Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 20: Peith doesn't want to give Rimuru a hug

"This really predicts my thoughts. It's too capable and sometimes a little scary. Alas." Klauenpis sighed.

She thought of Star, and Star will probably arrange all of them, but most of the corrections will not all be as she intended. If it is Star, he will definitely try to use Rimuru's lazy idea of ​​hugging his thighs more than being the leader to get Klauenpis or other cronies cultivated inside.

Klauenpis: "Then, can I still attend the aftermath meeting tomorrow?"

Torreni: "It would be great if you were willing to be the host. Given the complex relationship between races, it would be great to have a neutral."

"Really?" Klauenpis glanced at the three sleeping on the stage beside him, got up and said, "Then they will be taken care of by you, so they shouldn't sleep until tomorrow. I'll go first. Leave it to me to prepare."

The next morning—

Because there was really no big enough house, Klauenpis directly used [Create Fortress] to build a large auditorium on the side of the town.

Klauenpis was invited to sit opposite Limuru, who was the winner of the crusade against the Pig-headed Demon King, and served as the chairperson of the meeting.

To the embarrassment of the monster, Klauenpis announced the start of the meeting, but he gave it a cold side.

"Hey, even if Limuru and I are extremely cute, you don't have to look at our faces, right? Limuru, be more aggressive and say something." Klauenpis urged.

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Seeing that Klauenpis kicked the ball over, Limuru re-explained the cause of the war and the current situation of all parties that had been investigated before the war. After all, now there are not only the allied army formed by Torreni's request, but also the alliance formed by the lizardmen and the representatives of the pig-headed tribe who were the losers.

At this time, the pig-headed clan had already started to cry silently. They were killed in this war to the tune of 10,000 or so. They also lost the protection of the pig-headed demon king and the general, and there were no other monsters to capture. Even if they were not executed on the spot, they would no longer have the ability to survive on their own.

However, the crime committed still needs to be sentenced.

"Next, I'll announce the damage that the pig-headed tribe has brought to the various tribes in the Jura Forest." Klauenpis took the circulation board handed by Ultima and listed the rough statistics of each tribe one by one. out.

The pig-headed tribe is for food, and there is no corpse or anything, but the monster community understands its original situation, and can generally use [Sinian Wave] to communicate and identify their existence, and they have made a rough estimate. There seems to be no mathematics here. Concept, but counting will still be possible, it will not be too different.

"Wow, apart from the fact that Limuru and my clan did not die, and the lizardmen lost 20%, the other races who participated in the war lost more than half of the total loss, and some of them were exterminated. Even if you are reduced to more than 10,000 heads, you can't pay it back. Now, as the winner, do the leaders of each clan have any requirements for the pig-headed clan?" Klauenpis closed the reading board and pushed it to the middle of the table, looking up and asking around.

"There are no requirements, this victory is not what we got." After the leader of the lizardmen, Averu, spoke first, the other small groups participating in the war also ratified.

After all, the pig-headed tribe, who had invaded due to famine and were about to be wiped out, couldn't do anything.

The representative of the pig head tribe immediately knelt down and stamped his head on the ground, shouting, "Please listen to Xiao's words, I hope I can atone for my life, although it is definitely not enough, but we really have nothing to pay for!"

Klauenpis glanced at Limuru and found that the other party was also looking at him. This mirror-like feeling was really a little annoying.

A person who aims to become stronger with a comfortable life will show inertia once he has thighs to hug?

And what pose is that? At such a time, Shi Yuan was actually used as a cushion?

So Klauen Piss snorted coldly: "Hmph, to apologize for death, just pat your head and leave, don't you think it's too cheap? Your whole family must apologize!"

"But we—"

"You want to die before you pay it back? Such an easy price? Stop dreaming, idiots! Of course you're willing to pay with all your remaining lives, right? Don't think about dying!"

Then she held her face and smiled and said to the opposite: "Rimuru, don't you just want to expand the size of the town? It's a good idea to let them work as slaves to death to atone for their sins, right?"

Rimuru looked around, and it was obvious that he had no objection. If this goes on, Klanpith's proposal will be passed unconditionally. That's right, the pig-headed clan really can't take out anything, and if you kill them directly, you won't get anything. At present, the remaining number of pig-headed clans can be taken care of by all the tribes in the Jura Forest, so Klauenpis's proposal is the simplest. Clear and helpful.

But Rimuru had other ideas.

"I hope everyone will listen to me. Compared to using it directly as a slave, I have a better way to use the labor force of the pig-headed tribe and let them create higher value for us."

Then, he proposed the plan of the Jura Great Forest Alliance, which was only in its infancy.

All ethnic groups make use of their strengths to get along and develop together. Of course, in order to quell the anger of the various ethnic groups, the pig-headed tribe must still be completely squeezed as labor, but Limlu said that it can provide high-quality accommodation, euphemistically, "In this way, we can maximize the The labor is squeezed out".

In this regard, the pig-headed clan has been gratefully bowing again and again, at least not needing to exterminate the clan.

The monsters respected the strong and personally defeated the pig-headed demon king. There was no conflict between the opinions and the host, so naturally there would be no opinions.

In terms of specifics, Rimuru "inherited" Klauenpis's practice just like that appearance.

Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning is obviously "Imagine what I say, and implement your own ideas."

"It would be great if we could recruit some people who are better at internal affairs. Does anyone have a way?" Rimuru looked at the monsters.

But you look at me, I look at you.

Limuru saw that the civilization of some monsters was not bad, and he had a lot of hope, but he was disappointed. At present, the only country with trade links is the Dwarven Armed Power of Dwarves, and people from such a power can never be poached.

"Rimuru, are you saying I'm not doing enough?" Ultima frowned and pointed to herself.

"No no, I'm very satisfied. It's just that in the future, when the town is expanded, there will be more things to do, and I'm sorry for being in charge of too many things..."

"Are you underestimating me? Believe it or not I can recite all the books on building and managing city-states by heart?"

"Wait a minute, listen to my explanation. Maybe in the future, you need to consider diplomacy, visits, and exchanges with more distant places. Isn't that a lack of skills?"

It seemed unclear for a while.

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