Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 197: 3 soul reincarnation 3000 years

Ziyuan's skill [Cooker] has the ability to ignore the process and the doomed result. It was originally just to respond to her desire to cook the best cooking as if it were a curse, but because of this, she got the "piercing skill" that can reverse the cause and effect. The gun of the dead thorn (gaebolg also has terrible power.

Therefore, she easily broke through the tricks and defenses of the stress response of Kraunpiss' physical body, and pierced her body.

And another result that Shion wanted was also doomed, and that was to stop Crohnpiss' body.

After finishing Crohnpiss, Rimuru asked Diablo: "Why did you stop just now?"

Diablo said: "Seeing the skills you personally created for the first secretary, I knew the result was doomed. It would be rude to prevent you from showing your heroism at this time."

"In other words, I was so handsome that I forgot to act, right? I'll teach you a lesson later!"

Rimuru ignored Diablo who was beaten into an otz, and turned his attention to another battlefield.

I saw Veldora wailing not long after joining the battlefield.

"What are you doing?" Limuru asked awkwardly.

"I was injured! How strange! Obviously I have become stronger, but the attack she hit me without much damage made me bleed like a river!"

"You nonsense! [Absolute Cut] is like an embroidery needle to your dragon body. If you hard-join [Absolute Cut] with a human figure, it will be strange if it doesn't become like this!"

Because Rimuru was full of expectations for Veldora's strength, the disappointment was even greater.

"Diablo, I'll give you a chance. Together, you can quickly suppress that brave man."

"Yes, obey the order!" Diablo was immediately full of enthusiasm.

At this time, Ultima left Mary and ran to say: "Master Rimuru, the souls of Hinata Sakaguchi and Kloe are in that human body, and the main body should be Kloe who has grown up. Is your soul drawn out?"

Diablo: "Everything is according to the plan. Since Rimuru-sama is here, let's implement it immediately."

Ultima: "What? It must have been Mrs. Kraunpiss who made the initial arrangement, and with the cooperation of Milim, he helped Demon Kingdom and Mrs. Rimuru erase their previous gaffes with grace. Fame and fortune are a sure thing. thing."

Diablo: "That's Rimuru-sama—"

Ultima: "No, it must be Lord Crompiss—"

"What the hell?" Limulu's head froze again.

He promised that he had absolutely no plans. Was it really Crounpes? No, with these Naobudi's personalities, maybe even she was covered in a hat. Who would arrange such a thing with their own death smashed? The person who holds the fragments may not necessarily help, even if she revives on her own, she may lose those skills.

"Stop arguing! Let me work together to suppress the hero, and I'll go inside her and have a look." Limulu ordered angrily.

Due to the extraordinary strength of everyone and the large number of people, suppressing Kronoa went very smoothly.

Rimuru successfully entered the inner side of Kronoa, and with the help of Ciel, he performed a very complicated show operation, combining the various skills of Kloe and Hinata to create the ultimate ability [Yogeso, the king of time and space] Toth [yog-sothoth]], forming a psychic core to restore his sanity, and finally saw the girl version of Kloe and Hinata Sakaguchi who met in person for the first time, even Kronoa became a spiritual body by itself, and Kloe Together we look like sisters.

It turns out that Chloe has been repeating the "time travel" from 3,000 years ago to the present, and the spirit of time in her body is the self that will travel through the past for the first time.

In the first round, Chloe will become a hero in the future wars, and she will continue to go to the war-torn places to stop the war. She will continue to fight if she has life, and finally becomes an existence with only the "will to destroy". It became an out-of-control state of going forward to fight when it saw a strong man, and finally died for unknown reasons in the fight with Guy, and thus went back to the past and became the so-called spirit of time to attach to Chloe.

Afterwards, every reincarnation, Rimuru and Hinata will die successively, and Kloe’s reincarnation opportunity is the death of the latter. Since there was a reincarnation in which Hinata’s soul was killed, once Hinata dies, protect Hinata Reincarnation of souls together became an instinctive option.

After taking Hinata back to the past, in order to have a reasonable identity, Hinata gave her the pseudonym "Kronoa", but that is actually equivalent to giving a name to the spirit of time, and fused with the two to become the real "The Strongest Hero" Kronoa.

However, the memory of reincarnation is not clear, except for the last time, there are only some sporadic fragments in key events. Moreover, because the human spirit is still relatively weak compared to that powerful elf, every time he was active as a hero for three thousand years and his spirit was not good enough, he would go to the demon king Luminas to seal it. Most of the three thousand years have been sleeping. Their relationship with Ruminas should not have been an enemy from the start. Kronoa also helped Luminas, especially in defeating the storm dragon Veldora who sealed and destroyed the city palace of Luminas, and the relationship between the two parties is very good.

This made Rimuru feel relieved for Kloe and Hinata. After all, the human spirit is not strong enough to endure every 3,000 years of reincarnation destined to failure and death without deteriorating.

However, every time he is doomed to die in the war, does it make Limuru feel that he is so weak?

"impossible. "

Mr. Shire, you are still a [Great Sage] if you didn’t become a Demon King. Isn’t it normal to be killed in the face of someone who can easily kill Hinata?

But there is good news. UU Reading is the reincarnation that started a few times ago. Although Hinata also died, Rimuru was still alive, even though the battle situation was very unfavorable for Rimuru. The clearest difference between that reincarnation and the previous countless reincarnations is that Rimuru became the Demon King after fighting with various Western forces, Veldora was resurrected, and took the original demon as a subordinate.

To put it simply, both Limuru and the Demon Kingdom need to become very strong in order to survive future wars.

Originally, Chloe and Hinata saw that Rimuru was still alive since that reincarnation, and wanted to continue in that reincarnation as much as possible, but they couldn't do it. With the addition of the role of Klau Enpiss, everything changed dramatically Variety.

Rimuru originally used the lost static appearance, but now she has become stronger due to the change of appearance imitating the object and acquiring abilities. It is relatively difficult to gain favorability on the outside, so the twists and turns and methods of establishing diplomatic relations with humans have changed somewhat, and there are also greater twists and turns.

Or because of this, the Demon Kingdom is obviously stronger, and some of the things that Limuru had to deal with in person were replaced by Crompis. There have been a total of three reincarnations in which Kraunpiss appeared, including this one.

(to be continued)