Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 183: Neptune vs Larsen

Under the forbidden magic of Ultima, the entire capital of the Farmus Kingdom has lost a single living person.

Their souls will lose their vitality together, and they will be imprisoned on this land together with their decayed and weathered bodies over time, and will endure the pain of the curse forever before they are reduced to ashes.

There are still living creatures here, except for the two confronting each other outside the palace—Ultima and Larsen.

Larsen concealed his inner fear with his inability to protect the monarch and his people and his anger at the enemy, and glared at Ultima who was full of joy.

As expected of a devil, even innocent people are not spared, so vicious.

But he could only stand on the palace, waiting for Ultima to reach the distance where he planned to talk to him.

"Yahhoo." Ultima appeared in his field of vision very easily, and greeted him with a very sunny tone.

"Don't you try to resurrect the king and subjects you want to protect? With the power of that body, maybe you can succeed." She asked jokingly.

"What kind of joke are you talking about, devil? Even if you can do it, as long as your curse is not released, it will only make them feel the pain of life and death caused by the poisonous curse!" Larsen gritted his teeth.

That's why he didn't know how to make a move. The magic used by Ultima did kill everyone, but the setting of this magic is that as long as she is defeated, those people are still expected to come back alive.

With Larsen's current strength, a fight with Ultima would definitely destroy the surrounding area, including the corpses of the royal family and subjects!

Although Larsen played despicable means against the "beautiful monster princess", his heart to protect the monarch and the people of the motherland is true.

As a veritable demon, Ultima was playing with him, and he did not intend to take responsibility for this tragedy. The publicity that the culprit will be deducted has already been in place. It is possible that in the future, those who are still in the way will fall nearby and take away their souls. Intended to be placed in the ranks of the permitted resurrection.

However, she thinks that she seems to be too kind because she served Rimuru. In the past, if someone did something like this kind of thing that was indistinguishable from the demolition of the contract, the original demon would at least make the whole country suffer a little bit. Drowning in the sea of ​​blood will never let it go.

Red and White are famous for doing this in history.

"How about fighting in a better place? You also really want to **** your body back as the contractor intact?" Larsen said tentatively.

"Ah la la, these are the words that people who are about to die will say. But, it happens that we are very kind." Ultima launched [Family Summoning] and summoned Neptune, who is also purple, and several other wielders. A high-level demon is summoned.

"Nepton, go and kill the guy who occupies Lord Crompis's body." Ultima ordered.

"Eh?" Neptune was stunned for a moment. There was no reason not to obey the order of the supreme ancestor, but even if he advanced to a high-level magic general, killing that would be an impossible task, right?

"But, that's—"

The moment Neptune hesitated, one of her ears was pulled out by Ultima along with the surrounding mass of flesh and hair!

"Don't get carried away just because Mrs. Crounpiss likes your face and personally gave you a name, and also got the loaned ultimate ability fragment! Remember your position. The few here will use everything to protect you. "

Only then did Neptune recall the true character of the original purple. The Demon Kingdom was once too comfortable, and Ultima could crush her to death due to the strength of the contract master, and did not show the tyranny of the past , and is very good at being a good girl, let Neptune relax along with her.

"Understood." Neptune used [Chessia] on the other purple family members to absorb the inorganic vitality and all the magic energy of the demons they used to maintain the Graeme's body in this world. The breath rose slowly.

Larsen breathed a sigh of relief at the demon's arrogance. It seemed that he planned to let the one who witnessed the persecution of the "beautiful monster princess" to end him and trample on his dignity.

"Who gave you the illusion that you're going to be singled out? [Curse Grudge and Exterminate Crime]!"

Ultima suddenly flashed to Larsen's blind spot without warning, aiming at Larsen's back with a thrusting thrust, Larsen felt the aura from the tip of his nails that made him feel that something was wrong, and instantly released the conditioned reflex [Shinra Tianzheng 】.

Before the nails pierced through the body, Ultima who was behind and Neptune who was attacking from the front were bounced hard.

However, the sharp pain hit him immediately.

"Damn it, is it poison again! You really are a demon who is accustomed to poison!"

It was not an ordinary poison, the body had enough resistance to this poison, but he felt that his spirit and soul were burning and gradually melting, and he had a chance to get rid of it with his own ability, but the premise was that no one disturbed him.

"Hmph," Ultima followed the repulsive force away from the battle circle, sat down and entered the spectator mode, "You'd better abandon this body as soon as possible. Otherwise your soul will be completely melted by the injected poison... umm, Let's do the math, although you are only a three-legged cat, you are not bad by human standards. Even if you die, my poison will forcefully prolong your spiritual perception time, which is enough for you to continue to feel pain for more than three hundred year."

While summoning the "torch" and turning it into a lightsaber to fight Neptune, Larsen warned himself that this was the devil's words to shake him, and if he did so, it would be in his favor.

"Damn it, what's going on with this guy? He's obviously just a high-level demon general!"

Every time Larsen swings the sword light, it will burst out powerful magic power, with the special effect of burning the soul. If the opponent is an ordinary high-level magic general, with his strength, he has a complete chance to severely injure and instantly kill the opponent, and even escape the spirit. The timing of the Demon Realm does not give the slightest possibility.

The eyes of this body also have the ability to predict the opponent's future attacks and the ability to reproduce past These are all abilities that are even more powerful in battle, and Larsen finally discovered them.

But in the face of Neptune, these seem to be completely useless, and Neptune even uses the injury-for-injury style of play to slash against him from time to time.

Neptune got the empowered ability [Energy Absorption] due to the incomplete performance of [Chessia, the King of the Fallen]. It was naturally a mistake for Larsen to use a lightsaber to fight in close combat in order to prevent the battle from affecting the monarch and his subjects.

No matter how powerful the lightsaber is, the sword light will be absorbed by Neptune, even if the previous attack is reproduced with the "Magic Eye of Bubble".

And Neptune has a skill that interferes with the opponent's consciousness [Cyan Purple Heart], allowing her to absorb the opponent's attack or hit the opponent every time, after forming an effective judgment in this way, the opponent will forget these things and return to the state of the first sight, I don't know what happened at all, and naturally I can't change my tactics.

Crown Piss had a lot of immune skills that were not discovered?

Of course, how could it be given?

(to be continued)