Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 146: Moe's Fury

Demon Kingdom Hekatia Tempest—

Limuru chose to use [Move Point] to come to a small village.

In addition to serving as a transit point between Brumund Kingdom and Limulu, the magical capital, this village is also inhabited by a part of the pig-human race who are responsible for various road constructions.

This is also the rudiment of the satellite city that was scattered and surrendered to the monsters and demons to expand the development area of ​​the demon country when the monster towns began to expand into the demon capital.

The reason why Limuru chose this place was because he judged based on the known information that if human beings want to attack the Demon Kingdom, this place will definitely be affected by the flames of war.

As soon as he arrived, he felt a burst of blood rushing towards his face!

"warn. One hundred and twenty-seven humans were found, and they were fighting with twenty-one pigmen, twelve hob goblins, and three kobolds. It is estimated that the monster will be wiped out in twenty-three minutes and sixteen seconds. "

"You don't need to say it! I can see it with my eyes!"

Just when Limulu ran into the village, intending to take down all those people first, a group of adventurers or people dressed as mercenaries who were patrolling the perimeter also spotted him.

"There are human beings?" The inexperienced person pointed a weapon at Rimuru, "Killing human beings is not good. There is no way, I can only pretend to be a monster to kill later—"

Originally, Limulu had plans to show mercy, but these words, coupled with the **** aura of the family members and the superposition of a series of previous situations, broke the strings in Limulu's heart.

"There have been quite a few dead people." He said to himself.

"tell. Confirmed within a radius of 300 meters, thirty-one corpses of the family of individual 'Limuru Hecatia Tempest', individual 'Crownpiss Lilith Hecateia Lampardes 'Two corpses of the family members. The soul has been disintegrated and cannot be revived using the magic [Resurrection of the Dead]. "

"Then I will at least...give them...revenge!"

Facing the first thing that was cutting towards him first, Limulu didn't bother to pull out his weapon, and directly activated [Beelzebub, the King of Gluttony] to swallow him, and melted it in his body.

Most people who saw this scene for the first time were frightened by this weird phenomenon.

But there was still a tall and burly man who raised a two-handed sword that looked like it was not as good as a dwarf, but it was quite close to him and attacked him.

Limulu noticed the skill of using the sword, and was a little surprised: "There are some skills of the strong like Shirao, it seems that it is equivalent to an A-level adventurer, and it can be regarded as the top level of ordinary people... Well, there is no difference. big."

If you fight swordsmanship with him in a proper manner, Limuru feels that it will take some time to use skills.

It's just that he wasn't in the mood to fight at all, and felt that this person might have a high status, so he activated [Beelzebub, the King of Gluttony] again, swallowed the sword, and ate his hands and feet by himself.

Then he put a handful of [Black Lightning] on his fingertips to burn the wound to stop the bleeding, made him into a stick and threw him on the ground.

What makes Limulu a little strange is that although there are more humans and their strength seems to be not bad, the combat power of the Demon Kingdom should not be so inferior.

There are a lot of enemies, and it is more efficient to use long-range attacks.

If it drags on, the casualties will be even greater, so clear the field.

"Master, let me do it!" Lanka poked his head out from the shadow. It was also angry at the scene in front of it, but thinking of the master's original love for humans, even if it had to be killed, it could not be done by the master.

"Thank you, but there's no need. Just lend me your power." Limulu said quietly, and launched a large-scale attack technique [Black Thunder Storm] on the spot.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed above the village.

Under precise control, none of our own side was affected, and all thunderstorms bypassed them and buildings like long eyes, and bombarded almost all enemies.

The screams and screams quickly disappeared.

Gu Xiao

Only then did Limulu pick up the only survivor—the guy who was made into a human stick, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Accept...accept...destroy, monster, help...them..."

"Who is the client?"

The man glanced at a charred corpse.

Limulu secretly thought that soldiers would also do this kind of entrustment. It seems that the equipment of that person does not look like an officer. Could it be that his family has money and he has food, so he hired a private person as a bodyguard? It may also be the second generation of officials whose parents plugged into the army.

It's just that these people probably haven't done anything illegal in the laws of human countries.

But it doesn't matter.

Since he killed the citizens of his own country, of course he couldn't let it go. It seems that this person has decent skills. Limuru launched [Beelzebub, the King of Gluttony] to eat him completely, which can somewhat enhance his sword skills.

This person seems to have no higher intelligence value. It's a mistake, it shouldn't be the strongest person who survives, but the leader of this army.

Diablo appeared at the right time and said, "Master Rimuru, do you need to torture the souls of these people?"

"Please, get as much useful information as possible. But you still give priority to protecting teachers and students, and don't let them be frightened by seeing this scene."

"Please rest assured and leave it to me."

After Diablo took the people away, the rescued monsters and demons also surrounded him.

"Master Rimuru, you are back..."

"Thank you Rimuru-sama for saving us."

"We were following Master Limuru's order and only intended to drive them away, but these humans..."

"Shut up! You're saying that it's all Rimuru-sama's fault!"

"...Ah, very...I'm sorry, I didn't mean that..."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

The apology did not reach Limulu's ears, he was annoyed, is this all his Even the tragedies that have happened in the human country, are they all his fault, obviously just as a monster I just want to get along well with humans. What on earth should he do?

However, the reality has not given him the time to struggle, and the war is probably still going on.

Limulu first left those things behind and chose to escape, thinking that a village has suffered such a disaster. What about other villages?

Because he was not used to certain things, he didn't count Diablo's first meeting into his combat power.

Fortunately, there are still people available.

"Lanka, take your family to patrol the village along the road, and defeat the enemies when you encounter them. If the enemy really intends to take your life, it's okay to kill them, but try to capture those who seem to be important people alive." Limulu said.

"Yes, master!" Lanka jumped out of the shadow energetically, summoned a few star wolves, and galloped away along the road.

Then, Rimuru activates the ultimate ability [Veldora, the Storm King].

(to be continued)