Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 181: king of hell

Rimuru was so angry that all the war preparations she had made with great difficulty were thrown away by Milim's attack that didn't even count as a special move.

When he questioned Milim until his eyes were tearing up, Shuna carefully combed his hair and adjusted his clothes for Virustila who was messed up by Milim.

Because of this, Limuru calmed down a little. Anyway, Milim should have good intentions, so she asked a little calmly, "Can Milim tell me what you think?"

Milim: "Of course it's to see their purpose."

Limulu: "You can see it just by jumping up?"

Milim: "Isn't it strange that you dare to attack with ordinary troops knowing that Veldora and Miss Ben are here?"

Limulu thinks that ordinary troops should be used to clean up ordinary residents of the Demon Kingdom, wild monsters, and seize territory. Moreover, although Milim has a fierce reputation, not many people know that she is this kind of loli.

Milim: "In short, although I have no doubts about Limuru's strength, I am worried that Limuru will be deceived, so I plan to go up and see who has what conspiracy."

Rimuru always felt that it was against the law for Milim to worry about being cheated.

Milim: "It's basically confirmed now. The purpose of the No. 1 mastermind behind the scenes is to weaken or simply kill Hinata Sakaguchi's faction; the No. 2 mastermind behind the scenes, Clayman, has withdrawn, and will continue to make good friends with Rimuru; the mastermind behind the scenes The purpose of number three or more is to take this opportunity to subdue the Demon Kingdom."

Next comes the content that is spread out.

No. 1 is very obvious. Hinata was killed by the mysterious light just after Milim smashed the armor, and even Milim didn't find the source of the light;

The purpose of No. 2 is probably to awaken and become the real devil king. It should have been laid out since the Zhutou Emperor incident, but all kinds of battles were interrupted by external factors, making it impossible for him to collect souls properly, but he did not miss any chance. Clayman has vigorously assisted the Demon Kingdom in trade to increase the output of high-end goods and lower prices, which will increase human hostility and greed towards the Demon Kingdom. However, there is no trace of any of Clayman's subordinates or puppets in this battle. Rustila's annihilation battle has been completed;

No. 3 hasn't fully seen it yet, but it may be something that many forces want to do. It doesn't matter if they lose. They can take advantage of the weakening of several countries to intervene in many things. Knowing Limulu's philosophy will give them a chance Favor and penetration. But since No. 3 is so confident, he must have a trump card that can rival existences like Veldora and Milim.

The doubt is that she feels that Hinata is not that strong. Even the sacred power of monsters and natural enemies is just a damage that can be resisted by consuming more magic energy for her. With a large number of skills and magic essence protecting his companions, he really doesn't think Crohnpiss will lose. Then there are two possibilities, for some purpose to feign death or seek death, or the enemy really has trump cards that can deal with existences like Veldora and Milim.

The corners of Limulu's mouth twitched a little. Is this the Milim he knew who often did things without thinking and took her like a child to a playground?

In fact, Milim is quite smart, she just does it when she thinks that doing so can achieve her goal, and usually she is too lazy to explain or skip the process willfully, which will give people a simple-minded feeling.

Milim briefly explained, and then said: "In this way, Limuru can do whatever he likes in the Farmus Kingdom. The neighbors on both sides of that country are Limuru's friends. How to deal with the mastermind behind the scenes Before number three fights, it's up to Limuru to fight wits and bravery."

【King of Wisdom Raphael】continues to make up the knife—

"Conjecture. "Backstage Black Hand No. 3 or more" and the intelligence received just now refer to the same group of objects. "

Just when Limuru felt that his brain was really not enough, Verustila adjusted his clothes and hair with the help of Shucai, and said, "Thanks to Limuru's help, what is needed to revive mother A quarter of the material has been collected."


Rimuru was at a loss, [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] began to explain—

"Analyzing the individual 'Virustila Hekatia Tempest', integrating the unique skill [Mindless] into [Lampas], the king of hell, to obtain this ultimate ability Additional skill [Wraith Domination]. Those who surrender to the skill owner and recognized companions will have their souls absolutely dominated and plundered. "

To be precise, the plundering of human souls was not done by Virustila alone, but by [Lampas, the Lord of Hell], which contained the instinct of Crounpis.

The so-called absolute control is not just as simple as being able to manipulate the soul at any time, it refers to the fact that any part of the soul can be freely taken, whether it is the hard-working skills, the immortal qualifications obtained by sublimation, the saint qualifications, and the brave qualifications , the aptitude to become a demon, the memory experience enough to form various skills, and the potential space in the future can all be refined into pure soul energy and recovered by Virustila.

In the original time and space, a certain adventurer who was used as a spearman was forced to drain everything by the villain who went through the motions with his unique skill [Greedy Man], and his strength was raised to the basic level of a demon king to fight against Limuru.

The soul energy that Virustila can obtain is three to ten times that of direct brutal killing and extraction of the soul. If you are lucky enough to meet an individual who has the possibility of awakening as a true demon king and hero, it can be more than a thousand times—

Of course ~ ~ that kind of individual generally does not exist.

This trick also has limitations. If you directly use this skill to attack a real devil or a brave man, the possibility of being dodged or defended is extremely high. It is also impossible to capture any soul energy from some guys with special soul properties or numbness, or those who don't know about it until they die, and have no time to be afraid.

Neither Masayuki nor Hinata took anything away. There are also a few civilians left alone.

Then again, do people whose souls have been scraped clean have no real hope of living anymore? The answer is no, the soul is the carrier that contains the spiritual body, astral body, soul-related skills, experience, etc., which contain various pieces of information about itself, so the development of a "fake soul" that only needs a physical body to maintain energy can be used as a substitute.

Virustila stole the souls of hundreds of thousands of people, and they were left with "artificial souls" to survive. As long as they are not people who rely on skills and characteristics to cheat, they can maintain their strength as ordinary humans by exercising their bodies and skills The upper limit, the highest level can still be maintained at A-level strength. If there is an opportunity and enough will to stimulate the "Voice of the World", the possibility of breakthrough is not impossible.

However, even so, it cannot be betrayed because it is dominated and plundered at any time.

(to be continued)