Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 200: god of time and space

Crohnpiss was startled and frightened for a moment. In fact, she could recover the fragments for resurrection by herself at any time, but the rules after "Voice of the World" forced her to fly back to her body when she evolved.

The rules of the world are really scary.

"However, there is one more【God of Time and Space Chronos】ah, the only price left to use the time ability is mp, what a fortress. However, I am a little angry. That guy actually put me The [Golden Arsmagna] built with trillions of microorganisms that can reset and improve itself infinitely has been sacrificed."

Cloenpiss thought, looking down at the quiet Demon Kingdom and her inner side from the high perspective of the main body, Virustila and the object that needs to be revived are all covered in the main body.

Although her body is also a guild building with many rooms, it seems that there is no function to let them automatically sleep on the bed, not to mention that she never considered preparing so many beds at the beginning, and some corridors and rooms are full of corpses.

Crohnpiss cast [True Susheng [true]] on all of them, summoning a goblin in the body and sending them to an empty room to lie down in line before continuing to observe the outside world.

She saw Ciel manipulating Rimuru's body to release her fairy body for reconstruction and recovery.

Crohnpiss felt that his spiritual body was being pulled by a force, and he was about to fly out of the body and enter the body of the elf.

"No, don't you bring such a thing? You disconnect first, Miss King of Wisdom? Who wants to be seen by you from the outside to the inside all the time?"

Kraunpiss' refusal caused the incomplete Kraunpiss fairy body to have the same stress response as the previous physical body!

That's right, Miss King of Wisdom, give me Zhiqu to stop, otherwise her fairy body will instinctively hey to Limuru.

Suddenly, Milim, who was supposed to be eating popcorn, made a victory gesture, and her body almost disappeared in place, leaving only a ring-shaped air wave between Veldora and Ramiris.

Immediately, Klaumpis, who was about to instinctively attack Limuru, was thrown into the sky with an uppercut by Milim, who suddenly appeared beside her, and flew to the outside of the Demon Kingdom through a parabola that dragged the flames. .

"ntm!" Kraunpiss was very angry, whether the consequences were not mentioned in the eyes, in short, the **** tree itself retaliated and waved a huge branch at Milim who was flying into the air and was about to chase after him.

Without fear, Milim turned around and punched a branch that was countless times stronger than her.

"Boom!" The ring-shaped impact formed by smashing all the air spread out in the air, and the branches of the **** tree were discounted, but Milim was not much better, just like the fairy body of Kraunpiss, Sparks rubbed in the air and flew far away, turning into meteors.

"Boom! Boom!"

They both collided into the distant mountain range one after another, smashing two big holes in the mountain range.

"Oops! Milim didn't show any signs of braking at all. Could it be that that was Milim's advancing route?! Was she fooled?" Croynpiss thought.

But this is also just right, the fairy body of Kraunpiss did break away from the connection of Shire after the resurrection.

Crohnpiss immediately shifted her main consciousness, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Milim's giggling face, and then she punched her face!

"Boom!" This punch almost turned Crohnpiss' cute face into an abstract style for a moment.

With Milim's destructive power, all kinds of damage resistance and immune passive skills are nothing.

At the same time, it also shows that she is serious about this punch.

"What the hell! Why did I have to be beaten right after I was resurrected? Shouldn't it be a very sacred and touching scene?"

Crohnpith gritted her teeth and thought, she didn't even think about how she wanted to stop Ciel by attacking Limuru just now, and decided to spank Milim's **** first.

However, the main body of the magic tree is still there, and the process is still a bit short, so it is not easy to take it back.

Although the influence of the distance between the fairy body and the main body on strength can basically be ignored with the space and soul-type abilities that Crohnpiss has now mastered, but the lack of a physical body is definitely weaker than a complete body.

So, with a thought, she used the mimetic demon to embody the witch suit designed by Yuuki that Rimuru gave her when she made the monster princess character, and took out a spare witch's broom from the infinite backpack.

Of course, this is also the launch vehicle displacement version produced by Luna.

Just to try the power of [Chronos, God of Time and Space].

"I can see it! The distance between the branches is quite close, almost overlapping! No, could it be that I can influence the future to a certain extent?"

Only then did she confirm the skills of [Chronos, God of Time and Space] one by one.

[Time stop], [Time stagnation], [Self-time flow rate change], [Object time flow rate change], [Attack future prediction], [Future set pattern], [Consciousness retrospective], [Self-time axis division], [History] Reappearance], [Timeline Energy Extraction], [Time Travel], [Self Reset].

"Oh! Twelve abilities, just... Just kidding. Aren't several of them the abilities I already had? Miss Wisdom King is actually the King of Integration, right?" she thought.

Clonnpiss turned the broom into her own "torch" and waved it towards Milim.

The future I see has no branches, it is the effect of [Future Set], although the future will give Milim different possibilities because of the different attacks Crohnpiss takes, but this skill will induce Milim to make Crohnpeith's desired option.

"Boom!" The broom with purple-black flames staggered away from Milim's hand and patted her on the head.

But the effect was smaller than Milim blocked the attack with her hair.

Crohnpiss felt a little unbelievable, she would use her hair to launch tactics when necessary, but Milim's hair seemed to have strength no less than that of her arms. She turned on the perspective and found that the thin hair actually contained the same muscles and meridians as the whole body.

I didn't know this before, so even if I determined a future, I couldn't effectively attack it.

It would be easy to say if the future of the opponent's trauma can be determined, but at this level of battle, the result of attacking the opponent is mostly magic energy consumption and pain. It is not easy to inflict visible damage on Milim.

Kraunpiss had no intention of killing Milim, and Milim's strength was not something that Crohnpiss could easily handle, so this happened.

Milim immediately launched a counterattack, and the two-in-two moves came back again and again.

"Have you and Veldora learned badly?" Kraunpiss picked up the broom and picked it up twice, and found that even if the strength of the broom was greatly strengthened, it couldn't support Milim's violence.

(to be continued)