Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 165: 3 1 body vs the strongest knight

The latest website: After Fuss and Stella watched Lin Xian leave, they and Nim looked at the person who came out of the tent—the middle-aged knight who drew his sword and posed.

That is one of the strongest in the Farmus Kingdom.

I have to admit that they have been a little bit fluttering recently, and the fact that they were easily defeated by the real Demon King was only because they had not fully adapted to the power at that time. When they saw the seemingly ordinary Fokken, they once again felt that the world was really big enough.

Obviously this person does not have the pure violence of the Demon King or Hinata or the oppression of the natural enemies of monsters, but he has no flaws.

What they faced was not simply a powerful knight. They are "visitors from other worlds" with open skills, human powerhouses who can rely on unique skills to capture the abilities of their subordinates, and are also well-known heroes in human countries. Even if there is an upper limit of skill capacity, it is quite inconvenient. Years of experience memory will not disappear.

In the original time and space, he was beaten by Limlu for a second. That was the reason why the opponent's tricks were more open, and he was hit in the temple without seeing its essence. It doesn't mean he's not strong.

However, killing a human whose life itself is fragile is still too easy for them.

Nim stretched out her hand and pointed to the sky, and the natural thunder and lightning guided by her lightning strike magic turned into a huge pillar of lightning and covered Fulken's body.


Fulken swung up a sword beam, and actually split the lightning beam directly!

In the pouring rain, the arc overflowed for a while. Two sword beams flew towards Nim.

It's not a strange phenomenon in a world with skill magic. The three girls didn't waver. Nim blessed herself with a [Magic Barrier] while flying high to avoid the sword glow.

Fuss and Stella deployed the [Battle Qi Barrier] to resist lightning strikes and rushed into Fulken's battle circle.

However, Fulken slipped his feet and passed between them in a smooth S-shape.

Nim dodged a flying sword light again, but was smeared in the face by a large muddy water that followed.


Seeing that Fulken immediately jumped high and slashed towards Nim, whose height was lowered due to the flaw, and wanted to take his head straight, Fuss and Stella just calmly chased after him.

"Dang!" Fuken's slashing with the sword light effect of fighting qi, and a hasty strike that prioritized speed did not break through Nim's barrier.

Nim's barrier is quite heavy. What she lacks now is actual combat experience, but with the large amount of magic elements that Klanpith gave away at that time, she should naturally make full use of her advantage of being good at magic.

"It's now!" Nim's falcon-like feet immediately grabbed Fulken's legs and flew higher into the sky!

It was easy for Fulken to bend up and slash Nim's claws.

But Stella immediately followed and launched [Dragon Warrior Transformation] to catch up with Fuken, and cut in from the side with a "empty hand into a white blade".

"Zizi!" The battle of the fighting spirit in the dragon claw and the sword light made a sour sound, and Fuken's sword couldn't move for a while.

The speed of their ascent was very fast, and the higher and higher altitude caused the thunder and lightning to continuously strike the three of them.

Realizing that even if he wins, he will be thrown to his death by fighting against each other's barriers. Fulken immediately released his sword while the height was not over 1,000, and threw Stella, who was trying to catch the blade, and flew out, clenching his hands tightly. The fist bent down and punched Nim's "pink finger" twice.

As soon as Nim, who couldn't bear the pain, let go, Fulken fell to the ground that was hundreds of meters away.

"It's still too late to use the [Qi Dou Technique] to expand the buffer at this height." He thought, always paying attention to the ground and surroundings.

Gu Hong

Just as it was about to touch the ground—

"Boom!" Nim summoned the lightning strike on him.

Relying on the [Battle Qi Barrier] again, he saw Nim shouting behind him.

"Stella, it's now!"

He noticed that there was a wave of fighting qi covering his entire body behind him, and immediately conditioned it to toss and turn in the air, punching in that direction and punching a qi bomb.

However, Stella's figure dissipated the moment she was hit by the gas bullet, and it was an afterimage that left her fighting spirit in place!

Stella attacked from above, smashing his axe and foot on his head, causing him to face down, destroying his only chance of landing.

Replaced by a normal knight, this blow should have shattered his head, which shows that Fulken is indeed strong.

Seeing the ground less than two meters away, Fulken knew that he had no choice but to improve his defense, but his neck froze immediately—

It was Fuss's dagger, and he concentrated all his vindictiveness on the blade to neutralize Fulken's vindictiveness.

In order to land safely, Fulken had to spread his fighting qi in pieces. The quality of fighting qi was not much different, but the attack from the opposite point, plus the speed of his falling body accelerated again by the two attacks by Nim and Stella, made Fuss's dagger like a slash. It cut into Fulken's neck like butter!

Human life is so fragile, and the three challengers, in the case of approaching the Demon King, basically have the passive skill of [self-regeneration]. As long as the neck is not broken, if it is not in a fierce battle, cover it to ensure that no air leaks. Bleeding can basically be recovered.

Although there was no bleeding under the prohibition, the trachea and esophagus had been cut open, and the vindictive energy that followed the tube shook his body into chaos.

As a result, the strongest warrior of the Farmus Kingdom, the Knight Commander Fulken, died!

"Declaration. The ultimate ability [Lampas, the king of hell] is merged and completed... The individual 'Nim' and the individual 'Fos' have not reached the conditions for evolving into a demon... No ultimate ability [the king of hell] Lampas [Lampas]] access rights. 》

"Confirmed. The ultimate ability [Lampas, the king of hell] interferes with...the individual 'Fos'...successfully acquires...the unique skill [Spirit of War]. 》

"Confirmed. The ultimate ability [Lampas, the king of hell] interferes with...the individual 'Nim'...successfully acquired...the unique skill [Sleeper]. 》

"Nim, did you hear it! The Voice of the World said!" Fuss, who washed the blood with rain, waved happily to Nim.

"I heard it. The fragments began to merge." Nim said.

"What did you hear?" Stella, who had nothing to do with [Lampas, the King of Hell], was naturally puzzled.

Fuss explained it, and said without hesitation that he had acquired a unique skill.

"That is, as long as you continue to fight, you can gradually revive Lord Klanpith, right?" Stella became excited.

"Looks like there's hope!"

The reason Lin Xian asked them to deal with Fulken is very simple, that is, to kill the "visitors from other worlds" who have a chance to cheat, the influence rate on skills is very high.

Shogo of the original time and space killed his companion Xixing directly to obtain a unique skill, and at that time Xixing was equivalent to a novice who had nothing but the skills he got at the beginning.

And Fulken has been accumulating for decades, killing him is bound to get twice the result with half the effort.

(to be continued)