Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 125: Evil Dragon Liberation

Sakaguchi Hyuga ignores Crowenpith's "peace negotiation technique".

"I'm not interested in monster talk. As long as you kill it, you can solve the problem."

In order to prevent Klauenpis from continuing to release the large-scale tricks to spread to the outside, she launched an attack again, holding a sword in one hand and a stack of charms in the other.

During the sprint, he perfectly avoided the pitch-black pillar that Klawenpis radiated six times in succession, and the spell was thrown at Krownpis. It was obviously a fluffy piece of paper, but the trajectory was like a fast arrow.

As soon as Klauenpis leaned down to dodge and was about to sprint, Hinata suddenly threw his sword into the air.

"She wants to..." Klauenpis looked up to confirm whether the sword was weird, but there was nothing other than that it would fall in front of him, and he immediately re-locked the body of Hyuga.

This attention shift is completely in time, but the direction is wrong.

"[Xingyou Binding Technique]!" Hinata released the skills with both hands.

A few spells that had been dodged and flew behind Klauenpis were suddenly entangled in their illusory chains.

The object of the chain's action is the astral body.

The core backbone and source of power of humans and demons are the soul, but the soul has nothing to do with the will. It is the star body that allows the soul to think and accommodate the will. The relationship between the star body and the spirit is probably the connection between the computer memory stick and the motherboard. relation.

In other words, this restraint is a technique that can completely shut down the subject's head on the spot.

Hyuga rushed to grab the sword that was about to fall in front of Klauenpis, and the sword skill that burst out like a rainbow stabbed toward Klauenpis!

"Suffer to death, [Colorful Final Assault]!"

Klauenpis, who had been stabbed seven times in a row, broke the chain and turned the broom at high speed.

Its spewing blazing blade slashed on the sword that was stiff at the moment of the end of the skill, and pushed forward, successfully using the [Advanced Equipment Enhancement Ⅹ] Noble Phantasm-turned tough broom head to block the blade, and then activated the illusion. collapse.

"Boom!" Hinata let go of the sword that was about to be damaged and retreated to avoid the blow.

On the contrary, Klauen Pissi looked extremely embarrassed. He was bombed and dirty, his hair was disheveled, and his clothes were burnt to tatters again. Because he deliberately "hit himself", he also added something innocuous to his body but looked a little bit Little miserable really hurt.

Only in this way does it seem that the desire to survive is bursting, otherwise Klauenpith doesn't know how to act.

"It's amazing. He was still alive after being stabbed seven times," Hinata said alertly.

"Hu... Hu, my spirit is stronger." Klauenpis said while covering the wound and panting, suddenly his eyes were cracked, and he knelt down while clutching his stomach.

It's incredible, this time it's true, I'm fine, but there is still something important to kill, so I don't need to act anymore.

It's a pity, it's such a pity.

The so-called reverse summoning is a technique to make the summoned unit disappear. If it is the object of taming or contract, it will return to that place; if it is a summoned unit generated by magic, it will restore the magic power and return to the caster. .

Then, if there is already an entity in this world, but there is no object to return to, where is it?

The answer is...


Back in time -

After Sakaguchi Hinata came out of Yuuki, he started to arrange his subordinates on his own, preparing to crusade the "beautiful monster princess".

However, it is during the "Sowing Festival" period, and it will be very troublesome for the crowds. Before she arrives, she will involve innocent people in order to crusade against a monster that "has not yet" done harm to the human country.

At the same time, the self-assertion of the local bishop also made her very uncomfortable.

She flirted with Count Geffen, the nobleman of the Kingdom of Ingracia, and then the news reached the ears of Elric, the prince of this country, and then the guy brought dozens of people led by the knight Reiner of the country to the local church to find her. Yes, they said they would join the crusade together.

In any world and in any era, there is a noble royal family who goes for military exploits in order to gain fame.

Reiner is a fairly well-known knight in the Kingdom of Ingracia. In terms of strength... From Hinata's point of view, looking at the overall level of Western countries, it is not a compliment to say that she is strong, but in Hinata's eyes, she can use her bare hands. The guy who kills in seconds is similar to bringing those subordinates.

However, forget it, this is someone else's territory, and I heard that the "beautiful monster princess" has brought a lot of subordinates, and sometimes the interference of miscellaneous fish will make the war situation go in an unexpected direction. Originally, it would not be Sakaguchi's turn to dispatch the monsters in the city first. This time, she was only going to fight alone because she wanted to avenge Shizuo, so let them deal with the miscellaneous fish.

Originally, I planned to watch them go out of the city, but... what happened?

Suddenly, there was a big explosion in the city centering on the "beautiful monster princess". It was probably [nuclear strike magic]. There should be no outsiders who can use such magic.

But no matter what, the city and its people have suffered terrible disasters.

After that is the second shot!

It is no longer possible to observe the situation, and the first priority is to eliminate the stop loss at the source. In any case, destroying monsters and protecting human beings is the teaching of God Ruminas, and it is also her responsibility.

The opponent is very strong, and she has no time to pay attention to those "teammates" who don't know if they can work.

The opponent has an attack with a huge range of damage, just like the storm dragon or several ancient demon kings, so it seems that it is strong enough to reach an agreement with the storm dragon alone, and the accuracy rate of intelligence to cover up with Yumu has been improved. .

If this continues, the entire city and even the country may be in ruins.

Therefore, Hyuga immediately designed and created a loophole, and used the housekeeping skills [Colorful Ending Assault], which is not necessary to deal with most of the scavenging targets, to understand the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the opponent did not die, and even used a suicide counterattack to damage the only weapon she brought this time.

The next step is to fight more cautiously.

"Huh?" To Hyuga's surprise again, the other party suddenly knelt down while clutching his stomach.

A strong ominous magic element leaked out of the stomach, and even the [Holy Purification Barrier] could not easily suppress it. If the concentration was too high, the humans in the barrier would even die!

But she chose to wait and see the change first, because those magic elements began to condense, and if it became something solid, it would be easier for Hinata to deal with.

It was an extremely huge two-headed dragon!

The moment it appeared, one head immediately opened its mouth and spewed a huge red light cannon at her, and the other head spit out a terrifying breath like a hurricane crossing the border!

As soon as Hinata dodged, the red light cannon and breath swept across the edge of the barrier under the twist of the dragon head!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!" This caused a big explosion, and one of the fulcrums of the enchantment was almost destroyed!

(To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!