Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 206: Sensual safflower

After the banquet, Crompis recovered the main body, responded to Rimuru's request, and called various parties together to hold a meeting as usual.

There were not many attendees looking for Crohnpis, Rimuru, Kronoa, Ultima, Diablo, and Shion, who still looked more like a secretary than standing quietly as Rimuru's cushion.

Kronpiss just sat down on the sofa, but she wanted to raise her legs, but she couldn't do it, because Verustila directly reversed Kronpiss's [King of Lanyan], and suddenly found He sat on her lap with his buttocks, his shoulders were resting on his unexpected chest, and his legs were drooping.

Crohnpiss was helpless, thinking that it would be okay to deal with her Alice, and hugged her as a pillow at will.

As a result, Milim and Veldora, who became relatives, were also there, but most likely the former would not take the initiative to listen to anything, at most, he would play the role of the ancient demon king and explain a little when he had intellectual questions; the latter was reading manga as usual .

Crohnpiss first explained his situation.

She admits that she knows that the demon kingdom will inevitably be punished if she promotes it to humans. Anyway, Limulu is the one who proposed to set up a theater troupe and let Crompiss become the "monster princess" instead, and let him take the blame.

At the same time, she doesn't hide it - she doesn't refuse to fight, and hopes to become stronger. Since the higher the personality, the harder it is to improve, she wants to use the highest version of the [Holy Purification Barrier] when most of the monster's power is difficult to use, Trying to upgrade by splitting itself into multiple low-end existences turned out to be not ineffective.

Her "death" was also caused by this and the "underestimation" of the enemy's cards that she "didn't" discover when fighting Hinata.

However, she insisted that she died because she accidentally took it off while playing, but the astral body has been lurking and waiting for the opportunity to be resurrected. Even if everyone leaves it alone, they can be resurrected and collect the fragments no later than a year later.

Diablo proudly said that he had seen through it long ago.

Seeing this, Crohnpiss breathed a sigh of relief, the weird smile she had when she saw the nameless "Big Pineapple" for the first time was indeed correct. Part of the initiative to confess can gain Limuru's trust.

As for the extent of the so-called human’s hole cards——

"Actually, human beings have enough cards to instantly kill Limuru, even Milim would find it tricky to go." Kronpiss said with a look at Kronoa who was present.

Kronoa noticed Crohnpiss' gaze and said, "That's true. Although there are only incomplete fragments, there was one time when Hinata was easily killed by Master Sunyao...and also the ancient brave Gulan Bell."

Rimuru: "Then, the last time Milim went to the 'Kicking Hall', Hinata was assassinated by the people of the Eastern Empire, the reason why he didn't make a move, could it be?"

Kronoa nodded and said: "That's right, within the Western Saints Church, there are factional struggles in all Western countries. In addition to the status of the brave and the Western Saints Church's Sunshine Master, Gulan Bell also has the Luo Zuo clan who is in charge of the overall economy of the countries. The five old identities, their group is very repulsed by Hinata, who is the guardian of human beings and is also independent and uncontrollable."

Therefore, Hinata either died at the hands of the enemy or at the hands of the so-called own, and Chloe's reincarnation seemed to never stop.

"Really, alas." Rimuru nodded heavily. He had seen Hinata before, so he didn't think she was a bad person. But whether it's her stubborn way of protecting human beings, or his desire to live in harmony with human beings so that the convenient economy of the Demon Kingdom penetrates into the western countries, it's all a matter of stepping on the tail of the ancient griffin.

Even if Limulu is not an expert, he can know the consequences of such things as making a big political and economic cake without authorization.

Kraunpiss said: "Ask Yuuki or Kleiman about the stronger cards of human beings. I haven't had time yet."

To be precise, it was what Clayman wanted during the cooperation with Yuuki to revive the Demon Lord Kasalim, but it was still taken away by the Luo Zuo clan.

The process is unknown to Crohnpiss,

But since they can't get it, they must be willing to sell information and personal favors.

"I know." Virustila, who was sitting on Crompis's lap, suddenly raised his hand to signal.



Limuru and Crompis made a sound of surprise, you know, although Virustila is considered a demon king, everyone still treats her like a child. Aside from her age as the Great Tempest Vortex, she is indeed a child who just emerged from the womb of Cloenpiss not long ago.

"Has little Stella ever done it?" Klaumpis patted Verustila's little head and asked pretendingly.

Virustila raised the tip of her nose and said, "Hmph, Winnie told me."

"Who is Winnie?" Limuru asked.

"...Huh? Haven't you seen it before?" Virustila tilted his head in disbelief.

"I've seen it. "

Charles seconded.

"Ah, sorry, but most of the people here don't know each other, so please explain in detail." Limulu said.

"Ah, that." Milim began to interject, "That's the female necromancer dragon that Clayman's subordinates just evolved into after receiving the blessing of the awakened Demon It's much more handsome than wild dragons. It feels like It’s a good idea to put her in the maze, I originally wanted to give her to Rimuruda.”

"The reason you remember is the last one, right? If you want to add a dragon boss to the maze, go to the wild to catch it." Limulu replied, thinking that it should be the beautiful dragon who invited him on behalf of Clayman last time. Bar.

However, it does look pretty good, and it has a lot of characteristics. If Milim is really caught, if Clayman doesn't file a complaint, he won't be unable to accept it...

The reason why the delusion was interrupted was because Shion seemed to have a fierce expression for a Limuru quickly asked Virustila: "So, Miss Winnie's information was entrusted by Clayman to tell you?"

"No," Virustila shook his head, "it was the Demon King's Banquet last time. If you didn't go, Limuru, it happened that Ramiris wasn't going either, so I went. Clayman recently showed off all the things he got What about the subordinates who blessed evolution. Because there were too many people, it became a buffet, so we can chat freely. Clayman has always regarded the human country as an imaginary enemy, so the relevant information will be shared with subordinates who have corresponding applications. Originally belonged to the Church of Western Saints Amanda told me so."

Rimuru: "Clayman can even get people from the Western Saints Church?"

Virus Tira: "Listen to him, he was jealous of his promotion in the past, and was persecuted by the 'Master Qiyao'."

Rimuru: "Speaking of which, the Nine Demons Jade Algae that Crompiss bought from him was originally persecuted by the Eastern Empire? Clayman is really good at recruiting talents in this area."

(to be continued)

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