similar to [Reality] which flying squirrel likes to use, but it is a bit different.

But it doesn't matter, her clone will not die immediately because of being torn apart.

All the avatars immediately stretched out their black tentacles to try to wrap around the mosaic, but failed, and the other party immediately slid out like a loach. But this was also within Ye's consideration, no longer entangled in whether to grab, but directly controlled all the tentacles into a cage, and ordered the clone to explode with all its magic power and all the strength it had just absorbed on the spot!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

This cave-like space is completely sealed. After the mosaic has nowhere to escape, the energy that has nowhere to escape floods the entire space and floods towards the 鵺!

But Ye did not take any measures to welcome the explosion with his body.

Although she was blown into the air by the explosion, the terrifying impact and heat made her shattered like a torn rag doll, but the energy absorbed by the explosion made her recover quickly, and even strengthened a little.

This is a bit like the practice of another time and space in this world. Xia Tiya summons her family members, and then uses the artifact "dropper spear" that can absorb HP to deny her to attack her family members to recover. If the game is definitely breaking the balance, but there is some reality here.

What? Energy conservation law?

Didn’t you see the time difference in between? It’s okay to use the tonic specially prepared before the battle in the battle.

Ye raised the demon trident and aimed it at the center of the explosion.

This space is controlled by her, she has the real sense of hitting and hurting the opponent, but she also feels that the opponent is not dead, and she must continue to attack while the enhancement range is the largest.

At the tip of the devil's trident, the magic power of MP condenses at a high speed, rotates, compresses, and becomes a ball.

Ye does not know much magic, and her ability to correct this aspect is also very low, but she who copied the monster Ye, her MP capacity and boost recovery are surprisingly high, so she will naturally try to have her own magical squandering methods. One is to imitate the martial arts [air cut] and [tooth] to physically launch the magic power, which is the previous barrage, and the second is to imitate the [tail beast jade] directional launch, which concentrates the explosive power on a line. For this reference 【Spiral Pill】Relies on compression and rotation to stabilize.

"call out--"

After the thick spiral beam burst toward the explosion and dissipated, it was almost like a mosaic area that told her to "hit here".

This time, the opponent clearly unfolded a huge magic circle of rank magic.

"[Darkness Infinite Break [Darkness]]."

The black impact born in the magic array collided with the magic beam emitted by the Ye almost instantly, without explosive conflict, even if the dark impact was greater, the magic beam penetrated into it like an electric drill.

The mosaic seemed to show a sense of anxiety, increased the output, the magic circle appeared more powerful black light, the black impact was a little thicker again, and the magic beam's advance was also slowed down.

At the same time, the black shock did not stop because of a hole in the middle, and it blasted directly on Ye's body!

Nae clenched her teeth and bathed her in the erosion of the dark attribute power. Her body was constantly being destroyed, and because of absorbing these magical powers, it continued to regenerate. More darkness was directly introduced into the demon trident and turned into its power, rushing into the darkness. The beam accelerates again!

Using magic or similar energies to deal with the niu itself is a great mistake.

The correct approach should be to use physical skills and martial arts to engage in close combat with the 鵺, but in this way, you must face the demon trident and the tentacles behind it. These tentacles also have the monster 鵺 directly contact and absorb the energy extracted by the opponent's life or magic. , So the close combat of humanoids may not be pleased.

"Boom!" The dark magic circle and mosaic were smashed one after another, smashing the figure behind into the stalactite wall, smashing the rock and rushing in until it was severely pressed against the space wall outside the entire space.

Ye was a little surprised, is the mosaic layer itself a solid defense wall?

But this time, the mosaic that could not be destroyed even in the first big explosion has been destroyed, and then the main body will be attacked.

The magic power exploded under her feet, and the six tentacles hit the ground at the same time, causing her to explode like a cannonball. The demon trident began to gather magic power again, this time wrapping the tip to form a cone suitable for spurs.

"Martial Skill—[Field], [Punching]!"

They are all martial arts common to this world-of course, most fighters can't learn it. The effect is very pure, fully grasping the target's movement in the range of perception, and then speeding up the sprint to stab or throw the weapon.

Now that the opponent has just blasted through the rock wall and embedded in the edge of the different space, what is needed is this simple and rude effect.


There was a clap of applause from the front end of the trident that she threw at close range with all her strength, it was the feeling of empty-handed, the cone-shaped magic layer on the trident was blown up, and the impact caused the surrounding rock formations to collapse, which was lost. Vision.

"What a joke! [Instant reflection]! [Devil energy concentration]!" Ye adjusted his posture immediately, UU reading aimed at the end of the trident with his best posture and it was a kick. Infused the demon trident once again with the magic power of condensed formation, and moved forward a foot.

If you take the hand-to-hand here empty-handed, how can you go one foot forward to penetrate the opponent's vitals.

All obstacles to vision were finally blown away.

"Eh... eh eh eh eh eh?!!!" Ye maintained a high kick against the pitch black round and thick end posture, and screamed more panicked than before.

The body she stabbed was turned out to be a blond fairy with red, white stripes, blue background and white star clown costumes on both sides. She had also made that style of pantyhose.

Kraunpisi held the handle of the devil's trident in both hands, bit the sharp edge of the trident in his mouth, and raised his eyebrows at Ye.

"Daddy Mifah, let's go rough." She couldn't speak clearly because the thick, pitch-black, hard tip was inserted into Crowen Pith's mouth.

(to be continued)