Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 185: Summon, the strongest hero Kronoa

Facing the two primordial demons, Larsen's extremely rich knowledge in this area contributed to the greatest tragedy, and he fell into a sluggish state without resisting.

Sometimes, the more you know, the more despair you face; sometimes, ignorance is actually a very happy thing.

Ultima and Diablo—

The whole city was bathed in death in an instant, but the topic of resurrection was still retained. The extremely difficult taboo magic, [Curse Madness] and [World Distortion Field] could not resist even him who is now enough to kill ordinary high-level magic generals The magic can be released with a poke of a fingernail or snap of a finger. They also made Neptune, who was already a high-ranking demon general and favored by his master, afraid to show his anger, tearing off people's ears and scalps and ordering them arbitrarily. "Famous for knocking down...

Larsen immediately saw that it was Primordial Black, and even completed the incarnation, and got a name; from this point of view, Ultima is by no means a demon princess who is forcibly elevated simply by the name given by Kraunpiss. Zhihei chatting like this must be the original, and just now they mentioned two "old acquaintances" casually? And "Old Acquaintance" under Guy?

The ranks of demons are very strict. If you dare to say so, they must all be of the same rank. Now that the original demons are all here, and they can continue to be at the same rank, it means that they all have physical bodies and names—

There are seven pillars of original demons in the world, the most feared devil Guy has three pillars, and the emerging demon country has four pillars? !

What in the **** did they have in their minds to dare to attack the Demon Kingdom!

What are you doing to offend the Demon Kingdom? !

No, this is a conspiracy!

Humanity is facing an unprecedented crisis!

He must escape and tell all this to someone who will confront them in the future!

He forcibly cheered up, inspired the power contained in this body, and launched space magic.

The only thing he can use now is [World Teleportation], which he feels dangerous just by touching it. This is soul magic. It does not rely on magic power, spirit power, or holy power. It is completely released by one's own soul. Therefore, most barriers and domains that hinder and invalidate cannot stop it.

As a result, Larsen's soul, which had already been scarred by [Curse Maniac], could hardly bear it, and almost died on the spot.

The result of the battle is - teleported less than 100 meters outside the encirclement.

"Abandon yourself? Neptune, finish him, and absorb his body and soul that have adapted to the skills derived from the ultimate ability to complete evolution." Ultima ordered.

"At least, this old man will take revenge!" Larsen became ruthless when he learned that he would die, and took out a mask.

That was after many "summoners" left for the Demon Kingdom in a hurry, they cooperated to check the things found in those people's residences. The anti-demon mask that Rimuru gave Chloe before returning to the Demon Kingdom. The escape was transported in a coma during the battle, and it was not regarded as equipment by Chloe, so it was stored carefully, it was not on her body, and she had no time to take it away.

Neptune, who was sprinting, shot a purple lightsaber at Larsen, and when it touched the anti-magic mask, it shattered into pieces and dissipated.

"That... is indeed a mask that can resist magic so much that Lord Ultima's leg is also 'nullified' and broken. Why did Lord Limuru keep this thing?" Neptune was startled, without hesitation in his hand, she The sword was made by a dwarf, and it was completely solid. With one sword, Larsen's hand and chest holding the mask were included in the slashing range.

Larsen's soul is not completely consistent with the Kraunpis fairy body, which is more similar to a Gundam driver driving a Gundam. No matter how strong the Gundam is, people are ordinary people. There is a gap between the Kraunpiss fairy body and Larsen It's that big.

The goblin body is strong enough to withstand this blow, but the incoming power is enough to kill everything in Larsen!

At the same time, the mask is activated by the "Magic Eye of Bubbles"!


Demon Kingdom Hekatia Tempest, Demon City Rimuru—

Limuru is waiting for the latest news from the front line, and is planning to deploy a combat force that can be deployed at any time just in case.

Suddenly [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] appeared an early warning—

"warn. Forced time and space transfer is detected, do you resist? yes/no"

Of course yes!

"Who is it?" Limulu asked vigilantly. Logically speaking, he didn't find anyone who set such a trap on himself, and it was even more impossible for his companion to do this.

"It is speculated that the hostile forces are using the connection between the individual 'Crownpiss Lilith Hecatia Lampardes' and you to try to use time and space magic to force transfer. "

Rimuru immediately sent an order to investigate and counteract the origin angels Galaxia and Picosi, who are relatively good at time-space magic, and Shuna, who is good at analysis.


Larson's soul was completely dead.

He relied on the power he refined for his own use and obtained some new unique skills suitable for him, all of which were converted into soul energy for Neptune to absorb.

Ke Lasen's surgery has been completed!

Crohnpiss once used the "Magic Eye of Bubbles" to briefly reappear the fact of being still alive, but if the target is indeed still alive, the mere reappearance will form some kind of space-time paradox.

In the past, when Kraunpiss reproduced the past, he would basically not reproduce the individual that caused the past phenomenon, such as reappearing to open doors and windows and attack, and would not reappear the individual that opened doors and windows and performed attacks.

What will happen if forced to reproduce?

The world will make the most simple and stable correction, which is to pull the reproduction objects that still exist in the world to the reproduction coordinates.

Larsen will recreate the well-known hero who wore the mask. However, in order to realize her desire to pour bitterness on Leon and not leave traces in this world, Jing paid everything she had as a Limuru also used [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] just now [raphael]】Resisting this trick, Chloe's time is controlled by the spirit of time and is not controlled by this level, then, there is only one who can show up—

Kronoa, the strongest hero who has given the mask to Shizu and is said to have sealed Veldora.

Neptune had a bad feeling, and after absorbing Larsen, he grabbed the "corpse" of Crompis and retreated quickly.

Kronoa immediately reacted to this, stomping on the ground, rushing towards Neptune, who was retreating while holding the fairy body of Cloenpiss, and black spots appeared on the tender body that had not been brought along with the equipment originally. Armor, holding a black one-handed sword.

Neptune had a hunch that the sword could kill him instantly! It is also enough to cause serious damage to the unsuspecting "corpse" in his arms!

Fortunately, the goblin body is completely a spiritual life body. Neptune immediately broke away from the physical body bestowed on him by Crompiss, and the spirit body took the goblin body to escape across the space.

The next moment, Neptune's body was completely burned by the energy contained in the sword!

(to be continued)