Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 161: The Orientation of the Human Demon Scale

Faced with Victoria's reasonable request, Zhengxing was very helpless. He got involved in the battle out of nowhere, and the battle was over before he saw the situation clearly. How could he say a fart?

Fortunately, because his own skills are very convenient, he had no choice but to explain as usual, based on the words he heard from the crowd who would definitely help him, that the devil Valentine suddenly attacked, just happened to meet him and Vic Doria meets. So, he was attacked by them together.

The onlookers also made fun of Zhengxing, and explained without authorization that this must be the devil Valentin who heard that Zhengxing's team of braves will grow again, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to meet the newcomers alone, and wipe them all out. The team of the brave defeated each other, but in the end they lost to the martial arts of the brave, and were finally destroyed.

Hinata felt a headache now.

Roy is a fake demon king, a vampire subdued by the **** Luminas. Letting him operate within the scope of the human country to fight wits and courage with the church is beneficial to the unity of mankind, and it is also declared that this place is the hunting ground of the "Blood Overlord" so that other The benefits of the devil not daring to infiltrate without authorization, and so on.

But after the strange magic fluctuations erupted in the temple where Roy was at that time, Roy appeared here to openly attack innocent people, and then happened to bump into the brave man. It felt like someone was behind the scenes.

However, Hinata did not feel sorry for Roy's death. Although he was regarded as a colleague, the "Blood Overlord" is now working in it as Emperor Rey. came out with no loss.

Compared with this incident, the death of the "Blood Overlord" was witnessed by so many people, and there is no way to hide it. It is necessary to learn more about the situation as soon as possible, discuss the impact of the "Blood Overlord" being defeated by the brave, and teach how to respond and change policies.

She invited Zhengxing and Victoria into the church and asked some questions before letting them go. Now those two people are the heroes who defeated the Demon King in the eyes of the public, and they have to consider the impact of everything they do.


Except for the devil Valentine, the other devil kings came to the devil city one after another soon.

Not only is the Demon King's feast imminent, but the Demon King Milim, Carion, and Frey also have to check on their subordinates and residents.

It is not something that someone can accept with a casual smile that his subordinates are suddenly turned into someone who only looks at the superficial data and is almost comparable to the new generation of devil kings.


"Foss and Stella look listless." Nim flapped her wings and landed in the arena, squatting on the ground with her face on her face, looking at Foss and Stella lying on the ground covered in bruises.

There are still many traces that look like they have been dug and plowed out, and some of them are still faintly emitting high heat and smoking.

"That's not the question, is it? Should I say that he is the real Demon Lord? Lord Carion is so strong."

"Master Milim is the strongest!"

Foss and Stella argue listlessly.

In short, their immediate superiors dealt with it simply and rudely—in the name of being familiar with strength training, beat them up, let them realize the gap, don't treat the temporary life-saving things as completely their own, don't swell, don't drift , on the line.

In Nim's impression, Fleur said a lot, but she accidentally fell asleep at the time, so the impression was not very deep. But Fleur didn't repeat it afterwards, so it shouldn't be something that Nim needs to worry about herself.

"Speaking of which, the last time we fought against Hinata Sakaguchi, we had almost no results, right?"

"At that time, I felt that she should be very tired, but..."

"We're totally not enough."

"That human seems to be known as the 'Guardian of Humanity' and the 'Right Arm of God'."

"That's no excuse for not exercising hard."

valley familiar

Girls with muscular heads like Foss and Stella quickly cheered up. To the extent of approaching the Demon King, [Self-Regeneration] is basically a passive skill. Although it can't keep up with the speed of battle injuries, it doesn't take long to recover afterwards.

"Maybe all the adults are gathered together, the war is coming soon, you have to step up your training!"

"Then continue now!"

"But I still want to sleep more..."

Then headed straight to the training ground, but there was hardly anyone there.

There are a few sporadic ones outside, the more familiar ones are Shirao, Hebei, the three dwarf brothers from the same workshop, and Lin Xian.

In the middle of the training ground was only a familiar stranger, a girl in a red kimono, holding a sheathed weapon in her left hand that looked like a single-edged sword or knife, obviously someone she had never seen before Closeness.

But contrary to the sense of intimacy, there is now a sense of danger that "must not come near".

"Let me take a step first." Nim suddenly stepped back hundreds of meters.

"Ah!" At the same time, the red-clothed girl put on the Iai posture for a moment, unsheathed and swung her weapon diagonally upwards.


It seemed that the whole space was filled with vibrations that made the inside of his head roar, but other than that, nothing seemed to happen.

Only then did they see that it was indeed a single-edged sword.

"Hey..." The girl in red picked up the sword, looked at the sawtooth on the blade, and showed a discouraged expression, even the sawtooth disappeared quickly.

Foss: "Nim ran away, what happened just now? Is it dangerous?"

Stella: "The magic essence exuded has a sense of familiarity. Could it be—"

"Wahahahahahahaha!" The voice came from the sky, approaching from far away.

Stella: "This laugh is definitely—"

Milim flew from afar without any scruples, UU Reading also without any scruples stepped on a big pit with a radius of 6 meters and a depth of 3 meters in the training ground, and stretched out her empty fingers to point at the red clothes. The girl said: "This time, the dragon energy magic steel nourished by my magic essence is made by the soul of the Kusanagi sword. The quality and cutting are absolutely no problem. The damage is entirely due to your swinging the sword. No, okay, da. "

"But, my lord cousin, let me learn it in such a short time, it's a bit..."

"However, you are enough for the current Virustila. I still have the work of the Demon King. Next time I go, I will definitely go to see the body of Kraunpiss. You should work hard this time. If you can't even do this If you can't do it, you won't be able to save your family." After speaking, Milim flew away like a whirlwind.

Then, Shirao and Kurobei stepped forward to communicate with the red-clothed girl called Virustila, and it was obvious that Shirao was serious and Kurobei was a little frustrated.

Foss: "Nim ran away just now, because that cousin was training with Master Milim at a super long distance, and she was afraid of being affected?"

Stella: "What?! We Dragon Worshipers have served Milim for so many years, yet we don't even know that Lord Milim has any relatives!"

(to be continued)