Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 135: Group of Demons vs. Monster Natural Enem

Cleveland, Katori, Lin Xian, Neptune, Lori, Foss, Stella, and Nim felt quite confused when they learned that they had obtained the ultimate power together.

"The Voice of the World?"

"what happened?"

"At this time, I suddenly acquired the ultimate ability... Isn't it strange?"

"Even if we did evolve and got the master's magic element, no, it's the other way around, right..."

"But... it seems that these ultimate abilities can't be used because of 'incompleteness'? What is this?"

"But because of this, the physical ability has also improved."

Everyone was talking.

Lin Xian seemed to be stunned for a moment, and pretended to say quietly, "Master's reaction has completely disappeared."

Her character is made by Klauenpis forcibly fused with a lot of life, and among the crowd, she is the most closely related existence to Crowenpis. This is very believable.

"The body must be taken back!"

"If she gave Rimuru-sama the resurrection technique, she might be saved!"

The two rabbitmen, Cleveland and Katori, suddenly jumped and ejected, almost causing an earthquake and disappearing in place, leaving only a layer of air waves that had not yet begun to spread.

"As expected of a bunny who is good at sprinting, I don't have to follow your pace!" Then it was Stella who burst into a sprint, and she directly activated her skills to perform [Dragon Warrior Transformation].

The three of them quickly rushed to the battlefield, and the two rabbit girls in the front row immediately attacked Sakaguchi Hinata, who felt the most instinctual threat.

But Hiyaka handled it with ease.

The other person seems to have manipulated the unconscious Klauenpis in some way and escaped directly with space magic.

If you can't trace it, then arrest the guy who was left behind and torture him!

Although the battle power that broke out just now is beyond their reach, in other words, Hyuga, who broke out, must be very tired, and they have fully evolved.

The average comprehensive parameter is stronger than that of the Pig Head Emperor, and it is only one step away from the Demon King. The reason why they didn't add that line to make everyone truly become a Demon King is that everyone doesn't think it's Klauenpith being stingy, but they are worried that too many Demon Kings recognized by the "Voice of the World" will bring instability to their respective countries and worlds.

The enemy has become weaker, the enemy has become stronger, and the death of the monster princess makes their mentality explode in an instant.

After Cleveland and Katori's attacks, Stella swooped down with her wings and kicked Hinata's head. Of course, she didn't think this move would kill him.

The speed surpassed the current Hinata reflex nerve and dynamic vision. With the precise calculation steps of the [Mathematician], Hinata avoided a blow that was enough for a headshot by a millisecond, and slashed it with a sword in the backhand.

"Duang!" The swift sword strike bounced off Stella, who had a grudge in some parts of her body.

Wrapping the body with magical energy to enhance physical defense is a common defense technique for military priests, but Stella has a very good talent, and has learned not to consume these fighting qi on weekdays, but only at the moment of being hit. And the more powerful fighting qi blows the attack away. With the addition of a part of [Oath King Uriel]'s incomplete performance - [Absolute Defense], her defense power has been raised to a higher level.

Even if it is Hyuga in its heyday, breaking through Stella's defense still needs to show her real skills, but her strength has been temporarily reduced after the battle with Klauenpis.

Stella landed on the ground, and the stormy fist angle slammed into Hyuga.

Hinata continues to calculate carefully and quickly, evading and deflecting all attacks with minimal movement.

Just as she was thinking about her strategy, in just a few seconds, the balance was broken by the fourth Neptune who arrived.

The long knife pulled up the light of the cyan purple magic element, swiped across a fan, and brought both Stella and Hinata into the attack range!

Stella dodged a backflip from the knife light coming from behind her.

Hyuga gathered holy power on the blade to resist the light of the sword that continued to hit her.

"Huh? I just..." Hyuga was surprised to find that she had forgotten what she had done just now, was that demon's special ability?

This is Neptune's unique skill [Cyan Purple Heart], which is a unique skill obtained by Neptune's evolution into a high-level demon general combined with the incomplete performance of [Chessia, the Fallen King]. The essence of that purple light is to absorb the opponent's instant Thinking, memory, instinct, not only will you forget what you are doing on the spot, in fact, every time you face Neptune, every action and even every action is the same as the first sight, and it is absolutely impossible to adapt to the habit of summing up experience.

In addition, there are also various learned and acquired sword skills, defensive skills and other direct combat skills. Originally only a middle-level demon, she has been improved in both training and evolution - but she still can't take the stage in Hyuga, plus There are many teammates who are good at melee combat, so I didn't choose to fight.

But for ordinary opponents, as long as the [Blue Purple Heart] is integrated into the attack, it will form a one-sided brutal battle.

And Hinata has a unique skill that is enough to deal with this move - [Mathematics], even if she forgot what she was doing, she calculated what she should do at this time, and immediately evacuated from the place.

"Boom!" Tianlei flashed in the clear night sky, smashing where Hyuga was just now.

Nim, who was flying in the air, knew that his physical ability could not compete, and he looked for opportunities to cast magic in the air. UU reading felt that he was given too much magic, and he had to spend it to sleep well.

"Boom! Boom!"

The thunder continued, and Hyuga kept dodging with high speed and precision, but suddenly found that he had entered the encirclement of the same person.

A large group of Stellas with flashes of vindictiveness swirled around her and approached her at high speed.

"There is no physical clone, but it's not just an afterimage." Hinata noticed that Stella was able to keep the fighting spirit in the afterimage.

If you use it as a clone, you will be thrown into the air to reveal your flaws, and if you ignore it as an afterimage, you will be hit by a real battle qi without any defense. And because qi is transformed by magic, [Magic Perception] can only feel that each one is Stella, and the naked eye can't see the difference.

Hyuga looked at the gap, and sprinted through between the two Dou Qi afterimages, avoiding a lightning bolt again, intending to focus it in one direction to solve it.

Cleveland's whip was pulled down in front of her, and the ground fissure that was struck, the lava flames spewed out!

"It is impossible to penetrate the rock circle. It should be the magic released on the whip. Want to use this kind of bluff?"

She guessed right, it was magic. Cleveland and Xiang obtained the incomplete ability of [Hecate, the King of Demon Gods], allowing them to freely manipulate magic that suits their own adaptability through their imagination. Although compared with real magic masters, they only have fur, and their power is not to be underestimated.

But what kind of person is Hyuga? His profession is the natural enemy of monsters! She slashed the lava flames with a sword, destroyed the structure of the monster's magic, and jumped to the opposite side of the crack.

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