Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 166: Fulken who was whipped one after another

The latest website: The leader of the Knights of Farmus Kingdom, the strongest knight Fulken, this hero who has been famous in the human kingdom for decades and is also very famous in some demon kings. Under the siege of the Trinity, he was easily killed.

Sacrifice his death, Fuss and Nim's ultimate ability fragments were benignly affected, and each gained unique skills.

However, the emerald green magic circle lit up on him, and the light of recovery enveloped him, forcibly draining his potential in this life and bringing him back to a prosperous state.

But he looked a little more wrinkled, and there were silver threads in his hair. After all, he had been here for decades, he was old, and the remaining potential of his soul was relatively small.

He didn't understand what happened, but he was indeed "cured".

"Drink!" He suddenly swung his sword light vigorously, lashing towards the surroundings!

The moment the three women retreated and avoided, he stepped on his foot and rushed towards the periphery.

"Boom boom boom boom!" Jianmang exploded everywhere, covering his figure.

"Don't run away!" Stella took the lead in chasing after him.

She didn't get carried away. When stepping into the strange smoke in the rain, she deliberately moved at a high speed and released the afterimage of Dou Qi and rushed in first.

But Fulken suddenly appeared behind her and slashed her waist with a sword!

Although the defensive power brought to her by the [Oath King Uriel] and the more skillful use of fighting qi kept her from being injured, the huge power of the slash sent her far away. A human-shaped pit was smashed out of the hillside.

The scene is very much like a classical cartoon, but no one can laugh.

Just now, Fukken was slashing everywhere, not just trying to escape and making a blind eye, but cutting all the strong subordinates around who were still intact and kept dying and living into pieces, let them die happily, and grab their abilities by the way.

He obtained the [Invisibility Method] and [Qi Controlling Method] just now. Although it is possible to get more according to the number of kills, for the indigenous warriors of this world, what they can get is basically the same repetition or less. The ability to start. [Commander] Fulken, who had a limited skill card slot, only chose these two moves.

The effect of the former is just as the name suggests, the latter is to control the power of the surrounding air, a bit like the martial arts version of wind magic.

He tried to use his knowledge to manipulate the air to suffocate the enemy, but it seemed that he couldn't do it in this windy and rainy day.

However, the increased slashing power just now successfully made an enemy out of the front line, and the outside has not stopped, so he can only continue to fight steadily here.

Fuss rushed forward and turned on the [Beastization Mode] with a stab on the sword that Fulken was resisting.


[Invisibility] is useless to her, even under the pouring rain, it has evolved to the point where it is close to the Demon King, and she is enough to smell it.

"This seems to be very similar to Bai Lao's trick. Even if it is useless to hide in the rain, it will make me subconsciously ignore him. So, don't pay attention to him, pay attention to the smell of Stella and Nim who were fighting and mixed just now. ' Furth thought.

Even if the so-called hidden prey is confirmed, he will still subconsciously turn a blind eye to Fulken's attack. The best and roughest way to deal with it is to not give Fulken a chance to attack.

"Dang dang dang dang dang dang dang..."

The unique skill [Spirit of War] has the ability to directly convert the magic element into the strength of the body. It is not a way to strengthen the magic element itself, but it actually turns it into a part of the body.

Therefore, as Foss's attack movement became more and more violent, her basic physical performance was gradually increasing, and her eyes became clearer.

I feel like I can clearly notice the weapon that keeps hurting my claws.

"Here!" She decisively clenched her fist and bludgeoned the position where she hit the most.

Broken sword!

It is better to say that with the current strength of Fuss, the weapon was broken after so many hits, and its quality was among the best even in the Demon Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, all the broken blade fragments flew towards her under the "escort" of the [Qi Controlling Method]!

With the hilt of the sword in his hand, Fulken struck Foss's arm joint to remove the castrated fist, and with the other hand he drew another sword from the gauntlet!

The length is only one foot, but attacking with a large number of broken blades is deadly to Fuss who was temporarily stunned by the unloaded attack!

Expanding the [Battle Qi Barrier] can block the broken blade, but it may not be able to resist the attack force that Stella can't get back temporarily. If you can focus on dealing with that sword, it is difficult to resist the broken blade.

Suddenly, Foken's feet turned into a pool of water, causing Foken to fall.

It's Nim's magic.

A large number of broken blades hit Fuss's [Battle Qi Barrier], and Fuss, who still felt a little pain, was shocked by the power. If she planned to use [Self-Regeneration] to deal with "bruises", she might become a hornet's nest now. .

Nim dispelled the magic and returned the ground to its original state.

"Nim! It turns out that there is such a way of play..." Fuss turned around and came to fly to help... Or this is Nim who gave the fatal blow.

"I just thought of it. Humans can't seem to hold their breath...for a long time? I...Foss, behind me!"

Fulken broke free from the underground immediately, and even prepared the strongest martial arts underground before it exploded in an instant!

Fuss didn't have time to turn around, and put the dagger across his head.

The terrifying impact made her kneel down instantly, and the arms holding the dagger made a sound of fractures!

If it weren't for the fact that Fulken's spare weapon seemed to be of a lower quality, her weapon would have been directly cut off to cut off her arm and head.

Nim was also blasted far away by the air waves that broke out in the confrontation. This time, he didn't have time to unfold the barrier, and his body was injured by the earth and stones shot by Yufeng Feifei in many places.

Missing the slightest bit has created such a situation of great disadvantage.

Suddenly, Fulken's neck twisted in a strange direction, lost all strength and turned into a corpse and fell down, UU reading www.uukanshu. com behind him just now showed Stella's figure.

"This guy is very strong! Don't carelessly repeat the mistakes I just made!"

"Stella, are you okay...?" Foss asked aloud while repairing the wound.

"It's not okay. Otherwise, he wouldn't be back now. He's obviously a knight, but he's not the type to fight dignifiedly. It happens that I know a thing or two about [Invisibility]."

"Know a thing or two..." Fuss said that he could find Fulken but couldn't notice Stella, not just "know a thing or two", right?

"Thank you." Nim also flew back. She had a lot of small injuries on her body and had recovered a lot.

At this time, the emerald green magic circle lights up again!

The three girls were clever, and all kinds of attacks fell on Fulken frantically, until he didn't move at all, and he couldn't even see his human form.

(to be continued)