Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 209: Organize the Founding Ceremony

"Boom!" Hinata suddenly sat up, feeling as if a shell had broken through his body.

"Is this revived again? I didn't expect monsters to have that kind of power. It's not without capital to have the idea of ​​showing off in front of the so-called 'human strongest guardian'. But he is really a childish guy, completely different from his appearance. It’s the same. But considering the forward swing of the move and the obvious external phenomenon, it’s not a difficult move for me to deal with. It seems that after being a hero, I’m too careless and proud. Using Kronoa The power to win is not the power I have now."

Whether it is friend or foe, it is necessary to formulate a strategy, but first deal with the current problem.

"The familiar ceiling... the room of Lord Luminas, was that the seal that kept my corpse just now? If that's the case, contact Lord Luminas directly to bring my corpse to the Demon Kingdom, and use the skills of Lord Luminas Maybe it can be revived. That guy deliberately found an opportunity to beat me up, didn't he?"

"Hinata!" Luminas, who was here from the beginning, rushed up like a wolf and hugged Hinata, "Kronoa and the seal made by my concubine disappeared for no reason, I thought something happened What! The soul has come back! What happened in the middle, please explain it to the concubine!"

"I get it, there's a mountain of things to do, but—"

Hinata began to push the **** she served vigorously, with a little anger in her tone: "Don't smell everywhere, and touch strange places! And - put on your clothes!"


look back—

Virustila, who had just extinguished Hinata once, covered his arms and rolled over, screaming: "Wow...Wow...Wow...It hurts! I'm hurt! Mom, mom, I'm hurt, okay Pain! Where is the skill [Null Pain Sense]? Wow! "

"Let me tell you, there should be a limit if you want to be passionate. If you take the trick and do it head-on, it will definitely happen." Croynpiss felt like crying.

She was so handsome just now, but such a big difference is simply too embarrassing. Generally speaking, even if the bone is broken and the marrow is sacrificed, she accepts it with gratitude, is it like her "child"?

It's really not good to give the child the same as the phone bill, it's too ridiculous.

"Well, I understand your feelings very well." Limulu took out the complete recovery potion, patted Crounpiss, and planned to hand it over to her.

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack my son, your practice is not enough. I can get rid of that little girl without getting hurt." Veldora said with a big laugh.

"You, who was slashed by Kronoa before and yelled and dodged desperately, are the least qualified to say that!" Rimuru gave Veldora a contemptuous look.

Kraunpis took Virustila's little hand and looked at it. What a good guy, the attack didn't hurt the soul, but touched the spiritual body, pierced from the palm, destroyed along the arm, and reached the shoulder. For Virustila, who had never felt real pain due to the nature of her life even though she had been wounded in battle, this pain was unprecedented.

"Hey, I'll restore it for you." Crohnpiss casually reversed the time of the torn and pierced mental body to the state before the war.

"Thank you, Mom." Virustila shook his right hand, and after feeling pain-free, he raised his chin and asked, "By the way... Next, do you want to continue the meeting?"

"Oh, it's already noon, let's have dinner and rest at lunch first." Limulu breathed out and said.

"Then, I'll contact Victoria and Lin Xian first. Take your time."

Klaumpis was about to leave, but Virustila raised her hand and volunteered, "Mom, I'm going too."

"There is no little Stella on the human side now, so you need to be busy?"

"Since Limuru is definitely planning to make a move, shouldn't we bring back the important captives from the brave team?"

"...Little Stella is so self-conscious, mom, I am very happy." Klauen Piss read with her face stick in her hands.

About two hours later, the meeting reopened with the same participants.

Lim showed up to the group of companions, crossed his hands with confidence, and supported his chin with the back of his hand, and said: "In short, let's discuss the future policy. Wait for Hyuga to help us clear up the relationship, so that the Brummond Kingdom, Sally The Ang Magic Dynasty and Farmus... The newly-born Farumenas Kingdom recognized our status. Then we held a grand founding ceremony, exhibiting all kinds of achievements that make everyone covet investment transactions, attracting investment, and letting The Demon Nation is eligible to enter the council, which is quite influential in the Western economy, so the hidden enemies will definitely be unable to hold back their attacks... No, maybe they will send people to investigate intelligence in advance before the founding ceremony, and even use our originally loose system to attack Into our interior. Then we can use this to release a false loophole, lure the enemy to take the bait, and then clean them up in one fell swoop. It will be ready in a week."

Cloenpiss: "You're not discussing, but telling, right? Shouldn't you gather your own people to discuss it during this period of time? There is no room for better revision in the general direction."

"Well... Anyway, I'm also a king. It's time to show off my strong decision-making power." Limuru said humbly, while suppressing Shion and Diablo who seemed to be about to start adding brain supplements at any time.

As soon as they chase after them, Limuru may fall into a certain height, especially Diablo, who boasted for a long time.

" Don't you think it's easy to organize the founding ceremony?" Cloenpiss also put on Limuru's pretendingly deep posture and said while staring at him.

Rimuru: "Shouldn't it be a bigger banquet?"

Crohnpiss slapped the table, got up and bent over and approached Limulu: "You said you want to attract investment, enter the council, and also attract hidden enemies to attack us so that we can catch them all?"

Limulu: "Yes, yes, what's the matter? The efficiency and combat effectiveness of holding festivals in the Demon Kingdom should not be a problem, right?"

"That—" Crohnpiss deliberately paused for a few seconds, and then spit out a series of questions like cannonballs, "The Demon Kingdom currently has no financial credit, no national debt, and the amount of common currency reserves for human countries that can conduct large transactions is also large. It’s not enough, how do you pay? Do you think you can barter like other monsters and demon countries? Or do you want to trade directly with precious metals and gems as currency? Or are you planning to loot the treasury from the Kingdom of Farmus? As a reserve?"

"This, this... Be tough... Wouldn't it be better to be tough? Don't worry, I will definitely not use preferential methods to solve it." Limulu hesitated.

(to be continued)