Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 167: False mother-daughter battle

Latest website: Fulken, like other soldiers who are constantly dying, cannot escape the cycle that Velustila decides to squeeze them from body to soul to nothing left. Under the siege of the trinity of Fuss, Stella, and Nim, he finally couldn't die any longer.

After Fuss and Nim got unique skills, Stella finally gained something.

"Confirmed. The individual 'Stella'...successfully acquired...the unique skill [Dueler]. 》

"Declaration. The ultimate ability [Oath King Uriel] merged and completed...failed. 》

"Challenge again... Integrate [Duelers], regulate the lack of soul... The challenge failed. Connecting to the Soul Corridor...Challenge again...Fail the challenge, get the ultimate ability [Uriel, the king of vows]...The individual 'Stella' has not reached the conditions for evolving into a demon... No ultimate ability at the moment [Uriel, the king of vows] ]] Use permissions. 》

"Detected that there are other [Woing King Uriel], [Lampas, the King of Hell] adaptable individuals in the Soul Corridor... Is it possible to let [Woing King Uriel], [Underworld Lord] The King of Prison Lampas [Lampas]? YES/NO

"Is this really the 'Voice of the World'?" Stella felt a little strange.

The timbre and tone are undoubtedly the "Voice of the World" that they will report in time when they acquire or acquire skill magic. How can they be so detailed, can they still ask questions?

She asked a few more things about the new skills and chose "YES" without hesitation.

"Eh? Is this okay?" Fuss was a little surprised.

She and Nim also chose "YES", but they both gained something, but Stella's skills were integrated and consumed in order to change the ultimate ability attribute. Obviously everyone has worked so hard, right?

"Anyway, it's not the strength that I acquired through my cultivation, so don't worry about it." Stella said, without the slightest regret, but—

"I'll ask for more tricks later, isn't it too much?"

At this time, the sky suddenly cleared up.


"Prison Flame [Manic Calamity Fire [LunaticInferno]]."

Larsen's staff turned into a huge fireball, blooming, and wrapping Velustilla, who came to attack her again.

At the moment when the compressed fireball increased the heat to burn the target, Larsen made another move.

"Prison Talisman [Brusting Grudge]."

Eighteen purple fireballs appeared around, spraying the big fireball in the center to increase the firepower, and finally - forming a magic version of the thermonuclear reaction.

The thermonuclear reaction could not be suppressed, and Larsen had to direct the excess energy into the air, just like the [Nuclear Strike Magic Hot Wire Cannon] he was good at.

The large fireball of the thermonuclear reaction was suddenly torn apart by several Hao Lei storms.

It was Velustila’s attack that combined multiple magics, but she didn’t release it immediately, but grabbed it with her hand and sucked it all into her body, turning herself into a posture like a giant of light descending— If you ignore height.

As a spiritual life form, Velustila can absorb various powers into the body as a temporary core to temporarily obtain its properties, although if it is an intelligent creature, it may be affected by its will, for example, her current character is mostly Zashiki Douji and Alice. influence, but pure magic without will is fine.

At this moment, her body is clearly close at hand, but it is equivalent to the natural phenomenon of thunderstorm itself.

Ordinary skill magic may affect nature, but it is impossible to destroy nature itself!

Tani Sakai

Velustila, who felt that he had a great advantage, was about to slap Larsen with a slap to slap Larsen with a thunderous speed, and bring it back to find a way to pull the man's soul out.

Klarsen was still one step ahead of her, and the flames on the staff were stained with black.

"Hell [Evil Abyss [EvilAbyss]]!"

The dark pillar engulfed Velustilla.

"No, this is a power that can kill even nature!" thought Velustilla, who sprang from the pitch-black pillar.

It's great to have a blood bar that's thick to death.

By the way, I am so envious of lightsabers.

"[Magic light shines [re]]!" She held up the sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Larsen, and the brilliance of the magic power instantly condensed into a ball of light at the tip of the sword, sprayed forward, and turned into a pure silver-white light cannon .

[Magic Light [re]] is a very simple skill to release a magic cannon with the same attributes as its own. The power of course depends on the user's capacity and output, which is perfect for Velustilla.

The pitch black and the silver white held a stalemate for a moment, and then the silver white pushed the pitch black.

Velustila breathed a sigh of relief.

The spiritual power of Larsen's soul cannot support him to freely sway the power to control Clawenpis. If he uses that body as a medium for casting spells, he can still control it by using his own magic, but in Clawenpis's tricks, Larsen All the huge outputs limited by superhuman beings were originally packaged by Klauenpis as "muscle memory" tricks, or tricks that were originally used in the "Yggdrasil" rules as easily as clicking a button.

To win with output efficiency, Verustila will not lose to knockoffs!

"This is developed by the old man, and it's connected - [AbyssCoreCannon]." Larsen resorted to a new move.

There is hellfire, a flame that is extremely terrifying to the earth, and even a fairly high-level magic can usually only be manipulated a little. Although there are means of infusing their own mana as fuel or supplementing them with other spells to expand their damage, there are usually not many that can be induced and manipulated from hell.

To match the scale of hellfire with the scale of ordinary fire magic that humans can use, there is no one who can do it in Larsen's accumulated knowledge over the years.

No, if there is a group, it does exist, and that is the "Seven Luminaries Master" of the top heroes of mankind. The three of them can do it together.

But now, Larsen himself has achieved the use of this scale of hellfire to generate a thermonuclear reaction, and can guide the flow to launch it! There is no need to worry about the guidance of the overflow of time and space energy, so that she has no scruples and has increased the output several times!

So the old question comes up again - how did the "beautiful monster princess" lose to Hinata? It feels like [Holy Purification Barrier] can't hold her down at all, right?

Larsen, who always felt like he was ignoring something serious, didn't forget that he was fighting. UU reading It seems that Velustilla is being pressed and beaten, but in terms of comprehensive parameters, it seems that the percentage of consumption here is larger.

The winner must be decided as soon as possible.

The jet-black pillar of the [Abyss Core Cannon], which was switched to a directional nuclear explosion caused by a thermonuclear reaction of hellfire, pushed back against the silver-white light pillar of [Magic Light [re]] and pushed it back towards Velustilla.

"I'm sorry, Mom!" Velustila turned into a gust of wind, dodging the dark pillars one after another, preparing to chop off Larsen's head with a sword.

After all, Klauenpis won't die even if his head falls off.

(to be continued)