Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 203: Kraunpiss VS Veldora

Witnessing the terrible situation in the illusion world, Limulu said angrily to Charles, "I know that Mr. Charles is very unwilling to admit defeat, but at this time, I need to think of remedies."

"I, did not fail. "

Shire goes on to emphasize this point.

"In short, let's quickly calculate the solution." Limulu was not in the mood to argue, and said to the others present, "Can you trouble me to find a way to stop their fighting first, at least help me create a loophole to connect with the spiritual body, so that I I can also calm down and free up my calculation power and go deep into their inner side to try to solve it."

"But I think they had a good time," Veldora said.

"Indeed, Master Rimuru is so perfect, how could he fail? You are so humble." Diablo praised.

"Hmm. I think it's self-defeating to bother them now." Galasha agreed.

"However, if they continue to fight, it will embarrass Mr. Rimuru, right? It's better to find a way to persuade them to fight." Kronoa said.

Limulu was speechless, indeed they were very strong, but why didn't they feel nervous at all, even Kronoa, who was going to help, was the same.

However, Cronoa's words worked.

Diablo straightened his body and said, "Indeed, embarrassing Rimuru-sama, this is not something I can allow."

"No way, since this is a combat order—" Galasha was also ready to fight.

Only Veldora had something to say: "Let me tell you, Rimuru, about this, I think it's actually—"

"I'll leave it to you!" The irritable Limulu didn't want to give the uncle a chance to speak.

He had to calm down and find the loopholes from the side, and once again go deep into the inside of Crohnpiss to solve the unknown bug.


Seeing the change in the fist that Milim swung at her, Crompis wanted to pinch her.

That is a skill called [Dragon Tooth], it looks like a fist that is going to hit the face, if you rush to deal with it with Kraunpiss's somewhat addictive cross fist, you may be torn off by a dragon claw before hitting Milim department.

so what?

At the moment of the cross fist, Crohnpiss raised his leg and aimed at Milim's belly, it was a knee bump, punching and kicking at the same time is not a good posture to exert strength, but flying ability plus Bajiquan can hit [inch Strength] is a good skill.

These two blows exploded with great power, and Milim's hand that was trying to break Crounpis's head was knocked away before it could reach her.

Even so, the splash of magic essence caused Crohnpiss' neck to be scratched several times, but it was not a troublesome injury.

As a race that does not need to breathe and has no spine, the sense of superiority is often very strong at this time.

"【Turtle Dragon Qigong】!"

"Huh?! Why?" Cloenpiss stared at the direction of the attack of the azure column of air, she was struck by the thunder, and she was thrown a hundred meters away by the azure column of air.

Veldora strikes!

Well, it’s not enough for Vegetto to travel through time.

Then Veldora also raised a super-large spherical magic bullet constructed with dragon energy and magic elements and threw it over: "【Yuanlong Bullet】!"

"Isn't it a copycat of [Kamehae Qigong] and [Genki Bullet]!" Crohnpiss retaliated and stretched out his scissors hands to Verudor and placed them on his forehead.

"[Future Set-Must Hit], and then—[Mingtong Light Kill Cannon]!"

Crohn Piss jabbed out the scissors, and the high energy gathered between the fingers turned into a spiral beam of light and shot out!

[Yuanlong Bullet] was pierced by the spiral beam in an instant, Crohnpiss guaranteed that this blow was enough to **** Veldora's arm.

But after the huge dragon energy magic element light ball exploded, what appeared from the explosion light was a black dragon.

Veldora's dragon form!

There is a piercing hole on its forelimb with such a horrible edge that even outsiders feel a dull pain in the arm when looking at it.

"Cut, it must be hit, but it must be hit. Is the damage ratio compressed in this way?" Crohn Piss spat.

"What are you doing! I'm just saying hello, you're killing me!" Veldora flapped her wings angrily, setting off a terrifying 【Death Storm】.

"Obviously you are the one who is looking for trouble!" Klaumpis raised his wand "torch" to fight against the incoming [Death Storm].

The result of the anti-wave was similar to the previous one. [Death Storm] was pierced through by the pitch-black pillar, but the wind force still coiled around the outside of the pitch-black pillar and struck at high speed, rolling up Crohnpiss again and throwing it hundreds of meters away.

As for Milim on the other side, Cloenpiss found that she was beginning to be besieged and suppressed by Diablo, Kronoa, and Galashia. By the way, why is Diablo using holy magic like brave men and angels?

But right now Veldora is still important.

"What a mess, the child's father! 【Goddess of Titans】!"

A huge amount of purple-black energy overflowed from Kraunpis's body, swelled and condensed into a huge purple-black Titan statue, and began to beat Veldora.

Veldora was overwhelmed by the sound of "the child's father", and without blinking for a while, he punched Crohnpiss several times.

Veldora was also furious: "Shouldn't it be a touching scene with tears in your eyes (the manga says so)! Why is this, I'm angry!"

He stretched out his paws, and began to horn with Crounpiss.

Although the battle level has not been improved, the roar and vibration of the confrontation between the two behemoths destabilized the entire illusion world.

Crohnpith: "Why do I take turns beating me up when I 'wake up'! What are you doing?"

Veldora: "In the beginning, Milim probably wanted to play with you while you were still out of control."

Cloenpiss: "That's not out of control, it's my rejection of Limulu's ability to penetrate into them casually before I woke up!"

Veldora: "Oh, that, it's true that that skill is kind of scary. I understand, I understand. But it's not important to Milim, right?"

Crohnpiss: "It's very important to me, the boy's father!"

Veldora: " I know that Virustila is my daughter. I understand this feeling. After all, there is a precedent for Milim who is indeed my niece even if she hasn't been together for a long time. But it's not good for your heart to call me that..."

Crohnpiss: "It's okay, I don't have a heart."

Veldora: "I have it!"

Although the conversation clarified things, it was clear that there was no progress, and the battle was still going on, and Klaumpis suddenly started being beaten for no reason, and was very angry; Veldora was originally asked by Rimuru to fight, but it turned out that He also received a beating, and naturally got angry.

The sheer violence of the gigantic storm dragon and the titan intensified.

"tell. The intellectual core 'Charle' issued a dialogue request. "

[Hecatia, the King of Demon Gods] made an announcement.

Crohnpiss: "No time! I don't have any problems here, go away! I'm not sick!"

(to be continued)