Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 118: Hinata Sakaguchi

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When Yoshida answered Lin Xian's question, his smile seemed a little helpless: "Because my shop is very much taken care of by the "compatriots" of the Freedom Association."

"Come and try the desserts I made? It's a pity that Milim-sama cannot be satisfied, but the new ones are really delicious." Stella put the tray just now on the dining table.

Yoshida: "I need to pay—"

Stella: "It's okay to deduct from my salary this time-" It's not so much that she is generous, but that her money concept is not tight enough.

"Really? Then I'll come and taste what's different from before!" Alice also came to join in the fun.

"Stella, aren't you surprised by Nim's presence at all?" Fuss asked.

"Ah, why is it weird? She's been to our store once before." Stella gave the answer casually, giving Fuss the illusion of being excluded from the Trinity circle of friends.

Then it was dinner time, and everyone raved about it.

"Although the biscuits are not very sweet or crispy, they are really delicious. Why is Milim-sama dissatisfied?" Cleveland asked.

"Well, Milim-sama will definitely be full of praise after eating it, but I don't think she will treat this as a sandwich cookie, but a pancake fruit." Stella folded her hand and said, "I'm far from enough. "

"It's a talent to make sandwich biscuits into pancake fruit. It actually makes me taste like home." Alice whispered, and threw the thing that read sandwich biscuits as pancake fruit into her mouth.

Yoshida was amused and smiled. He is willing to teach Stella, naturally he has received favors from the "beautiful monster princess", and he will keep his hands in the face of those who are not closed disciples. But they always come up with something new.

Seeing that they were eating there with relish, Yoshida also sold a few bottles of drinks and puddings.

Suddenly, Nim said, "Let's go first." Then he left as if hurriedly fleeing, leaving everyone stunned for a moment.

The door of the store was pushed open from the outside again, and a person with a very powerful aura walked in in a suit and leather shoes, and immediately made the vigilant monsters and demons seem to be aware of some kind of danger.

Could it be that Nim felt this aura in advance? It's still very powerful.

Although the visitor was in complete clothes and suits, the visitor was a young blond woman with hair tucked in the back of her head and sharp eyes. With a serious suit, she looked like a capable professional. But the ears are pointed and long, and it looks like an elf.

She looked at the people who were having dinner here, and showed an inexplicable smile, just like the textbook smile of the villain in the movie.

She said in a deep voice, "Puffs, pack them all and take them away. Five more colorful puddings, three chocolate chip cookies, and two brandy cakes."

Yoshida: "Thank you for your patronage. Alice, please help."

"Eh? Yes-"

After a while, the woman held the puff box and other packages that were built higher than herself, walked out steadily, and disappeared at the door. Then the monsters and demons exploded again—

"Is that what Mr. Yoshida said?"

"It doesn't feel like an ordinary person."

"What was that horrible laugh just now? Just because we didn't eat the puffs she was eyeing?"

"Then what if we eat it? What will she do?"

Gu Xiang

"I know that person." Ellis joined the chat group of Demons, "That's Brother Yuuki's new secretary, he especially likes to eat puffs. Once brother Yuuki asked her to deliver puffs to our class, she came At that time, that look made us dare not eat it."

"Why do you still look so slim after eating so much?"

"Well... I'm very envious."


Cagalli quickly returned to the headquarters of the Free Guild with a large pile of desserts about the same size as hers, and took the teleportation array to the commander's office.

Here is entertaining an important guest who is a "companion", Yuuki and that person are also students of Jing.

"Cagalli is back? Well, this is the wine cake that you have been interested in since you heard about it." Yuuki ordered to bring the brandy cake to Sakaguchi Hinata.

Sakaguchi Hinata is a short-haired girl with almost the same hairstyle as the boy Yuuki. With the daily cold atmosphere, she seems to have a chilling air.

However, she is very fond of this sweet treat. She cut a piece of cake and put it in her mouth. Although she did not praise or smile, she was undoubtedly very satisfied.

"You really like it." Yuuki smiled.

"If you want to invite, just go to the restaurant and eat together. Why is that?" Sakaguchi Hinata said.

"Isn't there some work information to exchange?"

"If you're going to talk about the 'beautiful monster princess' thing, I've already burned that book."

"It's not bad to read as an idle book, so it's not against the teachings. You are still so strict. UU reading"

Yuuki said it lightly, but in fact, she has been using various methods to avoid Sakaguchi Hyuga from coming to the city and meeting the monsters in the city. It is not surprising that she burned the book. Definitely not here, in the same city where "The Beautiful Monster Princess" was sold as a foreign work, it became dark under the lights instead.

After that, they exchanged some information about the existence of Demon Kingdom very pragmatically.

Sakaguchi Hinata noticed that Yuuki had always emphasized that his information was only heard, that is, he refused to express any opinion, probably decided to be neutral.

She said: "Is this a deliberate statement from the position of the head coach of the free group? Or is there really no chance to verify it? Although it doesn't fit your romantic character, I won't ask more, but I have obtained some information through other channels. compared."

Part of the information was obtained from the Eastern Empire. Of course there won't be anything taboo there, but reputable merchants are always exceptionally accurate in this regard. Teacher Jing is dead. Judging from the place where she finally established a new relationship and where she lost all news, the murderer can only be...

In addition, there is evidence that the Demon Kingdom is by no means harmless.

Yuuki said in a casual tone while nibbling on the puffs: "I don't recommend you to crusade, 'I heard' there are a lot of things that are beyond the norm than some demon kings."

I also added in my heart that there are comics and many good things that neighboring countries can't eat.

"I'll pay attention, thank you." Sakaguchi Hinata took another brandy cake and left.

Not long after, outside the office, the teleportation array that entered this place was activated again.

Like a relay race, the person who appears and walks in is the object that Sakaguchi Hyuga can't tolerate right now...

(to be continued)

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