Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 100: Snowball fights with magic country chara

Shuna, Cleveland and other Clawen Piss' families immediately took action.

Rimuru also immediately contacted her family.

Shion came to Limuru and asked, "What should I do?"

For a while, Limuru couldn't think of what she could do alone, so she said, "Uh... well, just go and follow Benimaru Shuna and the others to help."

"Yes, Rimuru-sama!"

"You guys should help too." Limuru said to the adventurers.

The trio of Fitz and the idiot also felt that they should contribute to eating and drinking here, so they followed the leaving team.

"Excuse me, do we want it too?" Youmu was reluctant to be drilled to the verge of death by Bai Lao every time he came to the Demon Kingdom.

"Bai Lao, Youmu said he didn't want to rest—"

"I know, I know, brothers, follow me!" Youmu's hero team also left with great enthusiasm, and the first destination was the locker room.

Only Crohnpiss, Rimuru, and Milim were left at the scene.

"...Anyway," Kraunpiss opened the magic circle of super magic, thinking, "Get ready for 【Heaven and Earth Change [the]】. 【Omniscient King Remiel】, calculated to stop Blizzard will not Changes in ways that dramatically affect landforms and climate."

"Are you going to use this level of magic?" It was the first time Milim saw Crohnpith use magic seriously, and she could tell what kind of magic it was with [Dragon Eye] at a glance, "Then I also You have to work really hard!"

Seeing Milim clenched her two small fists, Limulu had only a bad feeling in her heart.

Just as she was about to stop it, Milim blatantly threw her fists towards the sky with a more rapid momentum.

"I know, learn to control it, right? Look at me—[Dragon Star Diffusion Explosion]!"

The blue-white dreamy light beams shot from her fists towards the sky, diverging, and wiped out the blizzard and clouds within the attack range.

"...Physical dispersal, the atmosphere as a whole has not changed, so it shouldn't affect the climate, right?" Crohn Piss silently dispersed the magic circle.

"Peece! With this trick, I won't lose to you in the putting game again, come and play with me again sometime!" Milim clenched her fists, her eyes sparkling at Crounpease.

"Then you first find a way to win me in the space-time system and fighting. Guess where it is."

Crohnpiss took out a test tube of Coke and twirled it acrobatically in front of Milim's face like a short stick.

Of course, the cola recipe is not reproduced here, but a drink similar to cola is managed to be prepared with local fruits and vegetables. But in this world at this time, it can be regarded as a drink that can be sold at the same price as old wine.

Even though Milim has lived for a very long time, her taste buds are very consistent with her child's appearance. She loves sweetness the most, and her eyes move rapidly, chasing the Coke in Crompis's hand.

"Here!" Milim looked at the timing and reached out to grab the Coke.

"It's a pity." With a flash of his hand, Crompis inserted the Coke test tube into Limulu who was caught off guard not far away.

Of course, at this time Rimuru is in the form of a golden slime.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" Milim clenched her fists with tears in her eyes, as if she was about to blow up Limuru and take out Coke.

Scared so much that Limulu hurriedly spit out the test tube into a human form and presented it respectfully, seeing Milim leave with a smile, she touched her chest and heaved a sigh of relief, complaining to Klaumpis: "Please don't make such a joke! "

"You can eat this kind of playful attack Limuru, hehe."

Crohnpiss used magic to conjure clothes on her body, pulled Limulu and walked outside.

"Oh oh oh oh! It's snowing so thick!" Limulu said excitedly looking at the street.

Although the blizzard fell suddenly, because it was dissipated quickly, the snow was actually not that thick, but the efficiency of the monsters and demons was extremely high. In this short time, the snow between the roof and the street was cleared to both sides , accumulated a thick layer.

"Did you never see snow in your previous life? Did it come from the tropical rainforest?" Crohn Piss joked.

"I just thought of a good thing. After all, humans can't jump directly into the snow from upstairs. I've wanted to try it for a long time!" Limulu looked eager to try, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing... …

"Let's go, don't give it away." Klaumpis calculated that the bullet point would be in the thickest snowdrift, and then threw Limulu into the air.

The reason is that other "emergency" situations have now arisen.

"Go!" A group of short Hobgoblins, headed by Gobuta, are gathering a lot of snow and want to play a snowball fight with Zhucai.

Why Zhu Cai?

I saw Zhu Cai flustered, her muscular strength was much stronger than that of a human, but by the standards of the ghost people, she was abnormally small. Get covered in snow with a lot of snowballs, and then get wet from the temperature difference between inside and outside.

Although Cloenpith gave the order to play in the snow, there was also a little brother who did it under the guise of the order.

Crohnpiss jumped onto the roof not far away and looked down at them: "Although the ghosts probably don't catch a cold, what are these **** doing in the winter? Read what they are thinking first. "

What she sensed with spiritual magic was—ah, we are playing with the normally high-ranking Shuna-sama, and there are more beautiful girls waiting for us! So cool!

So why Zhu Cai?

Bullying her for being weak?

Crohnpiss, who couldn't see it under the double standard, shouted loudly to the bottom: "Pause, do you understand the essence of playing with the snow seriously!"

"Lord Crompiss!" xn

"Shucai, your specialty isn't snowball throwing, is it this? Let me demonstrate it." Cloenpiss glanced at the little brothers, the goblins, and felt that if he showed them off, he would mess it up again. Can't do it anymore, this won't So I aimed at Zhu Cai, who has stronger overall strength.

"[Snowstorm]." Crohnpiss raised his hand and opened the magic circle, a whirlwind column mixed with a lot of ice and snow blasted towards Zhucai.

She is not good at ice and snow magic, so it is just right to release water like this.

"[Pure white gauze]." Zhu Cai waved his arms, slid his fingers, and weaved a layer of pure white net outside his body, blocking the attack of the blizzard.

"Remember not to damage street buildings and irrelevant people."

"So that's how it is. Playing with snow is so strict. I understand. Is this a simulated battle of protection when the enemy invades? Thank you, Mr. Crompis, for your enlightenment." Zhu Cai once again put on a serious posture towards Gobuta and the others. .

"Hey, wait—" Gobuta knew how much he weighed, and everyone could still bully the mage who bullied ghosts. If he started using magic seriously—

"Be careful, [Ice and Snow Dance]!" Zhu Cai cast a magic spell and brought out a huge snowstorm!

(to be continued)