Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 163: Virustila, attack

"It's been three days, when will we start talking?" Fuss asked.

"Indeed, since it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the strength and kill the enemy through combat to help recover the fragments, isn't it pointless to fight against an enemy with no morale?" Stella asked.

Nim looked at the sky again, that Clayman's harpy was still above the clouds, but it wasn't something to be particularly concerned about.

"...I hoped to give them a happy meal when they were exhausted." Virustila shook his head and said, "Sorry, maybe I was too naive, maybe people with good spirits are more valuable. let's go."

Virustila got up and walked towards the enemy camp—from the front.

This is also subconscious for her. After that, she filled in the monster personality left by Crompiss to complement herself. The setting of Zashiki Doji is a good boy with a high degree of human friendliness.

"That's right, the battle should be carried out in an upright manner!" Stella eagerly followed up.

But Lin Xian suddenly touched her neck with a hand knife, making her stiff.

"There are a lot of guys who will do whatever they can to win. Be careful, it's meaningless if you die," Lin Xian said.

"Follow me over there." Lin Xian pointed to the most gorgeous direction of the enemy tent.


"There is someone approaching ahead! Everyone, take the battle position!"

The guard knight spotted the red-clothed girl approaching, but the monster's appearance must not be judged by its appearance, so it was immediately deployed for battle.

However, with thunder and heavy rain, the most basic early warning methods did not work. Even so, the cavaliers with hundreds of people nearby quickly formed a formation against the monsters. Their strength is higher than that of B-level adventurers, that is, they are stronger than the excellent instructors of a college like Freedom Academy that cultivates adventurers, and the guild's examiner class.

Possessing stronger skills than ordinary knights, they are all skilled in battle.

"Excuse me. If you don't resist, I can give you a good time, please." Virustila bowed to them politely.

Maybe Crohnpith made her look even more creepy at this point.

"It's really difficult to leave a beautiful corpse to achieve the goal of combat with maximum efficiency," she thought.

Suddenly, she had to dodge to the side, jumping a few meters.

Where he stood just now, a cube enchantment appeared.

"tell. This enchantment will continuously weaken the magic essence in the space. It can be judged as a simplified version of [Sifang Sealing Demon Barrier]. [Janus, King of Holy Demons] can completely nullify it. "

"That's right. They really didn't care at all. It's just too wasteful to use the ultimate ability to expose the cards against mere miscellaneous fish."

It's a pity that there is no instant death magic, otherwise it should be easier. Although daily work and rest can be carried out normally, once a battle breaks out, the original power will erupt. As a stormy whirlpool, the instinct to squander power at will has not been eliminated. Both physical attacks and magic are too powerful, and it is difficult to leave a complete body. corpse.

If you only want to kill them and take away their souls, then you only need to expand the thunderstorm to the power of killing people, or take the form of the body and sweep away with an atomic breath.

But such a shameful act of wasting human life cannot be done by Virustila's character design.

All resources in favor of resurrected mothers must be taken away with full respect for their lives and spirits.

For this reason, it is necessary to reduce their mental and soul consumption as much as possible. We can only use physical means to kill them before they can react without leaving trauma.

It's so hard.


"[Forbidden One], forbid bloodshed."

The performance of [Forbidden Man] is a unique skill that prohibits a certain type of ability or state recognized by "Voice of the World" from occurring within the scope of one's own perception. Although common sense cannot prohibit bleeding, "bleeding" can be regarded as an abnormal state that can be recognized, just like poisoning and curses.

The disadvantage is that only one kind can be banned at the primary level of the current skill, and some routine phenomena and actions are not within the scope of the ban.

It would be perfect if the enemy could be prevented from using magic or skills to fly away or teleport away, or prevent them from breathing, and prohibit their bodies from being destroyed.

It's a pity that she really can't do it now.

After she launched the [Forbidden One] to expand the range to include all the enemy and herself, she was relieved and suddenly unsheathed the sword, raising her hands high, and made a big posture.

Then swing down.

"【Instant Thousand Strikes·Empty Slash】."

Thousands of slashing sword waves lined up in a row and rushed forward like a plow, avoiding everything she didn't want to tear as if alive, in order to prevent the wound from being blocked by high heat or corrosion and other characteristics, resulting in another kind of bloodless In this state, Virus Tira deliberately did not add any attributes, and the extremely sharp sword wave formed by the air alone was already too powerful for her.

It is very dangerous to break the knife, so I specially practiced with Milim how to "be merciful", and asked Shirao to teach some micro-movements that at least cause less damage to the weapon.

The entire camp was cut into sections by the wind and waves, and the lives of about 6,000 people just disappeared.

There was no trauma on their bodies for a while.

Since the slash passed through very smoothly, the slices that did not squirt blood were temporarily connected together, like the suction cup decoration on the cabinet or refrigerator that was squeezed out of all the air.

"【Instant Thousand Strikes·Empty Slash】."

"【Instant Thousand Strikes·Empty Slash】."

"【Instant Thousand Strikes·Empty Slash】."


Virustila deliberately avoided the central tent and the more ornate-looking tents, and kept swinging his sword mercilessly in order not to damage any human body.

Soon, the number of enemy deaths increased to more than 40,000.

Countless blue halos flew out from the seemingly intact and rushed into Virus Tira's "body" like a torrent, more precisely, it was inside the girdle.

There is the "torch" of Klaumpis - one of her "inheritances", which has the effect of the soul-eating rod, which can store the experience value of the object, which is equivalent to a part of the soul, spirit, and astral body.

Then, she immediately did something that seemed unbelievable to the outside world.

"[Magical effect range greatly expanded Boosted·True Susheng [boosted greaterwiden magic·true]]."

A emerald green magic circle was lit on each complete corpse, and they immediately regained their vitality. Even the decline in strength caused by the robbed experience points was recovered. Knowing that the enemy was attacking, they jumped up and even jumped up. Get up and want to do something.

Then, countless sword waves plowed the ground in a large area to kill them instantly.

Countless blue halos flew out of their bodies and were absorbed by Crohnpiss' "torch".

(to be continued)